Labour market in Romania

Labour market in Romania
A) Most requested occupations on the labour market
According to the data resulting from the declarations of the business organizations
regarding the requested occupations (vacant positions) in the evidence of the National
Agency for the Occupation of the Work Force (NAOWF), at the end of august 2006 there
were 21306 vacant jobs registered.
At national level, for persons with higher education, they offered 996 jobs, the most
requested qualifications being:
1) Engineers: 494 jobs
2) Economic counsellor for management: 41
3) Legal adviser: 26
4) Economic counsellor for general economy: 21
5) Pharmacist: 20
6) Specialized inspector in public administration: 17
7) Economic counselor: 10
8) Constructions architect: 9
For the persons with medium and professional studies, NAOWF offers 20310 jobs. Most
requested occupation/vocation:
garment workers
sales agents (representatives)
B) Most unattractive occupations on the labour market (working force deficits):
1) Farmers and qualified workers in agriculture, forestry and fishing
2) Technicians, chief operators
3) Craftsmen and qualified workers in occupations of the following types: handmade, adjustment and maintenance of machines and installations
4) Unqualified workers
Some comments
a) In the years of economic transition, the volume of occupation in Romania has
decreased almost continuously, and its distribution on branches and sectors has changed
b) The labour request and offer are not homogeneous, but are composed of noncompetitive segments and groups, or less competitive ones, not being able to mutually
substitute each other but in some limits or not at all.
c) Most important personnel fluctuations (hiring and quitting in the companies) take place
especially in the case of occupations which do not require high level of education or
qualification, the highest scores being obtained by the following occupations: unqualified
worker, garment worker, security agent, etc