Enclosure 3A - Project Summary Form

Enclosure 3A - Project Summary Form
Application for Wildland Urban Interface Fuels / Education and
Prevention / Community Planning for Fire Protection Projects
Kittitas County Community Development Services
Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip):
411 North Ruby Suite 4, Ellensburg WA 98926
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator (Name and Title):
Derald Gaidos, Fire Marshal
Kittitas County Community Development Services
Project Information
Project Title:
Kittitas County Firewise 2003-1 Liberty Fuels Reduction
Proposed Project Start Date:
Proposed Project End Date:
April 2004
December 31, 2005
Federal Funding Request:
Total Project Funding:
Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize:
Brief Project Description:
Kittitas/Yakima Counties Firewise has been previously awarded funding for a coordinator position to assess
the wildfire dangers of approx. 2700 at risk homes, priortize these homes, secure funding and oversee the
contractural implmentation of fuels reduction. Liberty has been proven with RAMS to be our #1 target area
within Kittitas County. The Liberty Fuel Reduction project is in high danger and in high fire activity areas.
(1)These areas are able to be protected as a group with shaded fuel breaks and providing defensible spaces
and breaks in the fuel continuity. (2)The reduction of fuels in the "privately owned areas" of the project will
allow these areas to be demonstration sites for the community to use as an educational site. (3)Individual
home site prescriptions will be available from trained staff with work being done by contractors with chippers
that will be available for the fuels to be able to change the biomass to chips rather that attempting to burn the
altered fuels. This plan will allow the best in protection from wildfire for these properties.
Project Location (latitude/longitude if applicable):
Congressional District:
Liberty Area
Kittitas County
Project Type: Check appropriate project type. More than one type may be checked. If only Box (4) is checked, use Enclosure 4.
Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Project
Wildland Urban Interface Education and Prevention Project
Community Planning for Fire Protection Project
Fuels Utilization and Marketing Project
If the applicant is an unincorporated area, define the geographic area being represented:
Liberty Area is located 16 miles Ne of Cle Elum WA off of Hwy 97
Enclosure 3B (Page 1 of 3) - Project Narrative Description
Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than one page,
single space, 12-pitch font.
Describe project including, but not limited to:
 project location
Address these
 project implementation
items as
 anticipated outcomes
 measures and reporting
 interagency partners
project relationship to community or natural landscape fire plans
project time frames and income
specify types of activities and equipment used
amount or extent of actions (acres, number of homes, etc)
environmental, cultural and historical resource requirements
Kittitas County Firewise Grant 2003-01 (Liberty Fuel Reduction) is to implement fuel reduction at
priority high risk, high danger, high fire activity areas. This site has problems and conditions that have
prioritized via RAMS as a site needing immediate attention. In the past 120 years this development has done
little to remove the fuels that have continued to grow since the developments were first founded. At the time
of inception these developments were never thought to be anything other than for mining use. As years have
passed the homes have become larger, become fulltime recreational and even full-time residents. With the
buildout of the home sites, being supplied with substandard road systems, water systems that were for
domestic use only with no planning for fire flow or even a fire department, and building construction types
that were not designed for the fire resistivity, the fire danger has increased dramatically.
This project is predicated from a RAMS evaluation (2003) proving the need. Within Kittitas County the
anticipated outcome of the project is reduced ground fuels that will allow the fire proofing of these
developments. The partners of this project will be: Liberty Home Owners Association, Liberty Mt. Home
Owners Association, USFS, DNR, Kittitas County Community Development Services, Kittitas County Fire
Districts #1, #2, #3, #4,#5, #6, #7, #8, Cle Elum Fire, Ellensburg Fire, Roslyn Fire, S. Cle Elum Fire
Departments, as each department would be in a mutual aid situation as the private land holders are surrounded
by USFS land.
The time frame to start the project is in the Spring of 2004 and finish in the Fall of 2005. Approx. 75 homes
will be protected by this project of mechanical and hand fuel reduction work. The National Fire Plan will be
supported by the interagency attempt to reduce fuel loading at sites where previous lack of fire planning
efforts have lead to less than favorable firesafe sites within Kittitas County putting all at risk who live there
and all that would respond to these locations. This project had previously be approved and was not funded
due to budget concerns.
As the 2003 Fire Season is approaching, the urgency to implement this plan is utmost. If the fire season does
not directly impact these homeowners associations by way of fires, the teachable moments of last few years
of drought should be used before a year of normal precipitaion clouds the dangers of wildfire with the dangers
being passed on to the next dry year.
The fire dangers will never leave these developments without fuel reduction programs to lessen the
transmission of wildfire. The roads, water system and houses are already in place. We can alter some of the
variables but most are cemented in stone. Fuel reduction in a constructive manner will allow the public to
enjoy their property and still be in as safe as possible within developed areas. The fuel reduction will give a
distancing of fuels on forested lands to protect the very large USFS landholding in the tributaries above the
developments. By using chippers to reduce the fuels to another biomass state, the enviromental aspect of the
project will enhance the forest. By chipping the biomass it takes the need out of burning the residue and
lessens possible accidental fire starts and returns the nutrements to the forest floor will halting the growth of
small brush plants via the "beauty bark syndrome".
Liberty is a Gold Mining location that has been in existance scince the 1880's. Its historical and cultural
importance are documented in many actions that have taken place to preseve this small historical district from
legal problems in the 1970's to repeal the take over of the district from the federal goverment. Again on 9-1489 a forest fire burned 140 acres ajoinined the area nearly destriying the area. Liberty has formed a historical
district that allows home and or structures to be built under strict guidelines that include clearing around new
homes and fireproof roofing due to the fire of 1989.
Enclosure 3B (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria
Applications for funding must include narrative responses that address the following four criteria. Within each criterion, subcriteria are listed in descending order of importance. Limit your responses to the areas provided.
1. Reducing Fire Risk. (40 points))
A. Describe how the proposal promotes reduction of risk in high hazard areas or communities, or natural landscapes.
B. Describe how the proposed project benefits resources on federal land or adjacent non-federal land, or how it protects the safety
of communities.
C. To what extent does the project implement or create a cooperative (1) fuels treatment plan or (2) community fire strategy
(include evidence of the plan if it already exists)?
D. Explain to what extent the affected community or proponent has been involved or plans to involve the affected community in a
qualified fuels education program (e.g., FIREWISE).
E. Explain how the proposal (1) leads to, enhances or restores a local fire-adapted ecosystem, and/or (2) mitigates or leads to the
mitigation of hazardous fuel conditions.
F. How will the proposed treatments or programs be maintained in future years?
Response: :
Kittitas 2003-1 is in high hazard, high risk, high fire activity areas. By reducing the dangers of
transmission of fire between homes and wildland, risk to surrounding areas will be lessened. By reducing the
fuels of the developments, the paths of evacuation will be made safer. With the chance of slowing and or
stopping the fire in a treated area of the development the spread of the fire would be controlled by the shaded
fuel break/defensable space. The proposed work is in an area already atune to the fire dangers. The Liberty
Area had fire losses in 1989, were effected by the drought of 2001-03 and experienced the effects of large
scale fires from the fires of Washington State in 1994 & 2001 . This project would follow the National Fire
Plan by reducing fire risk, increasing local capacity, expanding community participation and increasing
interagency coordination. Both Kittitas County Employees and Liberty Homeowners Association
represenatives have participated, hosted and been speakers at FIREWISE Community Workshops within
Washington State. This plan will allow for mitigation of the removal of biomass from one state to another.
The chips spread on the forest floor will inhibit growth, provide for moisture retention, add to erosion control
and soil enhancement. The owners of the land will be in charge of the maintenance of the fuel breaks for
future considerations.
2. Increasing local capacity. (30 points)
A. How would the proposal improve or lead to the improvement of the local economy in terms of jobs and sustainable economic
activity? How many jobs are expected to be created or retained and for how long (please distinguish between essentially yearround and seasonal jobs)? How will this proposal link to toher projects (or proposed projects) to create year-round jobs?
B. To what extent will this project be offered to serve as a model for other communities or natural landscapes?
C. Will biomass or forest fuels be utilized; if so, in what manner and how much?
Response: The project
will educate the public and the homeowner associations while treating the ground fuels
in the high risk development locations. These homeowners in this developmen/subdivision will have the fuel
treatment done to common areas and ajacent to structures. While the areas have many such developments,
the trickle down of jobs is expected, as education furthers, the need for fuel reduction will increase. Fuel
treatment work is expected to support 4-6 jobs in the area. These contractors are displaced timber workers
who have changed their jobs and are using previous skills to maintain an income. The expected extent of the
job outlook is for a minimum of 5 years and then an ongoing maintenance of the treated fuel areas. These
jobs are weather related and seasonal. All reports and records are available to any and all agencies upon
request. At this time staff working on these projects within Kittitas County are asked to be guest speakers
through out Washington State. We have used information from other jursidictions and feel strongly about the
positive effects of sharing information. At this time all chipped material is placed back on the forest floor due
to lack of marketability of this low grade chip from industry. If a landowner requests the chips be removed
that is done and used other places within Kittitas County. Market changes would and could make the biomass
chips a marketable product in the future.
Enclosure 3B (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria
3. Increasing interagency and intergovernmental coordination. (15 Points)
A. Describe how this project implements a local intergovernmental strategy or plan, or creates such a plan. Describe the plan if it
already exists.
B. Explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning through a “Local Coordination Group” for wildland fire
activities, or among federal, state, tribal, local government and community organizations. List the cooperators (a detailed list
of cooperators will be required for projects that are funded).
Response: At
this time K2003-1 in a location that has good working relationships with responding agencies
both local, state and federal. In new proposals of sub-divisions within the urban interface areas, the process is
such that comments are gathered from all agencies to allow the latest available best common practices to be
used to protect the residents of the new as well as surrounding developments. Our older developments are
approaching buildout and these developments are less than firesafe. Re-building roads and altering structures
is impratical due to costs. Fuel reduction is the only possible way to firesafe these areas practically speaking.
We in Kittitas County are tackling the Urban Interface Wildfire as piority in our problem solving efforts. By
having a controlling effort on the new development and a effort to solve past problems we believe that the
wildfire issue could be controlled as much as possible with the implementation of these projects. Local FD's
and interested persons have tried to lead the effort to do something with these dangerous fire areas for years.
Recent years have shown that fuel reduction is in effect, mimicking fire with the results that promote good
forest health. The partners of this project will be: Liberty Home Owners Association, Liberty Mountian Home
Owners Associations along with USFS,Washington State Fish & Wildlife, WADNR, Kittitas County
Community Development Services, Kittitas County Fire Districts #1, #2, #3, #4,#5, #6, #7, #8, Cle Elum
Fire, Ellensburg Fire, Roslyn Fire, S. Cle Elum Fire Departments.
4. Expanding Community Participation. (15 Points)
A. To what extent have interested individuals, groups, and communities been provided an opportunity to become informed and
involved in this proposal?
B. Describe the extent of local support or opposition for the project, including any cost-sharing arrangements.
C. What are the environmental, social and educational benefits or concerns of the project?
have been held at sites promoting fire safety and at the 4th of July 2002 celebration
materials and speakers were present to address fire safety. They understand the dangers that are within their
development and have started taking steps to make it a safer place via increasing some individual fuel
reductions and individual fire pump systems. Meeting of these groups have lead to plans being formed
awaiting funding. A 2001 FIREWISE project was done in the Upper Kittitas County with a coordinator that
did contractural, public and media projects. The ability of an individual homeowner to receive a prescription
was also done by the coordinator, training prescription writters to do individual home prescriptions. The
Kittitas County Fire Prevention Group was re-formated as Kittitas County FIREWISE Coop with individual,
corporate and govermental persons being involved. This Coop is meeting once a month and has held a
FIREWISE worksop in Fall 2001 & Summer 2002, for local persons with good results. Support of these
projects is very well received as the need for the fire prevention is very evident. We have a very special
connection as four wildland fire fighters who died in 2001 in Winthrops 30 Mile Fire were from Central
Washington, with one local man being from Kittitas County. Our county is very sensitive about wildfires,
and at this point we have a teachable moment to utilize. In-kind work for this project will be tracked for
future reference and study. The project will chip all product thus lessening the dangers of fire and promoting
clean air.
Response: Public meetings
Enclosure 3C - Project Work Form
Time Frame
Responsible Party
Recieve approval of funding
Fall 2003
USFS/Federal Goverment
Recieve Funding
Fall 2003
USFS/Federal Goverment
Meeting of all partners in project,
scope of work, finalize plans, prepare
bids, advertize bids
Funding + 45 days
Kittitas County Firewise
Open Bids, hire contractor start work
April 2004
Kittitas County FireWise
Complete Work and end contract
October 2005
Contractor & Kittitas County
Firewise Group.
Top of Form
Enclosure 4D - Project Budget
Cost Category
Partner 1
Partner 2
Fringe Benefits
maps (inkind)
Total Costs
Project (Program) Income1
Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the
grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees
earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of
commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project
period may require prior approval by the granting agency.