S7.3 Ton Peijs Processing nanocomposites for multifunctional properties

Processing nanocomposites for multifunctional properties
Ton Peijs
School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary, University of London,
Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, UK (t.peijs@qmul.ac.uk)
This paper reports on different processing strategies for the creation of highly
organised nanocomposites based on carbon nanostructures with the aim of improving
mechanical or electrical properties.
Short Biography
Ton Peijs received his PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)
and joined Queen Mary in 1999. His research interests cover the whole technology
platform from processing and characterisation to the performance evaluation and
applications of polymers and their composites. In recent years, his work has mainly
focused on the utilization of nanoscale architecture in nanocomposites, TP is the author
or co-author of over 200 scientific papers and is the editor-in-chief of ‘Nanocomposites’
(Maney Publ.), a new journal fully devoted to nanocomposite research. He is the
recipient of the 2008 Dutch Polymer Award of Polymer Technology Netherlands (PTN)
and the 2010 Swinburne Medal & Prize of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
(IOM3) and is involved in the exploitation of nanocomposite research by industry
through Nanoforce Technology Ltd a spin-out company, wholly-owned by QMUL
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