NCATE: I. Overview and Conceptual Framework

American University – School of Education, Teaching, and Health
NCATE: I. Overview and Conceptual Framework
I.3 Summarize programs offered at initial and advanced preparation levels
(including off-campus, distance learning, and alternate route programs), status of state
approval, national recognition, and if applicable, findings of other national accreditation
associations related to the preparation of education professionals.
SETH offers programs that prepare teachers, educational leaders and managers, education specialists,
health promotion specialists, and researchers for careers in schools, colleges and universities, federal,
state and local government agencies, business, and community and professional organizations. These
programs provide candidates with opportunities to collaborate with professionals in public schools,
educational organizations, and federal agencies through internships, practica, and research. Training in
international education prepares graduates for careers in international organizations, nongovernmental
organizations, international schools, and government agencies.
SETH prepares teachers for initial certification in a total of nine teacher education programs. These
programs are designed to prepare teachers for Kindergarten through 12th grade, in alignment with the
District of Columbia's licensure requirements. Candidates complete their student teaching/internship
experiences at urban and suburban placements in public and non-public schools throughout the DC
metropolitan area. SETH offers no off-campus or online professional education programs, nor does it
support any branch campuses.
SETH offers initial teacher education programs at undergraduate and graduate levels and one advanced
program at the graduate level. Programs of study for each program can be found in Exhibit i.5.a. The
status of the program review process can be found in AIMS. The programs include:
BA in Elementary Education
BA or BS in Secondary or K12 Education
Graduate Certificates in Early Childhood, Elementary, ESOL, K12, or Secondary Education
MAT in in Early Childhood, Elementary, ESOL, K12, or Secondary Education
MA in Special Education: Learning Disabilities
MEd in Curriculum and Instruction: Education Policy and Leadership or Literacy