Hermitage Academy Engaging Pupils - Supporting Learners – Depute Head Teacher Douglas Morgan


Hermitage Academy

Douglas Morgan – Depute Head Teacher

Engaging Pupils - Supporting Learners

Curriculum for Excellence Leadership Event – Thursday 13 th March 2014

Hermitage Academy

Douglas Morgan – Depute Head Teacher

Engaging Pupils - Supporting Learners

Curriculum for Excellence Leadership Event – Thursday 13 th March 2014

Hermitage Academy

Douglas Morgan – Depute Head Teacher

Engaging Pupils - Supporting Learners

Curriculum for Excellence Leadership Event – Thursday 13 th March 2014

Helensburgh – the hidden gem of the Clyde

Hermitage Academy

1334 pupils

96.4 staff

HT and 4 DHTs

Highland and Lowland Catchment


11 Associated primaries

Main Areas of Remit

DHT for S1 and S2

Pupil Support / Guidance

ASN Assistants

Classroom Assistants

Multi Agency Links

Joint Support Team

Child Protection Co-ordinator

Primary Secondary Transition

Hermitage Academy

Douglas Morgan – Depute Head Teacher

Engaging Pupils - Supporting Learners

Curriculum for Excellence Leadership Event – Thursday 13 th March 2014

Supporting Children

Legislation and Policy

Supporting Learners

‘Every child and young person is entitled to support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities which Curriculum for Excellence can provide’

Building the Curriculum 3

Building the Curriculum 3

Review of learning and planning next steps

Gaining access to learning activities which will meet their needs

Planning for opportunities for achievement

Preparing for changes and choices and a positive destination

Schools working with partners

Getting the best out of Curriculum for Excellence

Summary Document

 Entitlement to Support

 Universal Support

 Targeted Support

Universal Support

 Responsibility of all staff to take child centred approach that supports inclusion

 Personal Learning Planning at centre of opportunities to help them realise potential for achievement

 Regular discussions regarding their development with adult that knows them well

Targeted Support

 Focused short or long term support to overcome barriers to their learning

 ASN – Specific Learning Needs,

SEBD or home circumstances

 Pupils who require support with positive destinations

 Provided by specially trained in school staff but may also involve external partners where appropriate

Pupil Entitlement

Key Adult

 Works with the pupil on their development, both academically and personally

 Traditionally within 3-18


Primary – Class Teacher

Secondary – PT Guidance

 Nationally Secondary Schools are

‘increasingly moving towards developing all teachers as Key Adults, eg by enhancing the role of form tutors’

National Picture

(at the time)

 Implemented in a number of schools across Scotland

 Case Study examples – Education Scotland

Dalziel High

Balfron High

Cardinal Newman

- Homeroom (20 pupils - mix of S1 to S6)

- Was 15 mins per day but has been increased to 30 mins

- Target setting, tracking and monitoring discussions, programme of general activities, class administration and thematic weeks.

Detailed Planning

Implementation Timeline

Implementation Timeline

How did we plan to deliver this entitlement?



 Time for staff focus to be on CfE Course Implementation

 Pressure to start from August 2012

 Appropriate timescale for planning, training and implementation

 Relevant materials prepared for successful start

I just love

How did we plan to deliver this entitlement?

Relevant Good Practice and Training

Kevin Clancy

 Educational Consultant and

CPD Provider

 National Expert on Supporting


 North Lanarkshire and Dundee

Kevin’s Training Diary

 Tried and tested training

 31 st October 2012: Initial

Session with Kevin

 27 th February 2013:

Developing Tutors –

Supporting Learners

 3 rd May (am): The Role of the

Tutor Team

Kevin’s Training Diary

 3 rd May (pm): The Role of the

Tutor Team with Link PTG

 13 th August: In-service Day

Training with Link PTG

 Termly Meetings with Link



 3 initial training sessions for all teaching staff

 3 rd May 2013 - Session 1: Developing Tutors – Supporting


 w/b 3 rd June 2013 - Session 2: Issuing of the Master i-time folders and draft calendars

 13 th August 2013 – Session 3: Effective Communication for

Successful Tutoring/Supporting.

Regular Formal Meetings

Wednesday 11 th September 2013 (3.40pm-4.40pm)

Friday 15 th November 2013 (In-Service Day 3)

Wednesday 22 nd January 2014 (3.40pm-4.40pm)

Monday 17 th March 2014 (In-Service Day 4)

Wednesday 23 rd April 2014 (3.40pm-4.40pm)

Friday 23 rd May 2014 (In-Service Day 5)

Wednesday 4 th June 2014 (3.40pm-4.40pm)

Professional Development

 Solutions Orientated Schools Programme (SOS)

 Respect Me Training – Focused on Junior School Tutors initially

How did we plan to deliver this entitlement?

Appropriate Time Allocation

(for staff and pupils)

Changes to the School Day

The New School Day

 30 minute i-time slot made up from:

- 10 minutes from registration

- 4 x 5 minutes from 4 periods in the day

 No change to start or finish times

 Standardised School Day: Monday – Friday

6 x 50 minute periods

Appropriate Time

 30 minute i-time slot per day gives appropriate time to:


Deliver the pupil entitlement to get the best out of the opportunities that Curriculum for Excellence can provide


Allow staff to carry out their responsibilities for the Universal entitlement of their class

Appropriate Time

 Expectation that pastoral remit and responsibility for universal support will be undertaken during i-time

 Only every so often that staff would use part of the one period a week allocated for pastoral duties to ensure appropriate provision

How do we identify the Key Adult?

 All pupils who arrive at Hermitage with registered Additional Support Needs -

Lead Pupil Support Teacher

 Pupils referred through Staged

Intervention process will have

PTG/LPST/PTWS/DHT as their Key


 For pupils who require Universal

Support – Tutor/Supporter

Staged Intervention

i-time Summary

Support for the Key Adult

Support Structure







Pupi l Support Team 2013 -14

Mr Morgan

(D H T S1/2)

Mrs Muir

(PT J unior

Sc hool)

Mis s Fis her

(DHT S3/4)

Mr H utc his on

(PT Middle

Sc hool)


Trev ely an

(DHT 5/6)

Mrs Mac Kay

(PT Senior

Sc hool)

Mrs Elv in

Mis s Sheen

(PTs Guidanc e)

Mr Millar

(PT Guidanc e)

Mrs Futamata

Mr Turnbull

(PTs Guidanc e)

Mrs Biennier

(PT Guidanc e)

Mrs Fletc her

(PT Guidanc e)

Mis s C ullen

(PT Guidanc e)

Mrs C ow an

(PT Pupil


Mrs Brew er

(Lead Pupil

Support Teac her)

Mr Mac Kenz ie

(Lead Pupil

Support Teac her)

Mrs Mc Auley

(Lead Pupil

Support Teac her)

Mr Berrall

(Lead Pupil

Support Teac her)

12 Tutors

12 Tutors

12 Tutors








S5 i-time



Support for






Pastoral Role of Key Adult

Photo of pupils with PLP above banner

S1-3 i-time (Pupil / Tutor)

S4-6 i-time (Student / Supporter)

Staff Folders

Pupil Study Folders

Filing cabinet

Structure and organisation

Understanding the role

Effective Communication with Parents

Detailed Lesson Plans

CfE Overview

Regular Formal Meetings

Wednesday 11 th September 2013 (3.40pm-4.40pm)

Friday 15 th November 2013 (In-Service Day 3)

Wednesday 22 nd January 2014 (3.40pm-4.40pm)

Monday 17 th March 2014 (In-Service Day 4)

Wednesday 23 rd April 2014 (3.40pm-4.40pm)

Friday 23 rd May 2014 (In-Service Day 5)

Wednesday 4 th June 2014 (3.40pm-4.40pm)

Quality Assurance

Content Observation

Content Observation – S2

Content Observation – S4

Quality of

Learning and Teaching

S1 S2

Junior PLP/Senior Folder Sampling

Pupil/Student Evaluation

Pupil/Student Evaluation

Tutor/Supporter Evaluation

Tutor/Supporter Evaluation

Parental Feedback

 Parent Council involved in planning stage and throughout implementation

 Use feedback from wider Parental Forum gathered at

Consultation and Information Evenings

Quality Assurance

Change in culture

 Pupils taking on responsibility for own learning and self study

 Having the skills to engage in the process of consolidation

 Tutor/Supporter having daily opportunity to provide

Universal Support and chance to set a clear tone of a positive work ethic

 We all benefit from this:

- Positive relationships

- Raised attainment and achievement

Contact Details

Douglas Morgan (DHT)

Hermitage Academy

Cardross Road


G84 7LA

Tel No: 01436-672-145

E-mail: Douglas.Morgan@argyll-bute.gov.uk

i-time tours
