Residence Hall Association American University


Megan O’Toole



Joanne Frangias

Vice President of

Administration & Finance


Nate Warszawski

Vice President of

Advocacy &

Community Coordination


Sarah Nylen

Vice President of



Jody Gregory

National Communications



Devin Moore

Chief of Staff


Daniel DeHollander



American University

Residence Hall Association

c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142

Phone: (202) 885-1878 | FAX: (202) 885-1154 | E-mail: |

General Assembly Minutes

April 2, 2015

 Call to Order o Meeting called to order at 9:03 pm

 Attendance o Anderson

 5/7, 1 late

 Proxies: 0 o Cassell

 3/7, o Centennial

 Proxies: 0

 4/7, 1 late

 Proxies: 0 o Hughes

 7/7,

 Proxies: 0 o Leonard

 5/7

 Proxies: 0 o Letts Clark and Roper

 6/7,

 Proxies: 0 o McDowell

 2/7,

 Proxies: 0 o Nebraska

 0/7

 Proxies: 0

 Minutes Approval x2 o Motion- made by Matt- to approve Feb. 26, 2015 GA’s minutes by unanimous consent

 Seconded by Saagar o Motion- made by Saagar- to approve last GA’s minutes by unanimous consent

 Seconded

 Agenda Approval o Motion- Add OTM presentation to Agenda by unanimous consent by Meghan

 Seconded

 Hall Reports o Anderson

 Hall wars o Cassell

 Earth Day event- sustainability and trivia

 Passive programming o Centennial

 EcoOlympics

 April 10

 April 21 th st o Hughes

 Toasters

- Spring Fling on LA quad

- Multicultural night

 North campus block party o Leonard

 Taste of Leonard

 Can jam tournament o Letts Clark and Roper

 Talent show and hall wars

 Spring Fling with Anderson and Centennial o McDowell

 Hall wars

 Tie-Dye event before the block party

 Ladder golf for block party o Nebraska

 Absent

 Executive Board Reports o President

 Absent o Vice President of Administration and Finance

 Finished account numbers and made a presentation

 Conference call My Favorite Student

 Plan on choosing o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination

 Absent o Vice President of Programming

 Hall Wars

 NRHH transition

 Eagles Fest o National Communications Coordinator o Chief of Staff

 Elections

 Awards for Transition

 Social media for hall wars o NRHH

 Transition

 NRHH elections

 Induction for next year

 Info form going to be sent out on FaceBook page

 Dogs on the Quad

 Soda tab collection o Advisor

 What Daniel Did:

 Finalized Red Cross Blood Drive (4/8) Van parking permit

 Attended Hall Wars: Red Wedding, Battle of Blackwater,

Closing Ceremonies

 Met with Megan, Devin, and Joanne (MFS Call)

 Attended CLARCC (more opportunities to get residents together!)

 AU Spirit Friends and Family Nationals Send-Off

 Thursday, April 2 at 7pm in Bender Arena

 Poker Run 5k

a. Sunday, April 12, 9am start time; Register at

Cassell or Jacobs Front Desk

 Yoga for Athletes

a. FREE fitness class, Friday, April 17 th ; 3:30-4:30pm

Cassell Fitness Center

 Food Drive at Fitness Center

a. April 6th, through Friday, April 17 th.

; donate at least one food item, enter raffle.

 Wellness Wednesday

 April 8 th : Effects of Alcohol on Exercise, 4-6pm , Cassell

Fitness Center: Stop by the table and talk to Wellness Center.

Representatives about the effects of alcohol on exercise.

April 15 th : Social Media Photo Challenge Snap a picture of how you relieve stress. Share on social media using #aurecfit to be eligible for a free fitness center guest pass!

 April 22 nd : Recess on the Quad! 12- 3pm: Stop by the Quad to play fun games with Rec. Sports and Fitness!

 KPU April 8 – WONK of the Year – Laura Bush, Bender Arena at 8 p.m.

 (Free Tickets still available for students, fac/staff)

 Relay for Life – April 11 in Bender Arena

 Spring Tryouts for 2015-16 AU Dance and Cheer Teams


 The American University Cheer Team and the AU Dance Team will be holding Spring Tryouts on Sunday, April 26, 2015 from

4-7pm in Bender Arena! In order to attend tryouts, you must register by e-mailing

. Additional fall tryouts will be held at the end of August. Dates TBD

 Campus Beautification Day - April 14, 2015 (Rain date April


 Report to Quad 8am with BBQ Lunch/Raffle 12-2pm in


 What Daniel Did not Do:

 What Daniel Plans To Do:

 Meet with 2015-2016 RHA Executive Board

 Review Chief of Staff, Parliamentarian, and NCC appointment procedures

 Support Jody in registering for NACURH before 4/10/2015

 Support Updates of Bylaws, Financial Policies, Advisor Manual

 Finalize location of Summer 2015 Poster Sale with VP

Administration and Finance and VP Programming

 Housing and Dining Programs Updates

 We’re looking for overnight hosts (4/2/2015-4/23/2015)!

Students are able to host as long as they live on campus and can pick up their guest for dinner at 5:30 pm or by 11:00 pm the first night of programming.



 Friday, April 10, 2015 (6-10pm):

 South Campus Spring Fling (Letts-Anderson Quad)

 Tuesday: April 14, 2015 (7:30pm):

 PrideBucks Exchange Events (Letts Formal and TBD)

 Friday, April 17, 2015 (6:30-8pm):

 North Campus Block Party

 Saturday, April 25, 2015:

 Programming Block - Students no longer allowed to program after this

 Sunday, April 26, 2015 (10pm):

 Mandatory Closing Floor Meetings

 Wednesday, May 6, 2015:

 Halls Close at 12pm (noon)

 Old Business o None

 New Business o OTM Presentation

 First Year Student

 Suzanne R.

 Advisor

 Erika Parkins

 Student

 Arthur Ramsay

 RA

 Julian Morris Walker

 Eboard Member

 Nate Warszawski

 Social Program

 #HughesWantsToPlay

 Residence Life Faculty/Staff

 Nebraska Hall RAs

 Organization

 LeCloper Hall Council

 Community Service Program

 2015 Polar Bear Plunge AU

 Residential Community

 DR

 Hughes Hall RAs

 Jonah Wolff

 Bulletin Board

 Justyna Kepa o State of the Budget – Joanne

 Check minutes email for details

 Hall Discretionary- $826.00 left

 $400 pending for tonight

 HDP Fund Request- $943.50 left

 Question- How much can we spend over the money present

 Roll over for Hall council different from roll over from Eboard

 Any money we don’t spend this year, it will go to the deficit o Hall Discretionary Request

 Leonard Hall- $400 for Taste of Leonard

 Leonard has different communities in one hall o Taste of Leonard is supposed to reflect different cultures of the hall

 Hall Discretionary has not been used a lot

 Question: what are the specifics? o Money for groceries

 Pro/Con debate

 Matt/pro- Taste of Leonard open to all of campus, been a tradition

 Stephanie/pro- best to use money now for residents

 Saagar- move the previous question by unanimous consent o Seconded, move to vote

 Allocation of $400

 36/0/0—motion passes, $400 allocated o Hall Discretionary Fund is $426 now o Hall Wars Wrap Up – Sarah

 Congratulations to LeCloper for winning Hall Wars, and Hughes for


 Disappointed by the lack of involvement from the Halls

 People were not showing up

 Tracking people down to see if anyone read the email o Transition Banquet: only 19 people signed up

 GA needs to pull the slack, Eboard should not be doing programs and advocacy for the halls

 RHA eboard had too much pressure and involvement in hall councils

 Start to act like a leader and be responsible

 Have the courage to step down if you do not want to provide what the Eboard expects

 RHA needs Hall Councils to step- it is supposed to be for the halls and not just coming from the ebaord

 Question- Residents didn’t show up

 Some residents do not have a connection to the event.

Incentive was to get the word. Cannot hold residents accountable. GA members should be coming to the events.

 Question- survey residents about events they want for Hall Wars?

 Eboard has identified this problem, it is a matter of branding

RHA for this year. Great suggestion- these are the dialogues we need.

 Possibly set stricter standards

 Martin- starts with Eboard and trickles down to the halls

 Sarah- completely agree

 Daniel- many of you have years of leadership development

 Maybe not spread yourself too thin

 Come back with a new perspective on what you have accomplished

 Easier the second time around o Start conversation earlier

 Hope to see many faces next year

 Sarah- eboard is not some dictatorship, start dialogues with the eboard – accountability both ways

 Max- Agree with Terry

 Easier for Hall councils to do the surveys and talk to the residents

 Work together to create an amazing experience

 Jaime- time of year is also an issue, maybe move it earlier

 Justin- campus had other focuses, maybe take into consider, reconsider for the future

 Meaghan- there are always going to be projects and papers, do not use it as a crutch- it falls on us to be enthused about the events

 Terry- more advertising, might have moved Greek Week, maybe get backing from Greek Week

 Max- at the fundamental level, not enough hall spirit

 Alex- search for Arya, too cold

 Derby Days- every sorority participates in an event like Search for Arya

 Nate- we give you all these posters to get residents excited. Best way to get residents excited is through hall councils

 Joanne- CLARCC- Greek Week representatives confronted me after meeting, Hall Wars set already before Greek Week formed. Greek Life did not come into contact with us, maybe incorporating Greek Week with Hall Wars—more communication

 Nate- what is a way to hold you accountable and us accountable

 Saagar- it was motivation, and turn over—preventative process at meetings o Asking GA members what they will get out of GA—or there will be a disconnect

 Meaghan- freezing budgets/holding people accountable

 Justin- like a point system o Sarah- a lot more work

 Josh- not too structured, each member has to come to certain number of events

 Sarah M- why not a standards board o Sarah- good idea. Standards will be more private board, and discuss appropriate outcome right then and there

 Terry- learning experience, no severe threats

 Sarah- look at the bylaws and review them

 Adrienne- be prepared, and make sure you have minor problems under control- no one remembers when something goes right, everyone does when something goes wrong

 Nate- look to your advisors for specific details about events—work with your advisors and reach out

 Sarah- advisors have mindset for the minor things

 Terry- did not get a good start for position until late January

 Sarah- find a way to translate our enthusiasm to the residents, these conversations help

 Saagar- have a conversation before the close of next year

 Nate- have constructed a structure with sayings and sigils

 Josh- thank you to Nate and Sarah, there are things that we can look at for next year, but this year was good!

 Open Forum

 General Announcements o Arthur- blood drive next Wednesday- sign up o Saagar- April 20 th -a movie o Adrienne- DG’s penny wars for the blind o Nate- collect soda can tabs o Sarah- bocce ball- Special Olympics will be there o Max- Sig Ep- tug of war o Sarah- SDT event 11-2 tomorrow o Alex- AXiD event o Nate- Relay for Life April 11 th o

 Sign Up

Nate- April 18 tomorrow th and 19 th – Bollywood dancing 7-9 – Joy of Motion o Max- Lambda Chi- blood/bone marrow matching to blood cancer patients

 Elections closed at 5pm, announcement tomorrow at 9pm. Transition

3 weeks, term ends

 Recognition o Saagar-Shout out to those who campaigned o Nate- shout out to Erika Parkins

 Adjournment o Meeting adjourned by Saagar by unanimous consent

 Seconded – adjourned at 10:21pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Devin Moore

RHA Chief of Staff

These minutes were approved by unanimous consent by the 4/09/15 General Assembly
