Comment of Project

Comment of Project
Kaniesa Shields, Natalie Alger and Alysha Braithwaite
Excellent! I like the way you convey your idea to the reader. It’s easy to follow your
discussion and believe that’s true. Almost all the calculations are right and I’m grad that
you deal with inflation correctly. Here are some suggestions:
• In the first page, you mention “fact sheet #3” three times. I guess it would be a cited
work, but I can’t find it from the link you give at the end of the report.
• In the last part of calculation which is about $25000, the annual interest you get
should be (APY × Total Balance) instead of APR (try to figure it out). And you
should consider inflation in this part.
• After you calculate the absolute difference and relative difference, you’d better rephrase
them in a sentence, since we assume the reader will know little about this course.
Mathematics & Analysis
Group Work & Presentation