Sasha, Mark, Katherine, Kate, Brian, Gayle and Kim
 Meeting with Sara Mckinstry – Sasha and Mark
o Helping to connect and integrate sustainable activities/things that are
happening on campus
 Meeting for Staff Association funding
o SSN was not notified of meeting
o Sasha, Mark and Gayle will meet with Glynda to talk about funding for
o Find out what we can use funding for is it possible to fund staff
projects? If yes, then we need to figure out how the application
process would work to do this
 Website progress
o Membership and bylaws have been added.
 Add an * by person’s name if they chose lifetime membership
o Continue to add other things, including agendas and minutes for EB
and open meetings
 Kim will send agenda and minutes to Kate
o Add an introduction to website Sasha and Kate will work on
o Look at adding a calendar feature of some kind
o Landscapers have asked if they can use the SSN homepage for their
Face Book page – Yes!
o Add photo gallery of events
 Communications
o Write up blurb about SSN event’s and ask that it be added as a Blink
Teaser/This Week at UCSD Kate
o Consider having an e-newsletter in future, ask members to contribute
information/articles, spotlight members and what they are doing
 Membership update (Brian)
o 53 members, 9 paid members, 7 signed pledges to join
o Look into some kind of new member gift, example, spork Mark will
send Gayle info on contact at Berkeley
o Share new members comments with the EB once a month
o How to get more members
 Brian will contact Sara to find out if SSN could be included in
new staff orientation
 Social media update (Katherine)
o Most Staff Associations have Facebook page, 1 has Twitter, 1 has
Linked In.
 Decided to focus on a Linked In page for SSN first. Katherine
will look into setting one up.
 Logo update/plan (Mark & Gayle)
o A variety of logos were submitted. The EB selected three, the
designers will be asked to add a few things and resubmit. One will be
selected at our next EB meeting.
o Give the two designers a gift card
Sending out info tidbits
o One suggestion is that we could have a page on the website for this
o Lack of time to discuss, tabled until next meeting
 Sticky wall notes
o Katherine will compile notes that were written down at event into
themes and present at our next open meeting on October 17th
o Post list of themes to website
 Is there a way people who visit website could post comments?
 Event
o Well attended approximately 35 people
o Next time need larger venue
NEXT STEPS (25 min)
 Review our 1st year goals, start making plans to meet them
o Talk about Fundraising and Collaborations at our next EB meeting
 Events planning
o Sasha will send out list of potential events to EB members. Members
need to rank to decide the ones that will be brought to the Open
Meeting in October and voted on by all members.
o Find out about getting table at Pancake Breakfast to promote SSN
 Open Meeting October 16th
o Sasha will send out agenda to all members
o Sasha wants to start meetings on time
o Kate will come 15 minutes early to help set-up
o Sasha will put out signs so members can find the room