Academics THOMPSON TRIBUNE Important Dates to Remember for

Eli Pinney Elementary, Room 120
January 25- January 29, 2016
Important Dates to
Remember for
Next Week
* The 100th day of
school is Friday 2/5
* Pajama day is Friday
* Yearbook orders are
due by Friday 2/5
* Valentine’s Day party
is Friday 2/12 from
10:15 to 11
Reading Workshop- 10 on a Sled, studied how words change when
you add different endings, The Three Snow Bears, did a short and
long vowel hunt, Snowflake Bentley, talked about biographies,
looked at how one letter can change a word, went on a superhero
digraph hunt, Over and Under the Snow, Sam the Snowman,
Sneezy the Snowman, I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some
Snow, Winter is for Snow, finished our chapter book Toy Dance
Party Writing Workshop – continued to focus on opinion writing,
Perfect Pet, made a chart to show the characters’ reasons for
why an animal would or wouldn’t be the perfect pet, My Favorite
Animal, wrote an opinion about our favorite animal, paying special
attention to the reasons why and our special sentence starters
unique to opinion writing Word Study - “in” and “it”, “If I can spell…”, making words,
whiteboard practice with a buddy, took assessment today (1/29)
Math - Place Value A-U activity with base-ten blocks, circles in a
minute and stars in a minute activities, fill-in-the-blank 100 chart
assessment, The Great Toss Up game, counting by 10s, 5s, and 2s,
made our 100 sprinkle cupcakes with our friends
Related Arts Schedule
(4 Day Rotation)
A - Day: – P.E. (Ms. Hathaway)
B - Day: – Art (Mr. Blair)
C – Day – Library (Mrs. Riley)
D - Day - Music (Mrs. Casto)
Science - continued learning about matter, explored different
solids and learned about their properties, explored different
liquids and learned about their properties, Time for Kids: States of
Matter Featuring Room 120……………….…”Our 100 day cupcake bakers”