! Academics THOMPSON TRIBUNE Important Dates to

Eli Pinney Elementary, Room 120
September 21- September 25, 2015
Important Dates to
Remember for
Next Week
*Friday Journals will come
home on Fridays. Please
read and RETURN ON
*Gifted Service Model parent informational
meeting is on Tuesday at
Jerome High School from
*Reading Envelopes need
to be returned every day
with the books inside!
Related Arts Schedule
(4 Day Rotation)
A - Day: – P.E. (Ms. Hathaway) B - Day: – Art (Mr. Blair)
C – Day – Library (Mrs. Riley)
D - Day - Music (Mrs. Casto)
Reading Workshop- Fantastic Mr. Fox, making a timeline to help us
remember what has happened in Fantastic Mr. Fox, using pictures and
words to help sequence the events of Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Book With
No Pictures, 3 ways to read a book (look at the pictures, read the words,
retell the story), what does read to self look like? (quiet, stay in 1 spot,
eyes on your book, read the whole time), Apples A to Z, The Apple Pie
Tree, Johnny Appleseed (Kellog), Johnny Appleseed (Pebble Go), discussing
characters and setting, using a Venn diagram to compare/contrast two
Writing Workshop – Library Mouse: A World To Explore, The Perfectly
Messed Up Story, writing our own stories using blank books, sharing our
writing, Friday letter to Mom and Dad
Word Study - star of the day, student interviews, making new words
with the letters of our names, formal spelling inventory assessments
Math - “Dice Wars”, 8 Beans/Trains (combinations to make 7), Rich
Problem: Checkerboard, reviewing and practicing 100s chart Cut-Ups
(counting by 10s and 1s), making an apple graph, what information can we
learn by looking at our graph, number strip assessment
Science - Arnold’s Apple Tree, how does an apple tree change
throughout the seasons?, How To Make Apple Pie, Apples Apples Apples,
apple survey of each apple in class (what do you notice?), Applesauce
Season, “Image of the Week: Apples, discussing our observations/
wonders/questions/opinions about our image, !
*discussing “6 Thinking Habits” (question, collaborate, create, persevere,
flexible, communicate)
Featuring Room 120…………………………………”playing dice wars”