Miss Marybeth’s Class News Weeks of: Unit:


Miss Marybeth’s Class News

Weeks of: Oct. 5 th and Oct. 12 th , 2015

Unit: Fall Leaves, Apples

Poem: Four Little Leaves

Song: Grey Squirrel , Apples and Bananas

AM Activities:

Fall Walk power point presentation.

Art: Fall puzzle tree. Dip puzzle pieces in fall paint colors/glue, add to tree trunk!

We will make apple pies during “apple” week.

“ Counting Apples” book.

PM Activities:

Where’s the Leaf? Book (positional)

Coffee filter leaves. Drop food color on filters, spray with water.

Nature Walk. Collect fall items.

Fall Walk power point presentation.

We will make apple pies during “apple” week.

Scholastic Magazine video and activity:

Autumn leaves are falling down.

Apples Up on Top- Add apple stickers.

Essential Question:



  Walk-A-Thon 10/7, 10:45 and 1:10.

Jim Basketball-PM only 10/12. 10/15-APE group.

Letter of the Week: 10/5-“H”, 10/12-“T”

Dramatic Play : Raking Leaves, fall vegetable foods in the kitchen.

SENSORY TABLE: Bird Seed. Pretend bird and squirrel’s to feed the birdseed. Plates, cups and spoons.


Key Vocabulary :

Prediction, objects, position, describe

What sources give us energy?

Why do we need energy?

We are Learning that we: can describe things. can explore how different objects and materials look, move and feel. can answer a question about characters and things that happen in a story I know.

can talk about the characters and what happened in the story. can describe what is happening in the picture. can talk about things that have happened in the past and figure out what comes next. can sort objects by one or more ways they look the same. can find a pattern. (recognize) can show in/on/under, up/down, inside/outside with an object.
