News From Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Miller

News From Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Miller
It has been a busy week in both classrooms this week! With the trimester
wrapping up and ending on Thursday, November 12 (report cards to follow
the next week), we have been working on completing some projects and units
in both classes.
We hope that you and your families have a great weekend together! As
always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us.
Mrs. Angela Rowe & Mr. Dave Miller
November 6, 2015
Reading & Writing Workshop
This week in reading workshop, students
completed a theme project. They were asked to
select a book to read (current or new), determine
the theme, reflectively write about the theme for
readers, and determine a symbol to represent that
theme. These were all put on a poster and are
hanging in our hallway.
In writing workshop, students have been hard at
work publishing their personal narratives. These
were due today (Friday) and will be graded based
on all of the writing concepts we have been
learning over the last 11 weeks.
Math Workshop
This week in math we have been
working on dividing with twodigit divisors. We have been
estimating quotients,
connecting models and
symbols, and dividing by
multiples of ten.
Word Study
This week in word study we continued our
Greek and Latin root word unit with the roots
“ped” and “pod.” We will continue this work
for the next few weeks.
This week in science we continued
our unit on light and sound. We
wrapped up our work on sound and
started learning about light this
week. We conducted numerous
experiments to see how light works.
Important Dates to Know
Wed., Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day and
Thurs., Nov. 12: End of First Trimester
Fri., Nov. 13: No School
Teacher Work Day
Wed., Nov. 18: Walk-A-Thon Pledges Due
Nov. 25-27: No school
Thanksgiving Break