News From Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Miller


News From Mrs. Rowe and Mr. Miller

November 12, 2015

We had a short week this week with no school on Friday. We also enjoyed a wonderful assembly to honor Veteran’s in our community and those who are family members of our students on Wednesday (Veteran’s Day). All students walked the track at Sells for our annual Walk-A-Thon on

Wednesday as well. This was a fun event! As a reminder, all pledges are due on Wednesday of next week (November 18).

We hope that you and your families have a great weekend together! As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us.

Mrs. Angela Rowe & Mr. Dave Miller

Reading & Writing Workshop

This week in reading workshop, the two classes focused on different activities. The morning group practiced keeping track of their thinking with postit-notes in the book as they read. This will help us as we continue to improve on our reading reflections every other week. In the afternoon class, we focused our time and building our reading stamina. Each student kept a record of how “on task” they were during our independent reading time and we brainstormed ways to improve that percentage over time.

In writing workshop, we celebrated our work on our narratives. The narratives were all wonderful to read last weekend and this week! After

Thanksgiving break we will dive into our next writing unit.

Math Workshop

This week in math we have continued our work with two-digit divisors. We will continue this learning and practice into next week.

Word Study

This week in word study we continued our

Greek and Latin root word unit with the roots

“ped” and “pod.” The test for this unit will be next Wednesday, November 18.


This week in science we wrapped up our unit on light and sound with a test. On Thursday, we started a new Social Studies unit working with multiple tiered timelines. This unit will continue for the next few weeks.

Important Dates to Know

Thurs., Nov. 12: End of First Trimester

Fri., Nov. 13: No School

Teacher Work Day

Wed., Nov. 18: Walk-A-Thon Pledges Due

Nov. 25-27: No school

Thanksgiving Break
