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General Education Assessm ent Com m ittee
April 18, 2014
Rohrbach Library, Room 22
Present: Krista Prock (at-large non-teaching faculty), Janice Gasker (at-large teaching faculty), Gil Clary
(Office of Assessment), William Donner (SPRC), Mary Eicholtz (at-large teaching faculty), Randy Schaeffer
(Gen Ed Committee).
Absent: Varsha Pandya (CLAS), Stephen Oross (at-large teaching faculty), William Dempsey (Academic
Dean), Dina Hayduk (COB), Nancy Cardenuto (COE), Brent Penny (Admin. & Finance), and Austen Mest
(Student Representative).
Gasker called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm.
M inutes:
Announcem ents: Gasker opened the meeting and announced that Oross was unable to attend today’s
Gasker and Prock indicated there was a meeting with Qien Weng, the CSC student working on the GEAC
database project. The project is going well. The logic behind the random selection will be adjusted with the
assistance of Prof. Greg Schaper. Future adjustments can be made as needed. It is easy to search. Course titles
and descriptions can be seen. IT will not support the database, but we are working on options. Clary will
continue to work on it with Greg Schaper, and a future student since Qien Weng is graduating in May.
Chairnet: Oross and Eicholtz attended the Chairnet meeting on April 15. The handout was presented, and the
chairs and the new chairs were told the document was a ‘draft’. The new chairs would like to more closely look
at the map and make changes as appropriate. The next contact will be made to the departments over the
summer by sending a curriculum map to the chairs so that they can see what was submitted and to see if they
need to make any changes. Discussion followed. The curriculum map was first created about 18 months ago,
and the database will need to be updated with any changes made by new chairs. Overall, the chairs understood
what we need to do.
Goal 3 Courses/Volunteers: A listing of volunteers was distributed, and additions were made. Each
member should send a reminder email to their volunteers. The completed templates should be sent to the GEAC
email at geac@kutztown.edu, and from there they will be posted to the GEAC X:drive. K. Malloy was asked to
send the revised list to the members and to ask the members to send an email to the volunteers. Discussion
continued regarding the lack of courses available to be assessed in some of the domains in Goal 3. It was
decided that we will add the lack of course information to our report as a finding.
Com m ittee com position: Donner invited Jim Delle to attend this meeting since it appears Delle will replace
Donner on this Committee as the representative from SPRC. Delle indicated his interest serving as Chair of
GEAC. Gasker will put out a call for members within the committee to serve as chair. We will also need a
representative for the College of Education and an at-large faculty member. We will need to elect a chair soon
because of the chair receives release factor and teaching schedules will need to be adjusted. Discussion
followed. Gasker to write an email for interest from the members to serve as an officer. If necessary, a vote can
be made electronically. Dr. Geaney of the College of Business notified the Committee that Dr. Stephen Hensler
will represent COB on GEAC.
Year 2 Report: We need the year 2 report so that it can be reviewed, edited and submitted. We will request
the report before the May 2nd meeting to give members an opportunity to review the report prior to the next
meeting, and that will allow us an opportunity to edit the report at the next meeting. Middle States will visit
again during the next review, and with the reports that this Committee produces, the University will have
evidence of assessment work being done by the campus community. Discussion followed.
W orkshop: Clary suggested that at the August 21st workshop, we acknowledge the work being performed by
the Committee, as well as faculty volunteers. A list will be produced of those volunteers. Terry Rhodes from
AAC&U will speak. He will focus on his 2013 publication, Using the VALUE Rubrics for Improvement of
Learning and Authentic Assessment and will talk about assignments. We hope to have the discussions led by
him to get people talking about their assignments. During the summer, the committee will communicate about
the logistics for the workshop. We should specifically invite faculty performing the assessments in the fall.
Posters: Clary reported that the Poster Policy indicates posters should be stapled on bulletin boards. It was
asked when we should begin posting the posters. It was decided to hang the posters in August and also place the
posters around the Student Union Building. He reported that CONNECTIONS has 2000 flyers to be inserted in
their folders for the summer programs.
Next meeting is Friday, May 2, 2014 at 2 pm in RL 22.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.
