Towards Autonomous Demand Side Management in Smart Grid Dr. Hamed Mohsenian-Rad

gradUate student RESearch in cOmputer scieNce (Uā€REaSON) Department
U-REaSON Seminar
Texas Tech University
Department of Computer Science
Feb. 24, 2012
12:00 – 1:00 pm
Civil Engineering
Building Rm 205
Towards Autonomous Demand Side Management in Smart Grid
Dr. Hamed Mohsenian-Rad
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Texas Tech University
Abstract: Autonomous Demand side management (DSM) programs seek to
alter electric users' normal consumption patterns in response to changes in
the price of electricity or to incentive payments designed to induce lower
consumption at peak hours and when the power system reliability is at risk.
To support autonomous DSM, each user will be equipped with a plug-andplay hardware / software energy consumption scheduling (ECS) agent, in its
smart meter, to automatically control the user’s flexible load. The envisioned
cyber-physical architecture of the future Smart Grid will allow ECS agents
to interact and exchange information among themselves and with utilities,
while imposing minimal control and decision making overhead on utilities.
In this presentation, some important aspects of autonomous DSM systems
such as smart pricing, cost minimization, co-existence, and renewable power
integration will be discussed.
Bio: Dr. Hamed Mohsenian-Rad received an M.S. degree in EE from Sharif
University of Technology - Iran in 2004 and a Ph.D. in ECE from the
University of British Columbia - Canada, in 2008. Since October 2010 he
has been an Assistant Professor with the ECE Department at TTU. His
research interests are in the areas of Power Management in Smart Grids,
Demand Response, Integration of Renewable Energy Sources, and Smart
Grid Cyber Security. Dr. Mohsenian-Rad is a recipient of the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship 2009 and the National Science Foundation (NSF)
CAREER Award 2012.