Irish Global Migration

Gráinne McEvoy – Fall 2009
Irish Global Migration
(i) Migration: origins, motivation, process
Delaney, Enda, Irish Emigration Since 1921, Studies in Irish Economic and Social History, No. 8
(Dundalk, Ireland: The Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, 2002).
_______ and Donald M. MacRaild, eds, Irish Migration, Networks and Ethnic Identities Since
1750. London: Routledge, 2007.
Fitzgerald, Patrick and Brian Lambkin. Migration in Irish History, 1607-2007. Basingstroke:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Fitzpatrick, David. “Emigration, 1801-70,” in W.E. Vaughan, ed., A New History of Ireland, Vol.
V, Ireland Under the Union, I, 1801-70 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989).
_______. “Emigration, 1871-1921,” in W. E. Vaughan, ed., A New History of Ireland, Vol. VI,
Ireland under the Union, II, 1870-1921 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996).
Guinnane, Timothy The Vanishing Irish: Households, Migration, and the Rural Economy in
Ireland, 1850-1914 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997).
Harris, Ruth-Ann, The Nearest Place that Wasn't Ireland: Early Nineteenth-Century Labor
Migration (Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1994).
Kennedy, Robert E. The Irish: Emigration, Marriage, and Fertility (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1973)
MacDonagh, Oliver, “Irish Emigration to the United States and the British Colonies during the
Famine,” in R. Dudley Edwards and T. Desmond Williams, eds., The Great Famine:
Studies in Irish History, 1845-52 (Dublin: Browne and Nolan, 1956)
Miller, Kerby A., Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1985).
Neal, Frank, Black ’47: Britain and the Famine Irish (London, 1998).
Nolan, Janet. Ourselves Alone: Women’s Emigration from Ireland, 1885-1920. Lexington: The
University Press of Kentucky, 1989.
Rudd, Joy, “Invisible Exports: The Emigration of Irish Women in this Century.” Women's
Studies International Forum 11, no. 4: 307-311.
Scally, Robert, The End of Hidden Ireland: Rebellion, Famine, and Emigration (New York:
(ii) Migration: General and Comparative Works
Bielenberg, Andy, ed., The Irish Diaspora (London: Longman, 2000)
Campbell, Malcolm. Ireland’s New Worlds: Immigrants, Politics, and Society in the United
States and Australia, 1815-1922. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press,
Akenson, Donald H. The Irish Diaspora: A Primer. Toronto: P. D. Meany 1996.
Doyle, David Noel, “The Irish in North America, 1776-1845,” in W.E. Vaughan, ed., A New
History of Ireland, Vol. V, Ireland Under the Union, I, 1801-70 (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1989).
Gallman, J. Matthew, Receiving Erin’s Children: Philadelphia, Liverpool, and the Irish Famine
Gráinne McEvoy – Fall 2009
Migration, 1845-1855 (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2000).
Kenny, Kevin. “Diaspora and Comparison: The Global Irish as a Case Study,” Journal of
American History, 90 (June 2003): 134-62.
MacRaild, Donald M., “Crossing Migrant Frontiers: Comparative Reflections on Irish Migrants
in Britain and the United States during the Nineteenth Century,” in Donald M. MacRaild,
ed., The Great Famine and Beyond: Irish Migrants in Britain in the Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries (Dublin, 2000).
(iii) National Studies: the United States (see also thematic studies below)
Doyle, David Noel, Irish-Americans, Native Rights, and National Empires: The Structure,
Divisions, and Attitudes of the Catholic Minority in the Decade of Expansion (New York:
Arno Press, 1976).
______, “The Remaking of Irish America, 1845-80,” in W. E. Vaughan, ed., A New History of
Ireland, Vol. VI, Ireland under the Union, II, 1870-1921 (Oxford: Clarendon Press,
______, “The Irish as Urban Pioneers in the United States, 1850-1870,” Journal of American
Ethnic History, 10 (Fall 1990-Winter 1991): 36-53, 127-28.
Hout, Michael and Joshua R. Goldstein, “How 4.5 million Irish immigrants became 40 million
Irish Americans: Demographic and Subjective Aspects of the Ethnic Composition,”
American Sociological Review, 59 (February 1994), 64-82.
Kenny, Kevin, The American Irish: A History (New York: Longman, 2000).
McCaffrey, Lawrence, The Irish Diaspora in America (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana
University Press, 1976);
Miller, Kerby A., “Assimilation and Alienation: Irish Emigrants’ Responses to Industrial
America, 1871-1921,” in Drudy, ed., The Irish in America
_______., “Class, Culture, and Immigrant Group Identity in the United States: The Case of
Irish-American Ethnicity,” in Virginia Yans-McLaughlin, ed., Immigration
Reconsidered: History, Sociology, and Politics (New York: Oxford University Press,
_______ and Bruce D. Boling, “Golden Streets, Bitter Tears: The Irish Image of America During
the Era of Mass Migration,” Journal of American Ethnic History, 10 (Fall 1990-Winter
1991): 16-35;
_______ with Bruce D. Boling and David N. Doyle, “Emigrants and Exiles: Irish Cultures and
Irish Emigration to North America, 1790-1922,” Irish Historical Studies, XXII (1980):
Miller, Kerby A. with David N. Doyle and Patricia Kelleher, “‘For Love and Liberty: Irish
Women, Migration and Domesticity in Ireland and America, 1815-1920,” in O’Sullivan,
ed., Irish World Wide. Vol. IV.
(iv) National Studies: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
Akenson, Donald H. Half the World From Home: Perspectives on the Irish in New Zealand,
1860-1950. Wellington, 1990.
Elliott, Bruce. Irish Migrants in the Canadas: A New Approach (Kingston and Montreal:
McGill-Queen’s University Press, and Belfast: The Institute of Irish Studies of the
Gráinne McEvoy – Fall 2009
Queen’s University, Belfast, 1988).
Fraser, Lyndon. To Tara via Holyhead: Irish Catholic Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century
Christchurch. Aukland, 1997.
Houston Cecil J. and William J. Smyth, Irish Emigration and Canadian Settlement: Patterns,
Links, and Letters (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990).
O’Driscoll, Robert and Lorna Reynolds, eds, The Untold Story: The Irish in Canada. 2 vols.
(Toronto: Celtic Arts, 1988).
O’Farrell, Patrick J. The Irish in Australia. Kensington, 1987.
Wilson, David, The Irish in Canada (Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1989).
(i) Politics and Nationalism
Brown, Thomas N., Irish American Nationalism, 1870-1890 (Philadelphia, 1966).
D’Arcy, William, The Fenian Movement in the United States (New York, 1971).
Doorley, Michael. Irish-American Diaspora Nationalism: The Friends of Irish Freedom, 19161935. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2005.
Erie, Steven P., Rainbow’s End: Irish Americans and the Dilemmas of Urban Machine Politics,
1840-1985 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988).
Foner, Eric, “Class, Ethnicity, and Radicalism in the Gilded Age: The Land League and Irish
America,” in Eric Foner, Politics and Ideology in the Age of the Civil War (New York,
Gordon, Michael, The Orange Riots: Irish Political Violence in New York City in 1870-1871
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1993).
O’Connor, Thomas, The Boston Irish: A Political History (Boston, 1995).
See, Scott W. Riots in New Brunswick: Orange Nativism and Social Violence in the 1840s
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993).
Senior, Hereward, Orangeism: The Canadian Phase (Toronto: McGraw-Hill-Ryerson, 1972).
Senior, Hereward, The Fenians and Canada (Toronto, 1978).
Smyth, William J., The Sash Canada Wore: A Historical Geography of the Orange Order in
Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980);
Walsh, Victor, “A Fanatic Heart: The Cause of Irish-American Nationalism in Pittsburgh During
the Gilded Age,” Journal of Social History, 15 (1981), 187-204.
Wilson, Andrew J., Irish America and the Ulster Conflict, 1968-1995 (Belfast: The Blackstaff
Press, 1995).
Wilson, David A., United Irishmen, United States: Immigrant Radicals in the Early Republic
(Ithaca, 1998).
(ii) Race and Nativism
Anbinder, Tyler. Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know Nothings and the Politics of the
1850s (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).
Arnesen, Eric, “Whiteness and the Historians’ Imagination,” International Labor and WorkingClass History, 60 (Fall 2001), 3-32 (and the accompanying forum).
Eagan, Catherine M. “‘White,’ If ‘Not Quite’: Irish Whiteness in the Nineteenth-
Gráinne McEvoy – Fall 2009
Century Irish-American Novel,” in Kevin Kenny, ed., New Directions in Irish-American
History, ed. Kevin Kenny Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003: 140-156.
Fields, Barbara J. “Ideology and Race in American History,” in J. Morgan Kousser and James M.
McPherson, eds., Region, Race, and Reconstruction (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1982): 143-177.
Higham, John. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925 (New York:
Atheneum Publishers, 1965).
Ignatiev, Noel, How the Irish Became White (New York: Routledge, 1995).
Jacobson, Matthew Frye. Whiteness of a Different Color: European Immigrants and the Alchemy
of Race Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard University Press, 1998.
Knobel, Dale T., Paddy and the Republic: Ethnicity and Nationality in Antebellum America
(Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1986).
Kolchin, Peter, “Whiteness Studies: The New History of Race in America,” Journal of American
History, 89 (June 2002), 154-73.
Roediger, David, The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class
(New York, 1991).
(iii) Labor
Belchem, John, “The Irish in Britain, the United States and Australia: Some Comparative
Reflections on Labour History,” in John Belchem and Patrick Buckland, The Irish in
British Labour History (Liverpool: Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool,
Brundage, David, The Making of Western Radicalism: Denver's Organized Workers, 1878-1905
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994).
Diner, Hasia, Erin’s Daughters in America: Irish Immigrant Women in the Nineteenth Century
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins, 1983).
Dublin, Thomas, Women at Work: The Transformation of Work and Community in Lowell
Massachusetts, 1826-1860 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979).
Emmons, David M., The Butte Irish: Class and Ethnicity in an American Mining Town,
1875-1925 (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1989).
Gitelman, Howard M., “No Irish Need Apply: Patterns of and Responses to Ethnic
Discrimination in the Labor Market,” Labor History, 14 (Winter 1973): 56-68.
Jensen, Richard M. “‘No Irish Need Apply’: A Myth of Victimization,” Journal of Social
History 36:2 (2002): __.
Kenny, Kevin, Making Sense of the Molly Maguires (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998).
Mitchell, Brian C., The Paddy Camps: The Irish of Lowell, 1821-61 (Urbana: University of
Illinois Press, 1988).
Way, Peter, Common Labour: Workers and the Digging of the North American Canals, 17801860 (Cambridge, UK, 1993).
_______, “Evil Humors and Ardent Spirits: The Rough Culture of Canal Construction Laborers,”
Journal of American History, 79 (March, 1993): 1397-1428.
Wilentz, Sean, Chants Democratic: New York City and the Rise of American Working Class,
1788-1850 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984).
(Total: 75)