Document 11120999


Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment



The Office of Accreditation, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness reports to Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness, the administrative division that provides leadership and administrative support to the strategic planning process and reporting, to the preparation of the year-end performance report, and to the assessment processes and documentation of assessment findings and reports of the institution, and serves as the intermediary with outside agencies with which the institution must meet compliance requirements.

College strategic objectives (2015-16): Related Academies strategic objectives (long-term objectives, 2014-15):

C.2. Maintain rigorous and current curricula, support new program development and innovation, and achieve better alignment with baccalaureate programs and job market entry.

C. 3. Sustain and assess three components of the Queensborough Academies: advisement, high impact practices (HIPs), and technology (communication, institutional support & learning environment).

Academies 4. Implement integrated and continuous assessment model that acknowledges all three

“prongs” of the Academies—advisement, HIPs, and technology—and provides for continuous improvement of their effectiveness

C.6. Develop means to infuse and maintain individual and institutional practices of community-building into interaction among all campus constituencies. systematic, campus-wide implementation of the Academies

2014-15 Completion report (outcomes for this past academic year, based on last year’s year-end report, section F)

Key performance indicators

CAPC – leading meetings

Target outcomes

Host 3 meetings in fall, at least 2 meetings in spring

Host 3 focus groups & 2 open hearings

Academies 1. Improve communication and collaboration among administrative divisions to ensure



Actual outcomes Recommended action plans

Strategic planning – leading focus groups & open hearings

Strategic plan preparation Submit strategic plan to chancellor on schedule

Focus groups should be reorganized and scheduled in fall rather than in spring.

Completion report preparation Submit completion report & accompanying letter to chancellor on schedule

COMPLETED – plan has been completed but will not be submitted; chancellor has modified process

(plan will be due in September)

COMPLETED – letter involved a leadership self-

Maintenance of Assessment website

Complete self-tutorial, interactive “handbook”

Add program outcomes

Maintenance of assessment scheduling

Post Academy reports

Post outcomes on general education

Develop new course assessment schedule assessment by president; incorporated extensive input from president and OAA



ON SCHEDULE – will be posted in summer 2015

ON SCHEDULE – most recent report will be posted in summer 2015

NOT COMPLETED – schedule needs to be developed in conjunction with curriculum mapping, still underway

Work on an interactive self-tutorial on the website has been postponed.

A long-term plan of developing and vetting curriculum maps for every degree program needs to be implemented; all assessment efforts would be oriented


Mid-year status report due end of January.

Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).

Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment

Key performance indicators

Coordinating program review process


Target outcomes

Support General Education Task Force

Establish review committees & initiate new 3-semester process for: Music Production, Internet Technology,

New Media Technology, Science for Forensics, Criminal

Ensure VAPA accreditation process is completed on schedule (one additional consultant visit, four reports)

Actual outcomes

COMPLETED – report to Senate submitted as scheduled


COMPLETED & ONGOING – Theatre report submitted; NAST response received; three report to be developed in 2015-16

Recommended action plans to program outcomes (including general education) and scheduled to support program reviews.

Continued efforts are planned for 2015-16 (see below)

Completion of 3-semester process concludes in fall 2015:

Scheduling external reviewer visits

Drafting and implementing of action plans

Degree title change for all four concentrations being developed; will be approved through governance in fall

2015; NAST response due in February 2016; other reports will follow, extending into 2016-17.

Seek to reestablish former agenda in 2015-16. Timely reporting to Senate


Complete revision to course assessment template

Develop & vet new program review template

Ensuring compliance with Middle

States, ETAC of ABET, ACEN & ACBSP guidelines & requirements

Assessment Institute survey (added since last year’s report)

Timely response to all queries & follow-up with accrediting agencies, including response(s) to Middle

States on PRR

Improved use of rubrics and assessment practices

Sustained impact of institute on practice


COMPLETED – report completed in June 2015, overall positive response

Based on report findings, Assessment Institute will:

Include more hands-on activities

Incorporate more data analysis and statistics

2015-16 Department strategic plan


College strategic objective: Maintain rigorous and current curricula, support new program development and innovation, and achieve better alignment with baccalaureate programs and job market entry.

Indicator(s) Expected outcomes Action plan/timeline Who Actual outcomes Department strategic objectives

Develop and post to website curriculum maps for every degree program.

Curriculum maps for every degree program according to standardized template

Clear program outcomes for every degree program

Clear alignment of courses with program outcomes, including general education outcomes

Schedule of course assessment that supports


Discuss with chairs

Develop and discuss maps with each department chair (and department faculty)


Post all maps to website

Disseminate maps to department chairs , emphasizing coordination of assessment efforts

Corradetti and Beckford


Mid-year status report due end of January.

Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).

NOT COMPLETED – chair of Senate Assessment

Committee developed alternative agenda for


Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment

Department strategic objectives

Indicator(s) Expected outcomes Action plan/timeline Who Actual outcomes

Through Assessment

Institute, support course assessment of program outcomes, including general education outcomes.

Quality and applicability of assessment reports



Rubric development

Assessment report on outcomes program reviews and assessment of program outcomes

Revamped Assessment Institute sessions, piloted in fall and refined in spring, with hands-on

Initiate departmental assessment efforts synchronized with program reviews and course assessment focus on program outcomes

Develop plans and workshop materials in summer 2015

Pilot new materials in fall institute

Obtain feedback from survey

Refine materials for spring institute

Corradetti and Beckford

Support college-wide outcomes assessment efforts through General

Education Task Force. activities that support development of assessment of program outcomes

Two more sets of general education rubrics

Assessment of gen. ed. outcomes 1-4

Review of existing gen. ed. outcomes

Recommendation report to


Fall 2015:

Continue review of general education outcomes for revision

Host campus venues to discuss gen. ed. review

Develop rubrics for gen. ed. outcomes 3 and 4; revise 1 and 2 based on spring

2015 pilot

Pilot use of Digication in fall 2015 with selected faculty

Finalize plan for Spring 2016 artifact collection and assessment, including use of


Spring 2016:

Host campus venues to discuss draft revised gen. ed. outcomes

Disseminate instructions to faculty and rubrics for gen. ed. outcomes 1-4

Collect and assess artifacts through Digication

Finalize revised gen. ed. outcomes and submit to Senate for approval

Report to Senate on General Education Task Force year-long efforts

Steele and



Academies strategic objective: Implement integrated and continuous assessment model that acknowledges all three “prongs” of the Academies—advisement, HIPs, and technology—and provides for continuous improvement of their effectiveness.

Department strategic objectives Indicator(s) Expected outcomes Action plan/timeline Who Actual outcomes

Use the Retention Management

Team to operationalize efforts for improved student outcomes and more efficient administrative processes.

Increased retention

Longitudinal reports of student progress and gpa

Probation workshop outcomes

Improved credit accumulation and gpa by cohort

Improved gpa for students in semester after attending probation workshops

Continue to monitor and assess student progress and gpa by cohort

Monitor probation workshop outcomes and expand offerings as necessary

Steele and



Mid-year status report due end of January.

Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).

Department strategic objectives Indicator(s) Expected outcomes

Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment

Action plan/timeline Who Actual outcomes

Roadmap analytics

Retention dashboard

Student progress at key Roadmap milestone points

Monitor student response to Roadmap site and milestone data

Coordinate outreach to students among collaborating departments/offices


Academies strategic objective: Improve communication and collaboration among administrative divisions to ensure systematic, campus-wide implementation of the Academies.

Department strategic objectives Who

Lead Academies Strategic

Planning Team in efforts to operationalize the implementation plan and to promote the Academies model on a regional and national level.


Implementation plan action items

Regional and/or national recognition

Expected outcomes

Strategic plan action items implemented

Conference presentation(s)

Action plan/timeline

Implement strategic plan as indicated

Establish “faces” of Academies

Develop preliminary presentation materials

Research possible conference sites

Submit proposal(s)


(with OAA and SA)

Approved by:

Actual outcomes

Karen Steele

_________________________________________________________ ____7/2/15______

Date Dr. Karen Steele, Interim Vice President for Strategic Planning,

Accreditation, and Institutional Effectiveness


Mid-year status report due end of January.

Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).
