President’s Office – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment
Mission: The mission of the Office of Marketing and Communications is to generate positive awareness of the College among its internal and external constituencies. This is accomplished by
promoting news and events to local, regional and national media outlets through various channels such as the college website, social media platforms, digital signage, as well as CUNY’s
Newswire, events listings and publications such as CUNY Matters and Salute to Scholars. Other promotional activities feature the design and production of materials that convey the high
quality of educational activities and outcomes in which students and faculty are engaged as well as the cultural and enrichment resources that the College offers to the community at large.
College strategic objectives:
1. Improve student satisfaction with administrative services
2014-15 Completion report (outcomes for this past academic year, based on last year’s year-end report, section F)
Key performance indicators
Target outcomes
Actual outcomes
Updating visual identity of all
Increase in number of projects
Demonstrated increase in number of projects
publications. Projects completed on
completed on time relative to agreed upon production completed on time relative to agreed upon production schedules;
time, meeting quality/branding
schedules; increase in number of customer satisfaction demonstrated increase in number of customer satisfaction
standards within stated budgets.
communications; increase in number of publications
communications; demonstrated increase in number of publications that
that have an online “version” produced.
have an online “version” produced.
Frequency of adding new and dynamic
New content added to website homepage at a
New content added to website homepage at a minimum of once per
content; number of views on homepage minimum of once per week. Increase number of
week. Increased number of events and news on CUNY’s Daily Brief, CUNY
content areas.
events and news on CUNY’s Daily Brief, CUNY Matters Matters and Salute to Scholars.
and Salute to Scholars.
Recommended action plans*
*Column contents should be used to indicate which strategic objectives below address the follow-up necessary.
2015-16 Department strategic plan (arranged by each division strategic objective that the department supports)
1. College strategic objective: Improve student satisfaction with administrative services
Department strategic objectives
Expected outcomes
Redesign College Homepage
Increase traffic and increase
Increased traffic and longer
amount of time user spends on
browsing time.
Redesign College logo
Redesign Marketing Website to
provide better customer service to
College community.
Increase traffic and use services
provided by division.
Increased traffic to site and
greater use of services by College
Action plan/timeline
A study of the college website will be conducted
in Fall 2015. Recommendations will be reviewed
and implemented in Spring 2015.
The website will be reviewed and updated Fall
2015 to list all staff and services.
Office of Marketing
and Communications
Actual outcomes
Office of Marketing
and Communications
Office of Marketing
and Communications
Add tables for additional division strategic objectives and corresponding department strategic objectives, as needed.
For each division strategic objective, the department should have one or more strategic objectives intended to support that department in the achievement of the division objective. Each department strategic objective should have at least one indicator (key performance
indicator) and one expected outcome, with an action plan and timeline to achieve that outcome.
At the mid-year point, the department reports partial or preliminary outcomes. At the end of the year, the department reports actual outcomes.
An indicator is the measurement by which the objective will be assessed. The outcome is the product of the work in support of achieving the objective. For example, if the strategic objective for Admissions is “to expand feeder high schools,” the indicator might be “applications
received from new feeder high schools,” and the expected outcome might be “at least one application from five new feeder high schools.”
Mid-year status report due end of January.
Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).