This form is meant to help you plan in order to fill out the survey. Please use the
online survey tool to officially submit your undergraduate research journal plan.
1. What is the title of your journal?
2. What are the initials of your journal?
For example, the initials for Journal of Science and Industry could be JSI.
3. Journal description (max. 500 words)
4. Brief journal description
Include a brief journal description for the front page (max. 25 words)
limited to 25 words.
5. Academic discipline
Your journal may focus on one discipline or cross into other disciplines. Please enter as many fields as
6. Research method
If your journal focuses on a specific research method, please indicate.
7. Do you have a main email address associated with your journal?
Please contact your departments IT department or CITES to set up a campus email address.
Alternatively, you may choose to set up a gmail address.
8. What is the location or mailing address of your journal?
If the journal is being operated out of a campus department, the address would include the building and
building address for that department.
9. Who is the principal contact for the journal?
This position, which can be treated as a principal editorship, managing editorship, or administrative staff
position, will be listed on the homepage of the journal under Contact, along with the Technical Support
10. What is the principal contact's title?
Example: Senior Lecturer of Psychology
11. What is the principal contact's email?
This email address will be listed on the journal's homepage under Contact.
12. What is the principal contact's mailing address, if other than the department?
13. What is the principal contact's phone number?answer must be phone number with area code like 217333-1000
14. Email signature - this automatically includes the URL of the journal. Who is the person representing
your journal? Do you want a specific name tied to this signature or do you want only to identify the
The prepared emails that are sent by the system on behalf of the journal will have the following signature
added to the end. The body of the prepared emails are available for editing under Journal Management.
This will be used when you are using the system to send automated emails to authors upon receipt of a
submission, for example.
15. Bounce address
Do you have a backup email address where you want email to go if it gets bounced from the OJS
system? This should probably be the main address for your journal.
16. Briefly describe the organization/department that is publishing this journal.
This text will appear below the "Publisher" heading and above the publisher name/url under "Journal
Sponsorship" on the "About" page.
17. What is the title of the sponsoring organization?
Identify any sponsoring organizations of the journal (e.g. scholarly associations, university departments,
cooperatives, etc.). Those sponsoring the journal will appear in About the Journal and may be
accompanied by a note of acknowledgement.
18. Provide a brief description of the sponsoring organization and its URL (if any).
This text will appear below the "Sponsors" heading and above the list of sponsor names and urls under
"Journal Sponsorship" on the "About" page.
19. Does your journal have an organization that supports it financially or in-kind? What are the titles of
these organizations?
This information will appear in About the Journal and may be accompanied by a note of
20. Provide a brief description of your financially supporting organization (if any).
This text will appear below the "Sources of Support" heading and above the list of names and urls for
supporting organizations under "Journal Sponsorship" on the "About" page.
21. Please provide a brief description of your journal including its focus and purpose.
To assist the users of search engines in discovering this journal, provide a brief description of the journal.
Should only be one sentence.
22. Please provide relevant keywords (separated by semicolons).
Adding keywords to be associated with your journal will assist the users of search engines in discovering
this journal. PLease include 5-10 keywords.
23. If this journal has a history, please provide a brief description of the journal's past.
This text will appear in the "About" section of the journal website and can be used to describe changes in
titles, editorial board, and other items of relevance to the journal's publication history.
24. Focus and scope of journal
Enter a statement below, which will appear in About the Journal, that speaks to authors, readers, and
librarians about the range of articles and other items which the journal will publish. (max. 300 words)
25. Peer review policy
Outline the journal's peer review policy and processes for readers and authors, including the number of
reviewers typically used in reviewing a submission, the criteria by which reviewers are asked to judge
submissions, typical time taken to conduct the reviews, and the principles for recruiting reviewers. This
will appear in About the Journal. (max. 500 words)
26. Review guidelines
The Review Guidelines will provide reviewers with criteria for judging a submission's suitability for
publication in the journal, and can include any special instructions for preparing an effective and helpful
review. (max. 500 words)
27. Author guidelines
Set out for authors the bibliographic and formatting standards used for items submitted to the journal
(e.g., Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition, 2001). It is often helpful
to provide examples of the common citation formats for journals and books to be used in submissions.
Also identify the types of appropriate Supplementary Files (e.g., data-sets, research instruments, etc.)
which authors should be encouraged to upload, in addition to their submission, to enhance readers'
engagement with their work.
28. How frequently will your journal be published?
29. Do you have additional information that you would like to appear in the announcement section of the
front page of your journal?
This text is semi-permanent in that you'll need to contact Journal IT Support to change.
30. Copyedit instructions
Do you have specific information you'd like to share with authors regarding the copyediting process? This
could include specific details about Track Changes in WORD or instructions.
You can upload a file to represent your journal. The file should be 800 px by 150 px and
either gif, .jpg, or .png file.
31. Journal image