Course Translation Table (SD3003)


Course Translation Table (SD3003)

Use the Course Translation Table (SD3003) to establish translations for commonly accepted courses from other colleges, universities or trade schools to your college’s equivalent courses.

You only need to establish translations for colleges from which you consistently receive transcripts and for courses that are consistently transferred to your college. The table is optional; however, if you do not create this table, you will need to translate individually – for each student – each course to the equivalent at your college.

You can also add or change course translation records as you are evaluating transferred-in courses on the Transcript Evaluation Screen (SD3004).

The Course Translation Table screen (SD3003) includes the following features:

• The Course Ovride (Course Override) field indicates whether or not to add a course to the

Course Translation Table even if it does not exist in your college’s course catalog file.

• The Rvsn Date (Revision Date) field automatically displays the date on which a course translation was added or changed.

The following processes use the data in this table to suggest grade translations for course information on student transcripts or WAOL grades received by your college:

• Transcript Evaluation Screen (SD3004)

• Pending Transcript Evaluations report (SD3103)

To obtain the report, run job SD3103J

• Incoming Electronic Transcript Translations report (SD3204)

To obtain the report, run job group SG105R

• WAOL web grading

Using the Course Translation Table screen

To add, change or delete records from the Course Translation table complete the following steps:


In the Transfer from Col field, type the college code for the college from which courses are being transferred.


In the TRANSFER FROM column, use the Dept Div and Course Num fields to type the department/division abbreviations and course numbers for up to ten transferred-in courses.


Press the key for the function you want: Add (F1), Change (F2), or Delete (F5).


In the TRANSLATION TO column, enter corresponding information in the Dept Div and

Course Num fields.


If the Course Ovride field is highlighted, the course does not exist in your course catalog file.

Type Y (yes) to add the course to the Course Translation Table or N (no) to not add the course to the table.


Press the Enter key.

To view a course translation record for a college, enter the college code in the Transfer from

Col field and press the Enter key.

Course translations entered on SD3003 or updated through SD3004, are stored in the TRNSLT-

COURSE-D dataset in the TBL4 database.
