Ed leading global education transformation

FIP Education Initiative:
leading global education
Ralph J. Altiere, PhD
President, FIP AcPS
FIPEd Internal Reference Group
Andreia Bruno, PhD
FIPEd Projector Coordinator and
IX Pan American Conference
on Pharmaceutical Education
University of Maryland School
of Pharmacy
June 2-4, 2014
Overview of FIP and FIPEd Initiative
FIP Mission and Vision
FIPEd Initiative
FIPEd Units and Activities
Education Development Team (EDT)
Academic Institutional Membership (AIM)
Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS)
Tools and resources for curriculum development – needs
based education, competencies, programming
Engagement and Participation
Summary statement
To improve global health by advancing medicines
expertise worldwide – discovery, development,
access, responsible use of medicines.
FIP Strategic Objectives for Vision 2020
1. Advance pharmacy practice in all
2. Advance the pharmaceutical sciences
3. Increase FIP’s role in reforming
pharmacy and pharmaceutical
sciences education
This objective entails the joint effort of FIP and national and
regional educational organizations in developing appropriate
frameworks and quality standards for educational curricula
development in science and practice to meet present and future
workforce needs and expectations.
FIP Education Initiative (FIPEd)
FIPEd was formed in 2011 to lead and manage the
various existing and emerging education activities and
networks coordinated by FIP.
The Networks include:
• National organisations involved in education
• Academic institutions providing education
• Individuals undertaking teaching and research
FIPEd is headed by a Steering Committee representing
scientists and practitioners.
FIP Education (FIPEd)
FIPEd Steering Committee
BPP Representative
BPS Representative
Bureau Representative Chair
FIP Board of
FIPEd Internal
Reference Group
External Advisors
and Collaborators
FIP Bureau
Membership (AIM)
FIP Board of
FIP Education Member
Academic & Institutional
Capacity; Competency;
Continuing Professional
Interprofessional Education;
Leadership; Quality Assurance;
Social Accountability;
Workforce Pharmacy Support
FIPEd Strategic Plan
FIPEd Strategic Plan Adopted in October 2012
Vision: FIPEd, as the global professional leader, ensures that
education and training provides the foundation for pharmaceutical
services and professional development and advancement, in order
to meet global societal needs for medicines expertise
Mission: Bring together organisations and leaders who are working
to improve health through advancing pharmacy and pharmaceutical
sciences education. We will stimulate transformational change in
professional pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and
pharmaceutical education to advance and develop our diverse
profession towards meeting present and future health care needs
around the world
FIPEd Strategic Plan - Four Strategic Objectives
1. Global Platform - To provide a global platform for exchange, mentoring
and learning for all professional leaders, focusing on the development of
leadership skills, academic provision and pedagogic skills;
2. Resources - To build, advocate for, and disseminate evidence-based
frameworks, consensus-based standards, tools and resources for
educational development and support for members.
3. Policy -To develop and facilitate education-related policy that supports
advancement of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science professions; these
policies will be advocated and implemented with, and by, our stakeholders
at global, regional and local levels.
1. Innovation - To foster innovation that will advance professional pharmacy
and pharmaceutical sciences education which will lead to improving global
health services quality, delivery and productivity
FIPEd 5-year plan (2014-2018) to transform,
scale up and advance pharmaceutical education
The Enabling FIPEd Pillars - Implementing the Strategic
Plan, Business Plan and Priority Activities:
1. Annual FIP Congress Programming Sessions
2. 1st Global Pharmacy Education Conference on Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Education
3. Domain Projects and Technical Report Series (principally EDT)
4. FIPEd Infrastructure
5. Establishment of Centers of Excellence in Pharmacy Education
6. Global Leadership - Training and Network
7. Education Consultation Service
FIPEd Member Groups
Education Development Team (EDT)
EDT, formerly PET formed in 2007 (FIP, WHO, UNESCO)
Academic Institutional Membership (AIM)
Formed in 2010
Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS)
Formed in 1972
Highlight resources to support transformational change in
pharmacy education and curriculum development
FIPEd Education Development Team
To undertake and act upon evidence-based research to establish
frameworks, tools and guidance that stakeholders have requested in
order to inform professional education advancement
Lead: Prof. Ian Bates, University College London
Work Domains
FIPEd EDT Recent Reports
Available online at
Available online at
Global Competency Framework
v1 Concept
Global Education Report Key Messages
A needs-based approach to education for better health
Link pharmacy education and training with health needs of local populations.
Accountability and education
Civil society expects social accountability; education systems must reflect this.
Challenges in Capacity and Infrastructure
Pharmaceutical care provision is dependent on a well educated and trained
workforce but there are wide variances in education & training capacity among
Needs-based Education Model
WHO‐UNESCO‐FIP Education Initiative Development Team FIPEd – Academic Institutional Membership (AIM)
AIM Network
Formed in 2010; 120 schools are AIM members
Purpose: bring together academic leaders (deans/heads of schools) that have a
direct role in education leadership, management and reform
Free access to www.pharmacareercentre.com
Deans’ Forum
•Primary activity held each year as pre-FIP Congress event
•Networking and educational programming for deans to share leadership challenges
and successes
•Multiprofessional Patient Safety Education
•GbCF Competencies Implementation
•Social Accountability in Education
For further information visit:
•Social Accountability in Pharmacy Education
•Strategic planning
Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS)
Promote pharmacy education and innovations worldwide
Individual FIP academic members
AIM Deans
Primarily FIP Congress programming, expanded FIPEd activities
and special projects
Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS)
Support for Pharmacy Education Journal – free peer-reviewed
online journal (http://pharmacyeducation.fip.org)
International pharmacy education consult service under
Global Conference on Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
FIPEd, EDT, AcPS Education Programme
Programming Sessions (not comprehensive)
WHO-FIP Joint Session: Commitment to change - Preparing the workforce for
expanded scope of practice (based on WHO Transformative Education for
Health Professionals 2013)
Enquiry-driven learning and practice: creating the culture through education
and training
Education strategies to improve access to non-prescription medications
Learning from patients: experiential training
Implementing performance-based assessment methods
Advancing and developing expertise for better patient care
Create a leadership vision and leave a legacy
The FIP Education Initiative: progress and challenges
US-Thai Consortium: a successful 20-year education and training partnership
Short oral presentations
Engagement and Participation
FIP is a membership organization
Needs representation and active engagement worldwide
FIPEd global platform engagement
Global endeavor for transformational change in pharmacy education
Needs of your country, region
Your ideas and direction
Your innovative educational activities
Active engagement to help lead transformational change
2016 FIP World Congress in Buenos Aires
Global Pharmacy Education Conference
FIP Education Initiative
Inquiries, comments, engagement