Iowa State University Professional & Scientific Council Executive Committee Meeting Regular Session

Iowa State University
Professional & Scientific Council
Executive Committee Meeting
Regular Session
Thursday, June 20, 2002 2:00 p.m.
Room 204, Marston Hall
Voting Members
X Heer, Rex
X Kane, Kevin
X Good, Cathy
X Lynne Mumm
X Kurt Roberts
Non-voting Members
Dixon, Kerry (Past President)
McCroskey, Barry (Ch, C&B)
Woodin, Dan (Ch, P&P)
Brown, Kevin (Ch, Comm)
Kane, Kevin (Co-Ch, R&A)
Schwab, Denise (Co-Ch, R&A)
Strand, Judy (Ch, PA)
Roberts, Kurt (Ch, R&R)
Outgoing Voting Members: Leigh Elsberry, Lynette Hornung, Sarah Cooney
Call To Order: Rex Heer, President, called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. A quorum was
present. The agenda was amended to include the installation of Kevin Kane as Vice-President,
and approval of the June 6 special session minutes; the agenda was approved as amended.
Meeting Minutes: May 16, 2002, minutes were approved with minor corrections. The June 6,
2002, special session minutes were approved with minor corrections. Corrected minutes have
been distributed to committee members.
President’s Report
Rex reported:
 Just came from the Board of Regents meeting.
o There was some discussion of salary issues and distribution among the Regents
institutions. There was a good discussion of compression and P&S/Merit overlap; that is
a real concern.
o The Board approved an increase to the pay matrix for P&S employees – 3% increase to
each end (upper and lower limits) of the pay matrix. SUI increased the lower limit 5%,
the upper limit 3%; UNI increased the lower limit 3% and the upper limit 5%.
o Salary increases vary among the three universities: ISU is 2.6%; SUI is 3%; UNI is
approx. 5-5.2%.
o The Braille and Sight Saving School is cutting all summer programs due to the budget
o Merit is receiving an across-the-board $0.41 per hour increase, plus a step if eligible.
Regents were really uncomfortable with it but passed it on a 5:4 vote. Not approving the
merit plan would have only affected the supervisory/confidential merit employees.
o The cuts to IPRT, SBDC, and the Leopold Center will likely result in more layoffs. They
will have people, but no money to do anything.
o Economic indicators show we are starting to come out of the slump. However, because
the FY03 state budget was based on one-time reallocations and cuts, FY04 may see
further cuts.
Committee Assignments: not all Council members have indicated their preferences;
volunteers have not stepped forward all committees, while some committees have multiple
volunteers for chair. Rex will talk to those who have volunteered to chair to see if some are
willing to switch committee. The Retention and Recruitment Committee will need to be
established soon.
President Geoffroy indicated that as far as he knows, Retention and Recruitment funding has
been approved for next year. Geoffroy also liked our policy of equitable raises, although in
general he promotes merit and performance-based salary increases. Also, identifying
alternative sources of funding that can be channeled into salaries is being encouraged. Rex
also talked with Geoffroy about our tabled motion of requesting partial salary support for the
P&S President. Geoffroy thought this was a good idea. Council should more fully consider
this, along with the issue of a president-elect.
We should know about salary increases next week. Leigh said Institutional Research would
do the run Monday night. President Geoffroy’s Council meets tomorrow, and Rex will bring
back any budget information to share with exec.
Judy Strand reported via email that she had received a notice about P&S and teaching duties.
Evidently P&S are not allowed to teach unless those duties are part of their original job
description. Otherwise additional compensation is required. This sounds like a policy that
we are unaware of. It may be part of the non-tenure-track/temporary appointment issue. Rex
will visit with Ellen or Ben Allen about this. Approx. 2.4% of SCH’s are taught by P&S
Rex thinks the idea of a P&S get together at Reiman Gardens (instead of a tailgater) sounds
like a really good idea. Another idea would be a P&S Council member reunion, inviting all
former Council members. We can talk more about this at the retreat in August.
Standing Committee Reports:
Compensation & Benefits:
Barry had nothing to report.
No report.
Peer Advisory:
Leigh, reporting for Judy, indicated there had been one contact from a person who has been here
18 years and is being laid off. This person has applied for four open positions but has not gotten
any interviews.
Recruitment and Retention
Kurt indicated they are waiting for year-end reports from grantees.
Representation and Awards
Denise reported that they submitted seven names, but only the top five were accepted.
Policy & Procedures:
Dan reported that he had met with Marlise about getting suggested changes into the P&S
Handbook and reconciling any discrepancies. They are only about 1/3 of the way done and will
be scheduling another meeting.
Old Business:
New Business:
Kevin indicated he had received little feedback on preferences for a date for the P&S retreat. He
will do one more poll, with the options of August 2 or 16. It will be held at McFarland Park,
with Hickory Park catering. We need to work on an agenda. Let Kevin or Rex know if you have
any ideas.
Lynette indicated we need a volunteer to attend and present at the July 17 New P&S Staff
Orientation. No volunteers as yet.
For The Good of the Order: Kevin reported that all days for next year’s Council meetings are
fixed and room assignments have been made. Committee rooms should stay the same. The
Council meeting schedule will be distributed as soon as the Memorial Union provides
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Cathy Good, Secretary, P&S Council