Iowa State University Professional & Scientific Council Executive Committee Meeting Regular Session


Iowa State University

Professional & Scientific Council

Executive Committee Meeting

Regular Session

Monday, November 18, 2002 2:00 p.m.

Regency Room, Memorial Union






Heer, Rex

Kane, Kevin

Good, Cathy

Mumm, Lynne

X Roberts, Kurt

Voting Members Non-voting Members

X Dixon, Kerry

X Riedemann, Trevor

X Jensen, James

X Woodin, Dan

X Peters, Beverly

X Strand, Judy

X Brink, Marcia




McManus, Barb

McCool, Kelly

Van Beek, Brenda

Visiting Non-members: None.

Call To Order: Kevin Kane, Vice-President, called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.

A quorum was present. Barb added the issue of the timely collection input for the campus leaders breakfast. The agenda was approved as amended.

Meeting Minutes: October 21, 2002, minutes were approved with minor correction.

President’s Report

Rex reported:

Lunch with the Board of Regents went really well, based on reports from folks at the various tables. President Geoffroy said that several regents commented to him on how informative and nice the lunch was; they were impressed with Council and their understanding and involvement in the full range of the university mission of teaching, research, and extension.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

The University Library Committee sent him some information in response to the proposed cancellation of serials issue – the possible impact of the various budget cutting models. Their committee next meets December 13 and would like some feedback. Rex will get back in touch with the P&S representative to see how we can best provide input. An ad hoc committee of Kevin Kane (chair), Lynne Mumm, Brenda Van Beek, and Trevor Riedemann will meet with her and perhaps develop a motion for Council to consider.

Ellen Rasmussen has volunteered to attend Executive Committee meetings any time something needs discussed that would be better done in Exec than in full Council.

Roger Hinz has expressed his desire to resign from Council, effective immediately. We need to appoint a replacement, at least until the next elections. The Representation and Awards

Committee needs to send Rex a report (to include a list of potential names). Then a replacement can be named at the next Council meeting.

Officer’s Reports

 Cathy Good: Treasurer’s report: Account balances:

General Fund $2,437.81.

Campus Orgs account $436.23.

Professional Development fund $845.03.

 Lynne Mumm: List of questions for tomorrow’s Campus Leaders Breakfast has been forwarded to Charlie Dobbs.

Standing Committee Reports:

Compensation & Benefits:

Trevor – committee members are doing lots of legwork right now (especially Brenda and Fel) gathering information on such things as salary compression, P&S/Merit salary overlap, and issues related to the salary report and what suggestions we can make on how to improve the report so that it contains more useable information.

Policies & Procedures:

Dan – they are fixing broken links in the P&S Employee Handbook. He contacted previous P&S members who were serving on Council in 1993 when they were previously working on an ombuds position. They actually had a PDQ developed. They will try to resurrect some of those documents.

Representation and Awards:

Bev – they are redoing the awards web page. There will be a new menu with selection procedures, criteria, checklists, help page, FAQs, etc. The web site is done for Council and committees. Del Marks will be working with elections. They are putting together a list of low- and no-cost recognition ideas. They have heard no feedback from Council members regarding the ad hoc committee on representation. Perhaps there is no interest right now.


Marcia – at the next meeting the committee plans to visit University Archives and find out what is over there. Their committee is assuming responsibility for getting nametags. Next enewsletter will come out next week.

Recruitment and Retention:

Nothing to report.

Peer Advisory:

Brenda has had one contact this month, and looks forward to working with Policy & Procedures on the ombuds position.

Ad Hoc Committee Reports:

Kerry – President/President Elect Committee – they are looking at redistributing tasks so that the at-large folks will have something to do, and distribute the workload so it is not all on the

President. Will look at putting running the meeting back in the hands of the President (to avoid the potential of the president and vice president having conflicting agendas). Council could appoint a parliamentarian who would be familiar with Roberts Rules of Order and make sure parliamentary procedure is followed. Their goal is to have something to the Executive

Committee by January. Then a vote on any changes in the wording of the Constitution could be

done along with representative elections (since that requires a vote by the full P&S membership).

Bylaws can be changed by the Council.

Old Business:


New Business:

Kevin – Evaluation of provost candidates: Wednesday is the last interview. Evaluations must be turned in on Thursday. Everyone can and should complete individual evaluations.

P&S Executive Committee should submit a group recommendation. We will plan on staying after the Wednesday interview (for another 20-30 minutes) to develop a draft recommendation. The final recommendation (after the last open forum) will be sent to Rex

Thursday morning.

Kevin – Campus leaders breakfast – how can we get issues to Lynne a little sooner?

Committees should send their questions in right away. More lead time would allow for others to provide input in prioritizing the issues. Committees may need to take a few minutes at their meetings to develop any questions. Council members are still free to submit questions as individuals. Try to tie questions to university mission, P&S priorities and goals, etc.

For The Good of the Order:

Next Council meeting will be December 5 in the Pioneer Room, Memorial Union

Next Executive Committee meeting will be December 16 in the Regency Room, Memorial


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Cathy Good, Secretary/Treasurer, P&S Council
