Iowa State University Professional & Scientific Council Executive Committee Meeting Regular Session

Iowa State University
Professional & Scientific Council
Executive Committee Meeting
Regular Session
Monday, March 17, 2007 2:00 p.m.
Regency Room, Memorial Union
Voting Members
X Heer, Rex
X Kane, Kevin
X Good, Cathy
X Mumm, Lynne
X Roberts, Kurt
Non-voting Members
Dixon, Kerry
Riedemann, Trevor
Jensen, James
Woodin, Dan
Peters, Beverly
Strand, Judy
Brink, Marcia
McManus, Barb
McCool, Kelly
Van Beek, Brenda
Visiting Non-members: None.
Call To Order: Kevin Kane, Vice-President, called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
A quorum was present. The agenda was approved.
Meeting Minutes: February 17, 2003, minutes were approved as presented.
President’s Report
Rex reported:
 Representation on Committee on Committees. He met w/Tahira Hira. This is just a small
group and they are just gathering information. At this point they are not making
recommendations. They are looking at university committees, not, e.g., just P&S
committees. That is all they are doing right now. Tahira assured Rex that the committee is
going to contact each of the committees and ask them to provide information on committee
 At the open forum, Max presented some incorrect data regarding “why faculty don’t like
P&S.” Rex will follow up with him and give him correct information (on numbers of P&S
staff, position cuts, etc.). Rex plans to put the corrections on the web site where the
streaming video of the forum. A correct fact sheet should be developed and forwarded to
university administration with a motion of concern. Kevin will get information to the
Communications Committee, who will develop a motion for Council.
 Accessibility of P&S Classificaiton Information motion was passed on to the President,
Provost, and VP for Business and Finance, and Carla. He hasn’t heard back from anyone.
 He has invited the President and Provost to the Retention & Recruitment presentations (open
forum) and to the Reiman Gardens get-together.
 We have had 135 RSVPs to the Reiman Gardens event. He has turned in a number of 200 to
University Dining Services. P&S Council members should plan to take turns serving ice
Dave Brotherson forwarded a list of past council members (and the years served). HRS and
Alumni Assoc cannot help us w/off-campus addresses, so only the folks still on-campus got
an invitation. Rex will throw together a short program.
Open forum for Ben Allen, April 23, 3:30-5:00 pm has been moved to the Gallery. Ann
Krapfl will be putting it in Inside Iowa State. Will probably be in the Tribune at some point
as well.
Confirmed w/Ben Allen what Ellen said about the Tuition Grant Program – that they will
fund tuition increase but nothing added for program growth. The continuation of this
committee depends on whether the program is fully funded or if criteria needs to be set up for
limiting funding.
Visited with Tom Hill and Carla Espinoza regarding the MU staff. They are still working on
contracts. Tom Hill suggested that we not invited them to the Reiman Gardens thing – it
would be problematic at this time. Tom Hill noted that it will be the 75th anniversary of the
MU, and he thought it would be good for P&S Council and Faculty Senate to be represented
on the planning committee for the 75th anniversary event(s). Rex has received a request;
Kurt volunteered.
Officer’s Reports
 Cathy Good: Treasurer’s report: Account balances:
 General Fund $1,602.60.
 Campus Orgs account $136.23. (this will be zeroed out to pay for Reiman Gardens
ice cream)
 Professional Development fund $845.03.
Rex will check into any income for the Campus Orgs account
 Lynne Mumm: Next campus leaders breakfast is next Monday, March 24. Hopes to have all
the questions formulated by the end of the day Wednesday.
Standing Committee Reports:
Compensation & Benefits:
Trevor – There is significant activity on the mileage rate increase, which we will have a simple
motion for the next Council meeting, supporting Stan Johnson’s memo to Warren Madden.
There are two motions on the table for consideration at the next Council meeting.
Policies & Procedures:
Dan – the last meeting they looked at the committee structure. Rep & Awards is very busy and,
with the change in deadlines, they are a bit overwhelmed with elections & awards hitting at the
same time. Talked about the two issues they are bringing to Exec Committee, and how Council
is run. They are trying to eliminate some of the problems committee chairs brought up.
Representation and Awards:
Bev – Working on the current batch of awards nominations. Next deadline is April 1. Hope to
get the P&S ExCyllence Award going by fall. Elections are underway right now. One of the
concerns is the fact that some supervisors will not let staff run for P&S Council and even told
that if they do it, it would have to be done on your own time w/out pay. This would be a good
campus leaders breakfast issue. Perhaps we should request an official university policy that
would encourage and not eliminate them from participation. We’ll start w/campus leaders
breakfast and if we don’t get the desired response, we can draft a motion.
Still need candidates for vice president. Have one for each of the other positions (president,
sec/treas, at-large).
Cannot seem to find the template for certificates of appreciation for people going off-campus.
Barb – has the ISU fact sheet on P&S. Revisiting the issue of hiring a support person to assist
with P&S Council, but were waiting on Rex’s getting support to cover release time. The
activities are somewhat sporadic, and we would need to keep someone busy. Need to wait until
Kerry gets her workload report finished for the data.
Recruitment and Retention:
Kelly – They have selected the 4 programs to present at the May open forum – 3 have accepted,
waiting to hear back from the 4th.
Peer Advisory:
Brenda – had one contact this month
Old Business:
New Business:
 C&B Motion: Recommendations for the FY04 P&S Pay Matrix – Trevor: 1) we know there
is no money to make massive changes in the pay scales. We just want to point out that
inequities are growing and at some they can be addressed. They need to accept that we have
a problem. Numbers may change, but the trends are there. HE is in the process of
converting from CY to FY. Dan – there is no one in HR now who was there when the last
system was implemented. The system has evolved since the consultants set this up. HR
practices have changed. They need to make plans to find the money to review the system
and correct the inequities. We want this to come out well before university administration
comes out with the new pay scale. This reinforces one of the other motions.
 P&P recommendations: Dan – a) allocate 12-2 for P&S standing committees, followed by
Council meeting. The open forum would still occur, perhaps on a different day (e.g., 3rd
Wednesday or some such). The streaming video allows for distribution. B) information and
materials to be prepared as a transition from one year to the next . If exec is supportive, they
will put together a template or sample for other committees to use. Where are the unwritten
rules for how Council operates? A) allows a lot more flexibility for when committee
meetings start – they will have more time if they need it. B) is a good idea. Open forums –
like the idea of it being a set time – noon on a set day.
These recommendations received favorable comment from Exec. Will proceed w/issue B).
Summarize comments on issue A and send to Rex. Will be presented to Council as being
considered and forward any comments to Exec Committee.
For The Good of the Order:
 Next Council meeting will be April 2 in the Pioneer Room, Memorial Union
Next Executive Committee meeting will be April 21 in the Room 234, Memorial Union.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Cathy Good, Secretary/Treasurer, P&S Council