Each tender must be submitted in a separate,
clearly marked sealed envelope, indicating
the contents and Tender No. Tenders must
be deposited in the relevant tender box as 2012 at 10:00 at the Water Demand
specified by no later than the Closing date Boardroom 2nd Floor, Goodwood Municipal
and time indicated in the individual tender Office, (Corner of Molteno Road and
advertisements. The closing time of tenders Voortrekker Road, Goodwood). For technical
will be regulated with the Telkom electronic enquiries contact Mr Fasiegh Dollie, tel
021 590 1486 Fax: 021 590 1513, Email:
time signal available at tel 1026.
Faxed tenders will not be considered. The
Council is not bound to accept the lowest or (This tender document is not available on
any tender and reserves the right to accept the City of Cape Town website.)
2.Tender No. 248Q/2011/12: Period
any tender in whole or in part.
Tenderers’ attention is drawn specifically to Tender for the Supply, Installation and
the registration requirements stated in the Maintenance of Roofs to Existing
tender/contract documents in respect of the Facilities in the City of Cape Town Sport,
City of Cape Town’s Vendor Database, the Recreation and Amenities Department.
Western Cape Supplier Database and the Closing Date: 28 February 2012 at 10:00.
Construction Industry Development Board’s Tender Box 97 at the Tender Submission
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level *. Tender
Register of Contractors, as applicable.
1. Tender No. 247Q/2011/12: Design- fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque
Build of Mechanical and Civil Works for payable to the City of Cape Town).
the Advanced Pressure Management of Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB
the Water Network in Kewtown contractor grading of 4GB or higher. A nonPressure Zone. Closing Date: 17 February compulsory site visit/clarification meeting
2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 110 at the Tender will take place on Tuesday 7 February 2012
Submission Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse at 13:00 at the Athlone Civic Centre, Protea
Level *. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Street, Athlone. For technical enquiries
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape contact Mr S Harris, tel 021 400 3949,
Town). Tenderers should have an estimated Fax: 021 400 3938, Email: mogamat(This
CIDB contractor grading of 4ME or 4CE or
higher. A non-compulsory site visit/clarification tender document is not available on the City
meeting will take place onThursday 2 February of Cape Town website.)
3. Tender No. 250Q/2011/12: Alterations
and Additions to the Seawinds Clinic
for ARV Services. Closing date: 17 February
2012 at 10:00. Tender Box 95 at the Tender
Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse
Level*. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape
Town). Tenderers should have an estimated
CIDB contractor grading of 5GB or higher. A
site visit/clarification meeting (a noncompulsory but strongly recommended
briefing session) will take place on the 7
February 2012 at 10:00 at the Site, Corner of
Military and St Charles Roads, Seawinds. For
technical enquiries contact Mr D Brink,
Cell 082 719 2699, Fax No. 021 981 4298, e-mail: (This tender document
is not available on the City of Cape Town
4. Tender No. 251Q/2011/12: Repairs to
Roof in Seawinds Community Centre.
Closing date: 17 February 2012 at 10:00.
Tender Box 88 at the Tender Distribution
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender
fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque
payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers
should have an estimated CIDB contractor
grading of 2GB or higher. A site visit/clarification
meeting (a non-compulsory but strongly
recommended briefing session) will take
place on the 7 February 2012 at 10:00 at
Seawinds Community Centre, Corner of
Military and St Stephen Roads. For
technical enquiries contact Mr X Mbuku,
tel 021 400 3966, Fax 086 576 1992, e-mail: (This tender
document is not available on the City of
Cape Town website.)
5. Tender No. 252Q/2011/12: Alterations
and Additions to Big Bay Public Toilets.
Closing date: 17 February 2012 at 10:00.
Tender Box 89 at the Tender Distribution
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender
fee: R100 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque
payable to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers
should have an estimated CIDB contractor
grading of 2GB or higher. A site visit/
clarification meeting (a non-compulsory but
strongly recommended briefing session)
will take place on the 8 February 2012 at
10:00 at Otto Du Plessis Drive, Milnerton.
For technical enquiries contact Mr Brian
Fisher, Cell. 073 506 7755, Fax 021 550 7618,
(This tender document is not available on
the City of Cape Town website.)
6.Tender No 253C/2011/12: Provision
Of A Services Provider for the
Compilation of a Market Research
Report For The City Of Cape Town.
Closing date: 20 February 2012 at 10:00.
Tender Box 83 at the Tender Distribution
Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse Level*. Tender
fee: R50 (Non-refundable; Crossed cheque
payable to the City of Cape Town). A noncompulsory but strongly recommended
briefing session will be held on 9 February at
11:00, on the 14th Floor, Valuations Boardroom,
Tower Block, Civic Centre Building, Cape
Town. For technical enquiries please
contact Mr Brett Martin, tel 021 400 9957 via
7. Tender No. 254Q/2011/12: Langa
Clinic – Upgrade, Repairs and
Refurbishment of Client and Staff
Toilets. Closing date: 20 February 2012 at
10:00. Tender Box 85 at the Tender
Distribution Office, 2nd Floor, Concourse
Level*. Tender fee: R100 (Non-refundable;
Crossed cheque payable to the City of Cape
Town). Tenderers should have an estimated
CIDB contractor grading of 3GB or higher. A
site visit/clarification meeting (a noncompulsory but strongly recommended
briefing session) will take place on the 7
February 2012 at 10:00 at Langa Clinic,
Washington Road, Langa. For technical
enquiries contact Mr Stephen Koigi, tel
021 551 3141, Fax 021 551 5911, e-mail:
document is not available on the City of
Cape Town website.)
8. Tender No. 255Q/2011/12: Upgrading
of Roads and Stormwater in Griffiths
Mxenge Khayelitsha- Phase 4. Closing
date: 20 February 2012 at 10:00. Tender Box
90 at the Tender Submission Office, 2nd
Floor, Concourse Level *. Tender fee: R100
(Non-refundable; Crossed cheque payable
to the City of Cape Town). Tenderers should
have an estimated CIDB contractor grading
of 5CE or higher. A non-compulsory site
visit/clarification meeting will take place on
Wednesday 8 February 2012 at 10:00 at the
J Block Boardroom Stock and Stock Road,
Municipal Complex Ntlakohlaza, Khayelitsha.
For technical enquiries contact Mr A Moffett,
tel 021 469 9105, Fax: 021 424 5571, Email: (This tender document is
not available on the City of CapeTown website.)
Tender documents are obtainable on (unless
otherwise stated) or are obtainable from
the City of Cape Town Tender Distribution
Office, 2nd Floor Concourse Level, Civic
Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town
during office hours from 07:30 to 15:00.
For further information regarding the
collection of tender documentation,
please contact the Tender Distribution
Office on telephones 021 400 2481;
021 400 5123; 021 400 2405.
• R OA D C LO S U R E S • P R O P E R T Y SA L E S / L E AS E S
• Cape Farm Frylincks Poort No 789, Philippi, Weltevreden Road (first
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967
(Act 84 Of 1967) that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to
inspection at the office of the Municipal District Manager at Ledger House, corner of
Aden Avenue and George Street, Athlone, and that any enquiries may be directed to
Mr M Collison, PO Box 283, Athlone, 7760, e-mail,
telephone 021 684 4343 and fax 021 684 4410 weekdays during the hours of 08:00 to
14:30. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director: Land
Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, at Room 604,
No 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30 (Monday to Friday).
Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at 021 483 4588 and the Directorate
fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, should be
lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director: Land Management at
Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, with a copy to the abovementioned Municipal
District Manager on or before 5 March 2012, quoting the above Act and the objector’s
erf number. Any comment received after the aforementioned closing date may be
Applicant: NM & Associates (on behalf of Vulamasango)
Address: Weltevreden Road, Philippi
Application No: 210903
File: LUM/55/789
Nature Of Application: Removal of restrictive title conditions pertaining to the
Remainder of farm Frylincks Poort No 789, to enable the owner to utilize the property
for Institutional use (crèche, offices and residential component), as well as agricultural
orientated uses.
• Erf 61917 Cape Town At 629 Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne (first placement)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions in terms of
the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 Of 1967), and Section 15(2) of the Land Use
Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985, that the undermentioned application has been received
and is open to inspection at the office of the Municipal District Manager of Planning
& Building Development Management at Athlone office on the Ground Floor, Ledger
House, Corner of Aden Avenue and George Street, Athlone. Enquiries may be directed
to Mrs Fran Currie, tel 021 684 4342 or email weekdays
during the hours of 08:00 to 14:30. The application is also open to inspection at the office
of the Director, Land Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western
Cape, at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00-12:30 and 13:00-15:30 (Monday
to Friday). Any objections, with full reasons therefor, should be lodged in writing at the
office of the abovementioned Director: Land Management at Private Bag X9086, CapeTown,
8000, on or before 5 March 2012, quoting the above Act and the objector’s erf number.
Any comment received after the aforementioned closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: S Isaacs
Application No: 180577
Address: 629 Lansdowne Road
Ref No: LUM/00/61917
Nature of application: The propose entails:
• Removal/amendment of a restrictive title conditions applicable to erf 61917, 629
Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne, to enable the owners to erect a place of instruction
for home schooling purposes. The coverage will be encroached.
• Consent in terms of Section 15(2) of the Cape Town Zoning Scheme to use portion
of the property as a Place of Instruction (ECD centre).
• Departure from Section 31(2) (a) of the Cape Town Zoning Scheme to permit coverage
of 75% in lieu of 65% in terms of Section 15(2) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance
No 15 of 1985.
• Departure from Section 59(1) of the Cape Town Zoning Scheme to permit a Place of
Instruction (existing outbuilding) 0m in lieu of 4,5m from the northern property boundary.
• Maximum number of learners 60 (ages 6 months to 5 years).
• Hours of operation: 6h00 to 18h00, Mondays to Fridays.
Ref No: LUM/00/101790
• ATM Sites At Transport Interchanges, Stock Road, Phillipi And Mitchells
• Erf 30299 Cape Town at cnr Golf Course and Dagbreek Road, (43 Golf
Course Road) Sybrand Park (second placement)
Notice is hereby given that the Council is considering, in terms of Section 4(3)(a) of Council
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, Act
84 of 1967, Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 and Section
9 of the Cape Town Zoning Scheme Regulations that the undermentioned application has
been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at Ledger
House, corner of Aden Avenue and George Street, Athlone, and that any enquiries may
be directed to Mrs K Patten, PO Box 283, Athlone 7760 or email to, tel 021 684-4345 and fax 021 684-4410 weekdays during
08:00-13:30. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director:
Environmental and Land Use Management, Provincial Government of the Western Cape,
at Room 604, Utilitas Building, No 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00–12:30 and
13:00–15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at
021 483-4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483-3098. Any objections, with full
reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director:
Land Use Management, Region 2, at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, with a copy to
the abovementioned Municipal District Manager on or before 27 February 2012, quoting
the above Act and the objector’s erf number. Any objections received after aforementioned
closing date may be disregarded.
Applicant: Louis de Villiers (On behalf of New Africa Theatre Association)
Address: Cnr Golf Course (43 Golf Course Road) and Dagbreek Road, Sybrand Park
Reference: LUM/00/30299 (204535)
Nature of Application: Removal of restrictive title conditions applicable to Erf
30299, cnr Dagbreek Street and Golf Course Road, Mowbray, to enable the owner to
do improvements and alterations to the existing building (theatre school). The building
line and coverage restrictions will be encroached.
Consent in terms of Section 15 to permit a Place of Assembly (Theatre) for 120 persons.
The following building line Departures are required:
• 1.5m in lieu of 4.5m from Golf Course Road (ground floor)
• 2.5m and 3.8m in lieu of 4.5m and 6.75m from Golf course Road (first floor)
• 6m in lieu of 6.53m from Golf Course Road (second floor)
• 3.3m in lieu of 4.5m from Dagbreek Road (ground and first floors)
• 0.0m and 3.5m in lieu of 4.5m from the north boundary (ground floor)
• 5.2m in lieu of 6.75m from the north boundary (first floor)
• 3.5m in lieu of 4.5m from Eike Lane (ground floor)
• Parking departure to permit 3 bays in lieu of 15 bays.
• Erf 607 Gugulethu
By-Law LA.12783 promulgated on 28 February 2003, an application to lease City land
at Transport Interchanges in Philippi and Mitchells Plain, to First National Bank, for a
period of three years, for Automatic Teller Machine purposes. Details are as follows:
For further details of the transaction please contact Mrs S Miller, tel 021 710 8135,
Applicants’ Erf Extent (m²)
to be leased
Rental per month
plus VAT
Plan No
First National Bank
(Stock Road)
5268 Philippi
R1700.00 per month
plus VAT, escalating at
9% per annum
First National Bank
(Mitchells Plain)
17111 Mitchells
R2500.00 per month
plus VAT, escalating at
9% per annum
Property Holding, 3 Victoria Road, Plumstead 7800 between the hours 08:00 - 16:00
on weekdays. Any objections to the proposal must be submitted in writing, together
with reasons therefor, to the Regional Head: South Peninsula Region, Private Bag X5,
Plumstead, 7801 or faxed to 021 710 8375 on or before 27 February 2012. [File reference:
S14/3/6/1/2/1626/22/17111 & S14/3/6/1/21625/55/5268]
• Erf 46 and Remainder Erf 47 Bantry Bay (first placement)
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act No 84
of 1967, Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985 and Section 9 of
the Cape Town Zoning Scheme Regulations that the undermentioned application has
been received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager, City of Cape
Town, 2nd Floor, Media City, Cnr Hertzog Boulevard & Heerengracht, Cape Town, and any
enquiries may be directed to B Schoeman, at P.O Box 4529, Cape Town, 8000, tel 021
400 6452 or faxed to 021 421 1963 or e-mailed to
during office hours (08:00-14:30). The application is also open to inspection at the office
of the Director, Integrated Environmental Management, Region B2, Provincial Government
of the Western Cape at Room 604, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town from 08:00-12:30 and
13:00-15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at
021 483 4589 and the Directorate’s fax number is 021 483 3098. Any objections, with
full reasons therefore, should be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned
Director: Integrated Environmental Management at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town,
8000, with a copy to the abovementioned District Manager on or before 5 March 2012,
quoting the abovementioned legislation and the objector’s erf number, address and
phone numbers. Any objections received after the aforementioned closing date may
be disregarded.
Applicant: Tommy Brümmer Town Planners
Application No: LM 5783(210659)
Address: 6 Botany Lane
Nature of Application: Removal of restrictive title deed conditions applicable to
Erf 46 and Remainder Erf 47 Bantry Bay (one dwelling & built-upon, building line and
fences height restrictions will be encroached), Council’s consent to permit a Double
Dwelling House on the property and for domestic staff quarters in excess of 50m2,
and for various departures relating to coverage, number of storeys and street & common
boundary setbacks; in order to permit additions and alterations to the existing
Dwelling House on the subject property (i.e. to permit a Double Dwelling House).
Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 5 of the Provincial Notice 733 of 22 September
1989 (Promulgated in terms of Act 4 of 1984), Regulation 19(5) of the Township Regulation
No.R1897 of 12 September 1986 (Promulgated in terms of Act 4 of 1984), Section 6 (1)(a)
of the Provincial Notice No. 5988 of 28 February 2003 and of the IKAPA Zoning Scheme
Regulations that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to
inspection at the office of the District Manager at Ledger House, corner of Aden Avenue
and George Street Athlone, and that any enquiries may be directed to Mr M. Collison,
PO Box 283, Athlone, 7760 or email, telephone
021 684 4343, fax 021 684 4410 weekdays during 08:00-14:30. Any objections, with full
reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District
Manager on or before 27 February 2012 quoting the above applicable legislation, the
application number, as well as your erf and contact phone number and address. Any
objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid.
Applicant: Urban Vision Town Planners
Application No: 204864
File Reference: LUM/26/607
Nature of application:
• Consent Use in terms of Section 4.12 to permit a range of uses as Consent Uses
Cape Town, Fryde Street, Woodstock-Jens Peter
in a Residential II use zone.
Le Cordeur
• A departure in terms of Section 3.14 to relax the height restriction of 2 storeys for
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 4(3) (a) of the Provincial Notice No. 5988
the proposed Museum.
that the Council received an application from Jens Peter Bacher and Genevieve Le
Cordeur, for the closure and purchase of a portion of Erf 14594, Cape Town, situated
in Fryde Street, Woodstock in extent approximately 14m² as shown on Plan ST5236/7
for increasing the driveway. The recommended selling price is R19 000.00 (excluding
VAT) escalating at 5% per annum from date of approval by Council to date of transfer.
The application is available for inspection, on appointment, in the office of Mr P J
• Erf 1741, 4 Helderberg Road, Somerset West
Williams, tel 021 400 6546, during office hours (08:00-13:00; 13:30-16:00), 3rd Floor,
Notice is hereby given in terms of the relevant Somerset West Zoning Scheme Regulations Media City Building, cnr Heerengracht and Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town and comments,
& Section 15 of Ordinance 15 of 1985 that the undermentioned application has been if any, must reach the undersigned in writing at P.O Box 4557, Cape Town, 8000, by not
received and is open to inspection at the office of the District Manager at the First Floor, later than 27 February 2012. (CT14/3/4/3/104/00/14594)
Municipal Offices, cnr/o Victoria & Andries Pretorius Streets, Somerset West. Enquiries • Public Street (Portion Of Erf 2519 Oranjezicht) Glencoe Road, Oranjezicht
may be directed to Dumza Mfutwana, P.O Box 19, Somerset West, e-mail to objec- Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 4(3)(a) of Provincial Notice No. 5988 that the, tel 021 850 4346 or fax 021 850 4487 weekdays Council received an application from Gerhard Weideman and Clive Richardson for the
during the hours of 08:00 to 14:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be closure and purchase of a portion of Public Street, portion of Erf 2519 Oranjezicht,
lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned District Manager on or before Glencoe Road, Oranjezicht in extent approximately 258m², as shown on Plan STC
27 February 2012, quoting the above relevant legislation, the application number and 2252 for gardening purposes and to construct a paved driveway. The recommended
the objector’s erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after selling price is R355 000.00 exclusive of VAT and subject to terms and conditions to
aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid.
be imposed by the Director: Property Management in exercise of her delegated powers.
Applicant: Ms N del Fabbro
The application is available for inspection, on appointment, at the office of Mrs G du
Owner: Lost Horizons (Pty) Ltd
Plessis, tel 021 400 6557, during office hours (08:00-13:00 and 13:30-15:30), 3rd Floor,
Application No: 214143
Media City Building, cnr Heerengracht and Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. Any comments
Notice No: 2/2012
or objections to the application must be submitted in writing, together with reasons
Address: 4 Helderberg Road, Somerset West
therefore, to the undersigned at PO Box 4557 Cape Town, 8000 or fax (021) 421-8349
Nature of application:
on or before 27 February 2012. (CT14/3/4/3/176/00/2519)
a) The rezoning of Erf 1741, 4 Helderberg Road, Somerset West from Single Residential
Achmat Ebrahim:
to Institutional with Council’s Consent for a Place of Instruction (residential & daycare
centre for disabled children and young adults);
City Manager
b) The departure from the Somerset West Zoning Scheme to permit the relaxation of
27 January 2012
the 9 m building lines applicable on an Institutionally-zoned property to approximately
1 m (adjacent to Erf 14415), 4 m (adjacent to Erf 1740) and 7 m (on Helderberg Road);
c) The approval of the Site Development Plan.