ENG 180: College Composition I (Sec. 019, Spring ‘16) Schedule

T TH: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
ENG 180: College Composition I (Sec. 019, Spring ‘16)
Instructor: Cunningham
Email: CT-Cunningham@wiu.edu
Phone: 309/298-2814
Office: Simpkins 108
Office Hours: T 2:00 – 3:00 PM
This schedule is subject to change. You are responsible for any changes made in class, delivered
through email, or posted to WesternOnline (WO). Class will alternate each day between classroom
(Simpkins 315) and lab (Simpkins 319). Please make note of which day meets in which room. In the
assignment guide listed below, readings from Joining the Conversation will be labeled JC; readings
from A Pocket Style Manual will be labeled PSM; readings from Guide to ENG 180 will be labeled GE.
You are responsible for bringing all three books to each class period.
Assignment/Reading Guide
1. Concepts of Reading and Writing: Discourse Community, Composition, and Literacy
T Lab
19 January
Introduction to Course; Policies and Procedures
Th Class 21 January
Discourse Communities
Read: JC Chapter 1 and 2; GE Chapter 1 and 3; “Beaufort Chapter”;
“The Concept of Discourse Community”
Note: Last day of open registration is 25 January 2016
T Lab
26 January
Read: JC Chapter 3 and 5; GE Chapter 4; “Learning to Read”; Literacy
Essay Assignment Sheet
Th Office 28 January
Student Conferences
Read: JC Chapters 14-16; “Portfolio”; selections from My Body
Politic; selections from They Say/I Say
Due: Complete, typed draft of Literacy Essay
Note: Class canceled for individual conferences; Last day of
restricted registration and to drop classes is 1 February 2016
T Office 2 February
Read: JC Chapters 14-16; “Portfolio”; selections from My Body
Politic; selections from They Say/I Say
Due: Complete, typed draft of Literacy Essay
Note: Class canceled for individual conferences
Th Class 4 February
Peer Review I
Read: JC Chapter 4
Due: Complete typed draft of your Literacy Essay
T Lab
9 February
The Revision Process
Read: JC Chapter 20
Due: Printed draft of Literacy Essay with reviewer commentary
Th Class 11 February
Discourse of Virtual Communities
Read: “The Virtual Community”; “A High-Stakes Battle: The
Context of Virtual communities”
14 February
Due: Literacy Essay and Reflection (on WO by 11:59 PM)
T TH: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
2. Understanding Conversations: Constructivism and Narratology
T Lab
16 February
The Rhetorical Situation
Read: Visual Literacy Essay Assignment Sheet; “What is Rhetoric?”;
“The Rhetorical Situation”; “Rhetorical Appeals”
Th Class 18 February
Introduction to Visual Rhetoric
Read: JC pp. 118-132; “Theory of Visual Rhetoric”; “Visual Rhetoric
T Lab
23 February
Construction of a Narrative
Read: “Final Narratives”
On Screen: Elephant [Director: Gus Van Sant; 2003]
Th Class 25 February
Social Construction within Narratives
Read: “Genre as Social Action”; “Narrative Construction of Reality”
Due: Response to Elephant (on WO by 11:59 PM)
28 February
Due: Visual Literacy Essay and Reflection (on WO by 11:59 PM)
T Lab
1 March
Summarizing a Filmic Text
Read: “Beginning to Think, Preparing to Watch, and Starting to
Write”; “Her Point Is: The Art of Summarizing”; Summary of a Filmic
Text Assignment Sheet
On Screen: No Control [Director: Jessica Solce; 2014]
Th Class 3 March
Read: Selections from Understanding Comics
T Lab
8 March
Read: The Killing Joke: The Complete Graphic Novel
Th Class 10 March
Peer Review II
Due: Complete typed draft of your Summary of a Filmic Text
11 March
Due: Comprehensive Midterm Exam (on WO by 11:59 PM)
13 March
Due: Summary of a Filmic Text and Reflection (on WO by 11:59 PM)
Spring Break
3. Shaping Conversations: Genre Theory and Research Methodology
T Lab
22 March
Discourse Community and Genre
Read: Selections from Virtual Communities; “College Admissions
Essays”; “The Genres of Chi Omega”; Group Presentation
Assignment Sheet
Th Class
24 March
Rhetoric of the Web
Read: “WikiLeaks and Hacktivist Culture”; selections from Rhetoric
Online: The Politics of New Media
T Lab
29 March
Designing Presentations
Read: “Understanding and Using PowerPoint”; “Toward a Better
Understanding of PowerPoint Deck Design”
Th Library 31 March
In-Class: Group Work Day
T Lab
5 April
Group Presentations
Read: Argumentative Essay and Annotated Bibliography
Assignment Sheet
Due: Group Presentation in class; Reflection (on WO by 11:59 PM)
In-Class: Group Presentations
T TH: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Th Library 7 April
Th Class
12 April
14 April
19 April
Th Class
21 April
24 April
Library Day
Read: GE Chapter 2
Academic Research
Read: Selections from Who Says?: The Writer’s Research
The Argument
Read: Selections from On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City;
Discipline and Punish: Birth of the Prison (pp. 209-214)
Student Conferences
Due: Complete typed draft of Argumentative Essay
Note: Class canceled for individual conferences
Due: Complete typed draft of Argumentative Essay
Note: Class canceled for individual conferences
Due: Argumentative Essay, Annotated Bibliography, and
4. Final Portfolio: Scholarly Identity
T Lab
26 April
Read: PSM (pp. 121-154); “Portfolio” pages 55-61 (on WO), Final
Portfolio Assignment Sheet (on WO)
Th Class 28 April
The Reflective Essay
Read: JC 602-608 and “Portfolio” (on WO: pages 63-69)
Due: Genre Analysis and Memo (on WO by 11:59 PM)
T Lab
3 May
Writing to Persuade and Choosing Evidence
Read: JC Chapters 10 and 14; Guide 98-103
Due: Bring all writing from the semester
Th Class 5 May
Peer Review III
Due: Complete typed draft of Reflective Essay
6 May
Due: ePortfolio (on WO by 5:00 PM)