Paisley Road Parent Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday October 20th, 2015

Paisley Road Parent Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday October 20th, 2015
In Attendance: Nadine Henderson, Sarah Wajgensberg, Andria Bitton, Jeannine Kralt, Kathy
Nahwegahbow, Kathlyn Thompson, Seanna Murphy, Leah Sadler, Marina Harrison, Randal
Wagner, Michelle Somerville, Catherine Yoshida, Chris Beercroft, Jessica Mackinnon, Lisa
Laverick-Worth, Kim Matheson, Steven Spoelskin.
1. Welcome, Greetings, Introductions
- We now need to approve minutes from previous meetings.
- An individual requested we expand on the issue related to the negative image of Paisley.
Randal stressed we must change the way we speak of Paisley and how we market the
school to the community. Catherine asked who has this opinion (is it teachers, supply staff,
parents?), Low standardized testing scores mentioned, as well as our diverse socioeconomic and ethnic population. Consensus at meeting is that Paisley is a great school and
we have an excellent community.
- Posting that issue to website could be problematic without context. We agreed to change
to: “Paisley Road is a great school and we want to continue to promote that image”
- Lisa encouraged new parents to ask questions for clarification on anything as we cover
many things during meetings.
2. Approval of Minutes from September meeting
- Andria motion to approve, Sarah seconded – September 2015 minutes approved.
3. Principal’s Report (Randal)
- Fundraising – we need to establish what our needs are, and explain to community why we
need to fundraise.
- Outdoor playground, technology, 8 smart boards for free, scientists in the school (surplus
so it is already covered for this 2015 school year)
- Mrs. Ritcher would like to establish a music program. Looking at purchasing xylophones
($42 each).
- Teacher Fund - $100 each
- Playground costs - $300 worth of repairs needed. Anything related to the playground
including repairs is the responsibility of Council. Andria requested documents outlining
bylaws related to playground equipment be given to Council for review.
- Requests from parents at school to move bicycle rack - $590 quote, Randal has put in an
alterations request to the Board (may not be funded by board but worth a shot).
- Randal will communicate to Council what needs to be funded. Any leftover money will be
returned back to Council.
- As a Council we should choose fundraisers that are most profitable and the least amount
of work.
- Communicate each fundraiser to parents and list why Paisley needs it. Our fundraising
efforts need to be transparent.
- Establish sub-committees for each major fundraiser to organize and execute events. The
sub-committee can report back to Council.
- Nadine wondered if a newsletter could go home asking for donations. Given the varied
socio-economic background of the school, Kim (treasurer) thinks we will raise more
money through multiple fundraiser than one-time cash donations.
- Halloween – black and orange day, perhaps a blue and white day for Blue Jays, Costumes
welcome and students can change before heading outside at nutrition breaks.
- Labour / Union update – difficult for everyone but Paisley is doing really well. We are not
advertising sanctions but it affects everyone (teachers, TA, admin, custodial). Clarification
that staff cannot handle money. Admin requires council to help stuff bags for
communication and fundraisers.
- Positive response to increased school security. Definite improvement from September.
YMCA after school program will have parents to enter through gym to pick up kids and
leave through the back doors. Parents may park at the back of the building after hours.
- Late arrivals are improving, and it is down to specific families 2-3 times per week Randal
looking for advice from Council about how to support these families so the students can
arrive on time.
- Pro-Grant received ($1000). Proposal to make portable made into year round greenhouse,
and combine with the Outdoor Classroom initiative.
- $500 we have at our disposal towards Anti-Bullying campaign.
- Pita Pit in lieu of Pizza? $5 cost and $1 goes back to Paisley. Lunchbox Orders already has
Pita Pit option.
- Distribution package made up of newsletters and fundraising updates to go home Thur/Fri
of this week. Volunteers needed to help stuff backpacks
4. Treasurer’s Report / Budget (Kim)
- Milk and smoothie sales only income (is actually a credit from previous years).
- Stick with zero cost fundraisers and the largest money makers.
- Balance in bank account is $5000. 10% of balance must remain in account each year for
repairs (Kim to report back with exact requirement).
- Scientists in the school can be re-allocated from surplus.
- Top 5 Profitable Fundraisers – Pizza, Petite Blanche festival, Dance-A-Thon, Vesey’s
Bulbs, Holiday Craft Sale.
- Michelle mentioned $5000 of the profit from Petite Blanche was donated by Scotia Bank
because of a parent connection. The $5000 cannot be counted on this year as that parent/
family has moved on to McCrae. The expenses related to Petite Blanche were highlighted
as being high. They will need to be reviewed this year and in future years to maximize
- Fundraising Approval Forms need to be filled out from now on. A goal and direction will
help with communication to families.
- Where do we want fundraising to be allocated to? (see below)
5. Fundraising strategy / frequency/ plans / updates /committees
- Field Trips – Currently unable to run them (Work-to-Rule). Park idea for now.
- School Nutrition Program – Emergency supplemental program only. Non-perishables
available in office. Proposal for a breakfast program in future years for those students in
need. Park idea for now.
- Library Books - $1000 allocated to library book purchases. Voted and approved.
- It was suggested we do “phases” of fundraising (eg. Phase One, Phase Two, Phase Three)
during the school year. We are currently in Phase One. Phase Two will begin in January,
and Phase Three to run from spring until end of school year.
- Forest of Reading – (different programs for each class, students vote on favourite book,
winner for school and province, celebration in class and school) - $1500 allocated to this
program. Voted and approved.
- Arts Curriculum – Phase Two of fundraising. Park idea for now.
- Technology – 2 Projectors required. Request for $1000 for digital projectors, light bulbs
and cables. Voted and Approved.
- Teachers Fund – per teacher (30), Randal will supplement with $1000 to match Council’s
- Outdoor Classroom – Park idea for now. Greenhouse proposal: how can Council
contribute? The two complement each other. Leslie Work spearheaded idea. Community
will be a great asset when we need volunteers. Sub-committee proposed. Work will be
started Spring 2016. Any development with reaching out to University of Guelph
professor/students? Next council meeting put Outdoor Classroom on agenda as we need to
form a concrete plan.
- Bike Rack - $590 feels like a ripoff. Randal submitted a request to the board. If rejected,
Randal and Council to split the bill. Council to get quote on a brand new bike rack.
Heading into the late fall/ winter, this can be addressed in the new year (Phase Two of
- Xylophones – Cost is roughly $1000 for a class set (30). If we are going to invest, Marina
suggested investing in a set of layered instruments. Marina will connect will Julie. Park
idea for now, and revisit in Phase Two.
- Kindergarten Yard – The goal is eventually have naturalized play area. Present plan at
November meeting to complement Outdoor proposal.
- $3500 requirement for Phase One Fundraising.
Current Fundraising (Phase One)
- Movie Night – Thurs Oct 29 – Scooby Doo 2 is the movie - Order Form to go out to
families this weekend, and any pre-orders are due back by Monday. Jessica will collect
money and order forms on Mon/Tues. Funds to be allocated to Forest of Reading.
- Dance-A-Thon – February 2016
- Holiday Craft Sale – December 2015 - Council to supply $50 for school to disperse to
students who do not bring money so they may purchase something and be included (25
cents each).
- LunchBox Orders – organized by Alexis – Subway (meat & veggie option) and Boston
Pizza (pasta) this year, Mondays & Fridays? Parents can order and pay online. Council
wondered what were the most popular orders from last year? Volunteers are already
assembled, and Council interested to move forward. Questions: What do kids want? What
is the profit? Add Lunchbox Orders into the communication package going home this
week. Alexis to deliver more information to Council.
- Milk – call for volunteers in communication home to family.
- Pizza – call for volunteers in communication home to family.
*** We need to get pizza going as it is the most profitable fundraiser. There are communication
boxes for older students but younger students will not be able to transport money themselves.
Kim will investigate how John McCrae is organizing their Pizza campaign. Pizza is a huge
undertaking, and we need as many volunteers as possible. In the call out for parent volunteers,
explain it’s a temporary volunteer position. There is the potential for Paisley to be selected for
an online ordering system, but that isn’t until January and isn’t guaranteed.
6. Pro-Grant – Parked to next meeting.
7. Other News:
Insurance – purchased for Council. Parked to next meeting
Childcare – for future meetings, Council will need to know how many
children need care in advance. There will be a sign in/out form. Parked to next meeting.
P.I.C – Parent Involvement Committee – sets up educational events and
meetings – next one is Nov 2015 - Parked to next meeting.
- Communication for English as a second language families - Lisa and Admin investigating
options. Other school boards have multiple language options on school websites.
8.Next meeting date: November 17, 2015
(This year's meeting dates: January 19, February 16, March 22, April 19, and May 17)