Mortar Board Full Chapter Meeting October 31, 2013

Mortar Board Full Chapter Meeting
October 31, 2013
Those Present: Sheri McCormack, Craig Toren, Bennett Riddering, Mallory Smith,
Emily Smith, Megan Kelley, Allison Greene, Emily Raetz, Catherine Gammon, Sung Il
Hwang, Alexis Sears, Kevin Olson, Alexandra Benson, Kelsey Masserant, Caitlin Ploch,
Stephanie Rogers, Hannah McCoy, Emily Dalgleish, Rachel Butts, Gerardo Ochoa,
Rachel Slotman, Kayleigh Forlow, Elizabeth Unterbrink, Danielle Mila, Sara Sanchez,
Ashley Blauwkamp, Lauren Aprill, Colleen Quick, Miranda Orlando, Kate Bauer, Mary
Kelso, Kimberly Collins, Prof. Portfleet, Prof. Robert Pocock
Those Excused: Rebecca Budde, Emma Zagar, Michael Atwell
Those Absent: Kelsey Herbert
The President opened the meeting at 9:35 pm
1) Fall/Halloween snacks
a. Quick debrief on how meetings will be changed for the rest of the year
b. For new meeting format, committee chairs will add updates to Google doc
online by Wednesday night at midnight
i. PowerPoint and agenda will be formulated Thursday, sent out that
day/evening before the meeting
c. Brainstorming activity Small group conversation on question of “What
can YOU do to promote MB Awareness Week among your friends and/or
underclassmen? “
i. Group 1: putting events/posts on Facebook, because many eligible
juniors are not on campus and do not eat in Phelps, talk to
underclassmen; create flyers, get group of juniors that are on the
Dean’s List and send out an email to them saying eligible and
about upcoming events
ii. Group 2: spreading word of mouth in everyday conversations; talk
to peers about MB, but also professors you know because they
interact with lots of students especially younger students
iii. Group 3: invite juniors that might be eligible to upcoming events
iv. Group 4: using Facebook to spread the word about events and to
publicize your association with Mortar Board
v. Group 5: wear MB sweatshirts/shirts more than one time during
this week, change cover photo or profile pictures to be Mortar
Board related (especially using photos with vibrant colors)
vi. Group 6: explain what MB is in a short announcement to one of
your class, especially if it is a class with underclassmen; ask a
favorite professor if you can come talk about MB in a class they
teach which has a lot of underclassmen who might be eligible in it
vii. Group 7: Facebook posts and events about MB
viii. Email going out tomorrow (Nov. 1) to students JRs on Dean’s List
ix. Goal for each member, seek out 2 juniors you think would be good
leaders and good students; tell about and tell about upcoming
events for Mortar Board and encourage to apply if they are invited
2) Event Updates
a. CASA Pumpkin Carving
i. Thank you to everyone who helped out
ii. Success! Over 100 kids were able to each carve a pumpkin
iii. In Holland sentinel today
iv. Was a great time had tutor who never carved pumpkin, lots kids
said wouldn’t have done at home
b. Book Drive
i. Have $12, 500 raised
ii. All of the books have been sent just shipped 165 pounds to
Malaysia, had fun taking to post office
1. Be there in 5-10 days at max
2. Portfleet will email our contact in Malaysia to say that the
books are on their way
iii. Reading to students at Woodside:
1. On Friday Date Friday, Nov. 15th 1-3pm,
2. Waiting to hear back from principal to confirm this date
and time
3. Volunteer sign up on Google Doc
4. Woodside Address: 2592 N. Division Ave, Holland
5. Will email members about date when confirm with
iv. Creating the check (big check)
1. Want put amount on
2. Volunteers contact Emily/ sign up on Google doc
3. 3X6 feet would be approximate size; fridge box as potential
backing for check?
4. Look into Copy Works printing for use (maybe find a
template online to use to print larger copy of check)
c. Discuss volunteer doc
i. Created one document so MBers can see what sign up for all in
one place
ii. Groups that need volunteers can both put sign ups on this
document and/or can send out emails for volunteers directly,
depending on need/urgency
iii. More streamlined
iv. REMINDER: You may bring your computer, agenda, calendar,
etc. to meetings to write down times/check your upcoming
availability to see what events you can volunteer to help with
this way you can plan in advance what you can participate in and
write it down so you don’t forget about it!
Presidential Swap
i. Megan has been in contact with President Knapp’s secretary
ii. 2 times that President and wife are available to meet are:
1. Wed. Nov 6th at 2pm
2. Friday Nov 8th, 9:30 am
iii. Hannah, Rachel S. and Emily R. have volunteered to go with
Megan to meet on Friday Nov. 8th
iv. Megan will email secretary back to tell her that Friday works best
for MBers and will get details about where they will meet will
forward on to those coming with her ASAP
International Student Thanksgiving Dinner
i. President Knapp and wife confirmed attendance
ii. Invites sent out and already had people sign up
iii. Sign up on Google Doc for volunteers—6 people need for set up,
serving, and clean up
1. 3 people from 3pm-5pm (setup)
2. 3 people from 5:30-7:30pm (serve and clean up)
iv. People are already very excited about this event!
St. Vincent de Paul
i. Google Doc sign up for this is up and running FYI it is the last
tab in the document
ii. Only two people have signed up to volunteer so far, encourage
others to sign up
iii. When people are on the list, Catie will contact Sister Pat (our
contact at St. Vincent) to further coordinate our volunteer activities
iv. This will be fun; find a buddy and sign up to go volunteer with
them!--> only a 3 minute drive/10 minute walk to get to St.
v. When volunteering here we will mostly be distributing, organizing,
and reorganizing food
vi. Catie will send out an email this upcoming week to remind MBers
to sign up
MB Awareness week
i. Next week!
ii. Be intentional about talking to people about MB
iii. Schedule of Events
1. Monday dispense cookies 6pm,
a. emailed about directions for baking cookies if you
b. those dispensing cookies will take cookies and go
through Science Center, library, and surrounding
area to give out cookies
c. all cookies will have tags on, have allergens in
d. Last Lecture at 7pm
i. Still need to put lots of ads up asked to
take some and put up
ii. Portfleet read rough draft; says phenomenal
lecture tell others they really have to come
iii. good international themes, so especially
encourage international students to come
iv. Some posters for Last Lecture have already
been up on one side of 8th street, so do not
put more up on this side; go down to
freedom village
2. Tuesday bingo night in Kletz 7-9pm
a. 8 giftcards of $25 to Curragh as gifts for winners
b. encouraged to put on FB that this event is occurring
and invite your friends to go!
3. Wed. Marshmallow throwers blitz:
a. Need volunteers to sell (things got at retreat) sign
up in Google doc
b. Please sign up, make challenge selling them a
challenge amongst yourselves
c. Rachel will send out an email tell where and when
to meet before begin selling
4. Thursday MB info panel—11 am in MMC Rotunda
5. The email to go out to eligible juniors will announce this
event and others occurring during MB Awareness Week
h. Friendship Prom
sign up!
ii. In 2 weeks
1. Set up at 6/6:30pm
2. Clean up by 9pm
iii. Need people next weekend to help with prep, with hand cut outs,
die cuts (sign up in Google Doc)
iv. Need people help with set up clean up
v. Can dress however want friends have wide range; we would like
for girls to wear skirts and guys to wear ties, at the very least
vi. 36 people from brother and sister homes are definitely coming, 24
vii. Have craft supplies coming from CASA; contacted Baumann about
speaker system; hope to confirm tomorrow
viii. Ask for volunteer to create playlist; we may also use Pandora as
option for music (both are lowest cost alternatives)
1. The kind of music desired includes songs like YMCA,
classics, fun song, songs there are dances with steps to
ix. Note on volunteer sign up if you can bring music
x. Enough toilet paper roles for craft thank you all for collecting!
xi. Handed out invites at Bible study many brothers and sisters attend;
a couple underclassmen who are work with these individuals
wanted to attend events, and were invited
xii. MBers allowed to bring friend or two; just want to make sure have
enough food (deadline for confirming number attending on Nov.
11 so let chairs know by then!)
i. Relay for Life
i. Two weeks from tomorrow (Nov. 15th and 16th! 7:00pm to
ii. Raised goal to $16,000 and surpassed again; might raise again
iii. Those not paid registration deposit, need pay online or in person
iv. One of teams, Life Science team is hosting a euchre tournament on
the night of Relay
1. Need to register by might of Relay
2. Contact Matthew.harder @ to register
v. Bank Night Tuesday: Nov. 12th
1. can bring change to chairs after meeting or before Bank
2. can keep collecting until day of, but best to get in before so
know how much have collected before Relay
3. will get Relay shirts before day of Relay (on Bank Night)
if raised get Thursday if raised $100 before deadline that
was set
vi. can still get shirt if raise $100, but may not get before Relay
(although contact for Hope’s Relay participation says there is a
good change you would)
vii. 2 signups on Google Doc now for Relay because so many areas in
which volunteers are need; they include the following:
1. Walking Schedule sign up
2. Packing list what you can bring for set up, furniture,
games, things
3. Prostrate Cancer awareness decorate pair of boxers,
anyone feeling crafty can email chairs if want to
4. Luminaria record your names to be read during for; those
fought and won, and those lost; anyone know that want one
for, will fill out and names get read more bags to
decorate, get more after meeting or night of
5. Volunteers for set up and take down—Friday 5:30 pm and
take down Saturday 7pm
viii. Photobooth Idea may be professional or DIY chatge $.50 or
ix. If DIY, will need someone to bring camera and other equipment,
and to take picture (Google Doc sign up for this as well)
x. Team Challenge #3:
xi. Raise $750 between now and Bank Night = all team members
entered to win Relay prizes!
1. Prizes given out hourly during event!
xii. Will send emails with updates about Relay over next 2 weeks
xiii. MB full-chapter meeting before day of Relay, will use some of
meeting time do last minute updates and other necessary volunteer
xiv. Shout out to Lizzie and Portfleet for raising more than $1000
j. CASA Stocking Stuffer
i. Mon/Tues, Dec. 2nd and 3rd
ii. Waiting to hear about the list of names
iii. Gifts will be ordered soon!
iv. Distribute the first week of December (Monday/Tuesday)
k. Last Lecture Series
i. In Maas
ii. Dr. Beard- Mon. Nov. 4th
iii. Title: Grace and Beauty, Death and Life – Now and Yet to Be
iv. Book Titles:The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born – Ayikwei
Armah; Grace Eventually – Anne Lamott; 14 Minutes: A Running
Legend’s Life and Death and Life – Alberto Salazar
v. Please continue to hang posters and encourage friends to come!
vi. Thank you to volunteers who signed up to help!
vii. Dr. Beard is very excited for her presentation, so please make
every effort to come and bring others along to support her!
viii. Might reduce volunteers can check in and leave if too many and
crowding table
l. Rwanda Orphanage
i. Portfleet received check from one of favorite donors
ii. Opened new fund in MB account; $500 in already toward
iii. Will be working on collecting funds if someone asks you where
you would like them to donate money to for next semester projects,
suggest this!
3) Exit slips—write one thing good and one thing bad about meeting
4) Extra sweatshirts up for grabs
5) Meeting adjourned—HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Mary Kelso
Sung Il Hwang
Emily Smith
Catherine Gammon
Emily Raetz
Craig Toren
Allison Greene
Alexandra Benson
Rachel Slotman
Megan Kelley
Elizabeth Unterbrink
Gerardo Ochoa
Sheri McCormack
Rachel Slotman
Colleen Quick
Kevin Olson
Kate Bauer
Kelsey Masserant
Miranda Orlando
Rebecca Budde
Stephanie Rogers
Hannah McCoy
Emily Dalgleish
Rachel Butts
Sara Sanchez
Lauren Aprill
Caitlin Ploch
Kevin Olson
Kayleigh Forlow
Danielle Mila
Kelsey Herbert
Kimberly Collins
Ashley Blauwkamp
Michael Atwell
Alexis Sears