Mortar Board Full Body Meeting November 14, 2013

Mortar Board Full Body Meeting
November 14, 2013
Those Present: Sheri McCormack, Craig Toren, Bennett Riddering, Mallory Smith,
Emily Smith, Allison Greene, Emily Raetz, Catherine Gammon, Sung Il Hwang, Alexis
Sears, Kevin Olson, Alexandra Benson, Caitlin Ploch, Stephanie Rogers, Hannah
McCoy, Emily Dalgleish, Rachel Butts, Gerardo Ochoa, Rachel Slotman, Kayleigh
Forlow, Elizabeth Unterbrink, Danielle Mila, Sara Sanchez, Ashley Blauwkamp, Lauren
Aprill, Colleen Quick, Miranda Orlando, Kate Bauer, Mary Kelso, Kimberly Collins,
Michael Atwell, Kelsey Herbert, Rebecca Budde, Prof. Robert Pocock
Those Excused: Megan Kelley, Kelsey Masserant, Emma Zagar, Dr. Portfleet
The President called the meeting to order at 9:32pm
1) Start of meeting
a. Short meeting because of Relay for Life on Friday and Saturday
b. Ask members to sign Christmas card in back for Miracle Child, Mallory
Zimmerman for Dance Marathon
2) Committee Updates
a. MB Awareness Week – Debrief
i. Everything went smoothly
ii. Prospective member panel went well
1. Have about 20 Juniors show up and show interest
iii. Over $400 made from selling marshmallow shooters
b. Emily Raetz
i. Alumni chair
ii. Decided a month ago she will be graduating in December, which
means there will be position open on the Executive Board
iii. The main job of the alumni chair is being on Exec Board and few
sporadic responsibilities related to connections with alumni
iv. Before the next meeting we will accept nominations for Emily’s
position and will vote for who will take over her position (if
anyone) during the next full body meeting
v. If anyone is interested or wants to nominate another person to take
over this position, email Malory or Rachel B.
vi. If no one get nominated, will stay on Exec and Skype in meetings
c. Application/meeting for potential new members
i. Email went out with the materials needed to apply for Mortar
Board and to tell Juniors that they were eligible
ii. Lots responses from students who are studying abroad already
iii. In another email eligible juniors were notified there will be another
panel meeting at two times on times 11:00 am and 4pm on
November 26th, in MMC First Floor Rotunda
1. If you are interested in volunteering on the panel, sign up
on the Google Doc
iv. All seems to be going smoothly!
St. Vincent de Paul
i. Sheri and Catie went last weekend
ii. Catie and Sheri met Maria and Frank, who are our contacts at St.
Vincent, and helped to organize clothes donations
iii. Going in a pair is a good idea
iv. Sign up to volunteer on the Google Docs, there are still slots open
CASA Stocking Stuffing
i. $500 work of gifts and supplies were ordered already
ii. Looking for 5-10 volunteers to help write names on stockings and
to stuff them (Nov 25, between 3pm-7pm) sign up on Google
1. Volunteers: Kimberly, Kelsey H.
2. Let Rebecca or another one of the co-chairs know if you
would like to volunteer, or you can sign up to volunteer on
google doc
iii. Please donate a box of candy canes ($1 per box at Dollar Tree)
1. Need approximately 120
2. Decided that 10 people would elect to give a dollar to
Rebecca so she could buy candy canes
a. Notify Rebecca B. in you are interested in buying
candy canes or giving her money to buy them
iv. Will need another date to stuffTBA (Probably Sunday after TGiving)
Book Drive
i. Reading books tomorrow (Nov. 15th) at Woodside and presenting
large check with amount donated printed on it
ii. Reading will occur on Friday Nov. 15th , from 1-3pm
iii. Wear something sharp to have your picture taken in when check is
presented and when reading
iv. Anyone available to go, please do so even if you haven’t signed up
yet, because only six people signed up and told Woodside staff that
nine Mortar Boarders were coming to read
v. Will start in main office to present check and then go to classroom
to read to students
Presidential Swap/New Ideas w Dr. Knapp
i. Emily, Megan, and Rachel met with Pres. Knapp on last Friday
he generously allowed them a full hour of his time!
ii. Pres, Knapp noted that he and Mrs. Knapp do not want to do what
the Bultmanns did in past, want to set knew traditions and be
involved in a new and different project
iii. We will NOT be doing a Presidential Swap as a result
iv. Please brainstorm ideas for another project/event we can undertake
in cooperation with the Knapps for the spring semester
v. Other thoughts Pres. Knapp had for us
1. He would like it if we undertook projects which will make
a direct impact on campus; brainstorm about what kinds of
projects we can engage in that directly engage/affect
2. He would like it if we undertook projects/events which will
engage young alumni (perhaps starting with our own
alumni pool); brainstorm about what kinds of projects we
can engage in that directly engage/affect young alumni and
keep them involved in campus events and monetarily
3. He would like us to consider what Mortar Board can do in
helping him attain his goal of making Hope a more
welcoming environment for diverse populations of students
brainstorm about what kinds of projects we can engage in
that would aid in this goal
vi. We are still in the mulling process about what can we do with him
that takes into account these ideas; please keep thinking about this,
and direct any of your ideas either to people on the Exec Board of
vii. This is an opportunity to set a new tradition with our new
h. Relay for Life
i. We have reached and surpassed our goal of $20,000!
ii. For the event on Nov 15th beginning at 7pm to Nov. 16th at 7 am,
please check walking schedule; we want to have someone always
walking, so make sure to show up to do so if you signed up to
volunteer in this aspect our Relay involvement
iii. If you volunteered to bring supplies, make sure that you do so!
(consult google doc for what you signed up to bring, if you don’t
1. There are some current needs for supplies to be brought
(sign up in google doc if you can fill these)
a. TV
b. Board Games/Card games
c. Another futon
d. Mike will bring some chairs
e. Big thing need is photo booth supplies
i. New on site fundraiser
ii. Tell people about
iii. Bring what can
2. For anything you bring, put label with your name on it so it
gets back to you
iv. Drop things off at Kleinheksel cottage before 5pm if you will not
be present at Relay before the start time
v. You can bring any food that you volunteered to bring whenever
you arrive
vi. Email co-chairs if there is any problem
vii. Will pass out Relay shirts for those who raised over $100 at the
end of the meeting; wear it to the event if you receive one
viii. There will be a cake walk at Relay held by the planning committee
1. We need to make one dessert to bring (this could be dozen
2. Emily D. volunteered to bring this dessert
ix. If have name to be written on a Luminaria, please add to list in
Google doc it can be the name of anyone the team is connected
1. If concerned about how the name will be pronounced when
read, let co-chairs know
i. Friendship Prom
i. Monday Nov 18th 7-8pm (this coming Monday) in Maas
ii. Mandatory event! Sign up in the google doc to…
1. Help with decorations during Relay or other times
2. Set up at 6pm
3. Participate in the event
4. Clean up afterwards
iii. Have sound system need music
1. Kelsey H. volunteered to be our DJ she will either use
Spotify or some other form of music she will provide
2. Sign up on google doc if you would also like to bring a
playlist or CD
iv. Dress to the nines
1. Girls dresses/skirts
2. Guys shirts and ties
v. 80 confirmed guest so far, including us
vi. They are excited!
vii. This is an open eventfeel free to invite housemates/ others, but
give the co-chairs an idea of how many people you are bringing so
they can better estimate amount of attendees for food purposes
j. MB Twitter
i. We have one! Using on a trial basis
ii. @hopemortarboard is our name
iii. We already have one tweet
iv. Hannah not twitter person, but she’s working on becoming one!
v. Let her know of any ideas for using Twitter, such as…
1. Suggestions of people should follow
2. Events to tweet about
3. Things to retweet
4. Any other suggestions
k. Dance Marathon
i. Lizzie and Kayleigh have already attended two mandatory
meetings and received preliminary info about fundraising, our
Miracle Family (the Zimmermans), and being DGRs
ii. Presented blurb for alumni donation letters asked if any
necessary revisions
1. Only suggestion made was that we add a bit about the
Miracle Family, particularly that we have supported the
same family for a number of years now
l. International Student Thanksgiving Dinner
i. On Sunday Nov 24th, from 5-7pm in Maas
ii. About 30 people have RSVP’d already; details with catering to be
finalized this coming week
iii. We will serve the food at this event thank you to those members
who have already signed up to serve, Sara will let us know if need
more servers
iv. Members can go to this event! Sara will send an email out to find
out number of members who plan to attend
Open Floor
a. Please brainstorm ways to connect with our Alumni in more personal and
meaningful ways
Exit Slips
Mortar Board Posters Allie has, will bring to Relay
Relay Shirts Distributed
End of meeting