Stakeholder Engagement towards the Drafting of the 2009/10 Review of

Stakeholder Engagement towards the Drafting of the 2009/10 Review of
the 2007/08 – 2011/12 Five Year Plan
The review of the Five Year Plan for the City of Cape Town commenced when
Council adopted the Process Plan for the IDP and Budget at its meeting in
August 2009. This flowed from consultation sessions held at various levels of
civil society including inter alia comments from the public via Sub council
meetings as required by the Municipal Systems Act. The Process Plan set the
framework for further engagements with various stakeholders to ensure
adoption of the 2009/10 IDP and Budget by the end of May 2009.
The City’s consultation process on its draft IDP review and budget was held
during the month of October 2008, where various community organisations
and representatives have come forward to give input on the strategic focus
areas and challenges facing the City
Community involvement via Sub-Councils
Public awareness of the process was attained with extensive advertising both
in the print media, regional and locally as well as on radio informing
communities of their need to participate in the processes.
The first of such direct engagements occurred during October 2008
Consultation at Sub-Council level
Capacity building workshops was held during August / September to
educate ward forums members on Integrated Development Planning in
preparation for the October 2008 public engagement process
28 Sub-Council meetings and 5 public hearings were held during
October 2008. These were mainly attended by ward forum members
and representatives of organisations.
Posters were used as advertising tool to inform communities of the IDP
public participation process
Feedback forms and feedback boxes placed in accessible places such
as Municipal libraries and Sub-Council offices for communities to give
input on the 09/10 IDP review process
Copies of a simplified version of the City’s 5 year plan (IDP) were
placed in all libraries, sub-council and administration buildings
E-Based consultation
- Notification was given to all the organisations on the city’s database via
- The opportunity to comment and give input was communicated on the
website with feedback forms electronically available.
- The city’s call centre was engaged in collecting inputs via telephone, email and fax.
At all the municipal libraries, regional and sub council offices feedback
boxes and forms were available.
Consulting with the Business Sector
- A presentation were done at the Small Business Week in August,
preparing them for the October engagement process
Engagement with Higher Learning Institutions
- In July an opportunity was created where learners and academics of
the Universities of Cape Town and Western Cape were briefed on the
forthcoming IDP and budget events.
Various opportunities in partnership with the City’s Social Development
department was created and is ongoing where capacity is built with
community organisations to assist the sectors with which they are involved
to participate in all IDP engagements. One of the sectors is also the
Secondary Schools where the learners are briefed and encouraged to
participate while encouraging others inter alia their parents to participate.
The approximate attendance to these events totalled +- 2000
Other engagement from various other departments also occurred in this
period and includes but not limited to the following:
Community Satisfaction Survey (scientifically determined sample of 3000
residents surveyed).
Comments on various sub-components of the IDP document such as:
Spatial Development Framework (City-wide)
Integrated Waste Plan (City-Wide)
Public participation process involved 8 public meetings and 1 specialist
meeting to obtain input on the Integrated Waste Management by-law.
Other participation media included fax, email and personal written
City Health
Various outreach programmes and campaigns were held per subcouncil / per ward
Safety and Security (Draft animal By-law)
Public meetings per sub-councils, radio interviews and the internet
were used as mechanism to involve communities
Integrated Transport Plan
Economic Development & Tourism
Provision of destination marketing and visitor services through external
mechanisms, meetings with key tourism stakeholders / associations
was held with an aim of getting their view
Water Services Development Plan for the City
The WSDP is updated annually. It is placed on the website accessible
to all. Public will be engaged in terms of statutory processes,
strategies, by-laws and / or other planning
Land-use plan for the City, City Parks By-law, etc.
Attendance / comments received were not recorded in all cases but are
estimated at approximately 25,000 in total.
Mayor’s radio broadcasts (Inputs recorded at call centre).
City call centre (Approximately 390 000 inputs were received over the last
6 months)
The total number of comments received from the various mechanisms
utilised is +/- 26 000.
Engagement with the West Coast District Municipality and neighbouring
B municipality
The IDP Department had an engagement with the West Coast District
Municipality and Swartland Municipality on the 6 th of March 2009 where key
regional linkages were discussed. Some of the key issues discussed were
spatial growth, and agriculture models as well as economic growth.
Engagement with the Overberg District Municipality and neighbouring B
On the 16th of April 2009 the IDP department engaged with the Overberg
District Municipalities and neighbouring B Municipalities to collaborate on key
issues. Sustainable infrastructure as well as tourism as a sustainable growth
sector was some of the linkages discussed.
IDP’s engagement with the municipal entities and strategic partners
On the 17th of April 2009 a presentation was done to the municipal entities
and strategic partners where they were requested to review the current draft
of the IDP.
April 2009 Consultation
After several consultative workshops a draft review of the 5 Year Plan for the
city was developed and presented to council internal bodies for comments.
The process was preceded by the September/October 2008 IDP public
consultation process where communities assisted the City in the identification
of service delivery priorities that would assist in drafting the 2009/2010 draft
Public Hearings
Communities were given various opportunities to comment on the IDP and
draft budget (feedback form, IDP e-mail address, written submitions, fax, call
centres, Mayor’s radio broadcast and verbally at Subcouncil Meetings) and
the period started the 1st of April 2009 until the 6th of May 2009.
The process was widely advertised in local and regional newspapers giving
communities sufficient time to comment on the 2009/2010 review of the 5
Year Plan for Cape Town (IDP) and Draft Budget as informed by the
Municipal Systems Act. The documents were placed at municipal libraries ad
Subcouncil offices with feedback boxes and forms. Verbal presentations could
be made at all the twenty three (23) Subcouncil Meetings which covered all
one hundred and five (105) wards. All the Ward Forms were informed and
could engage at Subcouncil level. Notification was given to all organizations
on the city’s database.
The comments are being forwarded to the respective line departments for a
response. The responses will be communicated via several communication
channels including the sub council offices for scrutiny.