
Introduction and Key Thirdclass
Learning Objectives for the Military
Corporal Academy
• The purpose of the CPL, NCO, and Officer Academies is
to facilitate the transition from one level of cadet
leadership to the next, with an emphasis on the
military pillar.
• The Academies consist of five sessions conducted as
LTPs between the return from spring furlough and the
end of academic classes, and three practical
application exercises conducted during Graduation
– All three Academies have the same basic curricula,
although due to resource constraints, the classes are
conducted in different orders.
• CPL Academy schedule
– Day 1: Introduction and LDP Key Learning
Outcomes Orientation
– Day 2: Drill & Ceremonies Confidence-building
– Day 3: Commandant’s Address
– Day 4: NCO Business
– Day 5: CPL Duty Position Roles and Responsibilities
– Three PEs during Graduation Week
Training Objective
• Task: Understand the LDP military pillar learning
outcomes thirdclass cadets will have to
accomplish in the upcoming year and the
supporting skills needed to be developed in order
to achieve those learning outcomes
• Condition: Given A Guide for the Leader
Development Program and a block of instruction
in a classroom environment
• Standard: As part of a group, correctly identify
the learning outcomes and supporting skills
3C Military Pillar Key Learning
• Under supervision
– Lead by example
– Understand CTM leadership concepts
– Lead small groups to complete tasks or detail to
• Maintain individual resiliency; apply CTM
principles to grow small-unit resiliency
• Refine personal career plan and develop a
leadership resume
“Under supervision…”
• All cadet corporals have a direct supervisor
– For Squad CPLs, that’s the Squad Sergeant
– For clerks, the 1SG
– For armorers, the Supply Sergeant
– For HA CPLs, the HA NCO
– For Recruiting CPLs, the 1SG
• What do you expect from your supervisor?
“Under supervision…”
• Leaders supervise by
– Giving instructions
– Giving intent
– Being present
– Checking and rechecking
– Giving feedback
– Coaching
“Under supervision…”
• “Direct supervision” is when the leader maintains, by such
controls as his instructions, physical presence, and
considerations of time and space, the ability to intervene
in person immediately
• “Indirect supervision” is when the leader maintains
responsibility for and influence over his subordinate’s
actions, but does not have the ability to intervene in
person immediately
• Blue Book para states that “Cadet Corporals will
not be allowed unsupervised interaction with fourth class
cadets under any circumstances.”
• The implication in this regulation is that the supervision be
“Under supervision…”
• The type of supervision you can expect as a Squad
– Your Squad Sergeant delegates to you the authority to get
the squad members’ rooms ready for an upcoming
– She remains on the gallery as you go from room to room,
observing your activity
– She does not intervene unless errors, sloppy work, or
lapses occur
– If necessary, she is there to answer questions or resolve a
problem that you can’t handle
– By this technique, the Squad Sergeant is both ensuring the
squad is prepared and helping you develop as a leader
“Lead by example”
• Leadership is about influencing others to
accomplish organizational goals
• “Leading by example” is more than just
following the rules yourself
• It is using the example of your behavior to
influence others
• How can you do that?
“Lead by example”
• By “showing, not telling” subordinates,
– Model the desired behavior as an instructional aid
– Provide a tangible and relevant example
subordinates can relate to
– Create a consistency between word and deed
– Demonstrate their own commitment to the
organization’s values in a way that builds trust in
“Lead by example”
• Leaders are always being watched and
subordinates are always learning from their
• What are the consequences of a leader’s
actions not aligning with his words?
“Understand CTM…”
• Five Steps of CTM
– Set expectations
– Build basic skills
– Give feedback
– Follow through with consequences
– Work for growth in others
CTM and the Squad Corporal at
Morning Formation
• Set expectations
– “Assembly is at 0708 so everyone must be in ranks, dressed and groomed
according to the Blue Book at that time. Everyday I will be inspecting personal
appearance and taking accountability, and reporting it to the Squad Sergeant.”
• Build basic skills
– Leading by example and “showing them, not telling them”
• Give feedback
– Use INPUT+ to quickly and professionally address both positive and negative
• “Good looking shoes.”
• “You’re getting close to needing a haircut.”
• Follow through with consequences
– You don’t need to always write a PR, but using PRIDE, all unsatisfactory
performance must be addressed or else you have created a new standard
– PRIDE requires “even-handed” consequences… the standards articulated in your
“expectations” apply to everyone, not just knobs
• Work for growth in others
– Train your 4C to be ready to be a squad corporal next year
– Leverage stronger members of your squad to help those needing improvement
Lead small groups…
• Small group leadership is usually
– Direct
– Face-to-face
– Done in a relatively certain and uncomplicated
• Direct leadership optimizes leadership by example
• Face-to-face leadership is personal and requires the
leader to have a detailed and specific relationship with
his subordinates
• The certainty of the environment usually means the
task is done in a proscribed way to a proscribed
“Lead small groups…”
• What does it mean to have a detailed and
specific relationship with your subordinates?
• What does it mean to care for your
• What is servant leadership?
• What does it mean to complete a task to
• What are some sources of those standards?
“Maintain individual resiliency…”
• Resiliency is the ability to bounce back and
recover quickly from change, hardship, or
• What are some typical occurrences that may
require you to demonstrate individual
resiliency as a sophomore cadet?
“Maintain individual resiliency…”
• Individual resiliency requires you to have a
realistic and intimate knowledge of yourself:
your strengths and weaknesses, your
emotions, your values, your experiences
– How do you achieve this personal awareness?
• Your resiliency can be bolstered by a
supportive personal and professional network
– How do you build such a network?
“Grow small-unit resiliency…”
• Typical occurrences that could require your
squad to demonstrate resiliency include:
– Collective poor performance on an inspection
– The initiation of a new policy that the majority of
cadets do not favor
– A change in key leadership
– Mid-term exams
– A devastating life crisis for one squad member
– What are other examples?
“Grow small-unit resiliency…”
• You can help your unit demonstrate resiliency in
these situations by
– Keeping them focused on the vision, broader
perspective, context, and end state
– Demonstrating optimism
– Focusing on continuous learning
– Using the different skills, personalities, and energies in
the squad to create balance
– Tapping into campus resources such as the HA Team,
Chaplain, and the Counselling Center
– How else?
“Grow unit resiliency” Scenario
• Squad moral is low
because the weather
has been miserably cold
the last two weeks for
regimental PT and it
looks like this week will
be more of the same
• Using the steps of CTM,
describe how you might
promote unit resiliency
as a squad corporal
Set expectations
Build basic skills
Give feedback
Follow through with
• Work for growth in
Open Discussion
• What were some good
examples you saw this year
of a corporal demonstrating
one of these key military
pillar learning outcomes?
• What were some bad
• Which of the thirdclass
military pillar key learning
outcomes do you think will
be the most challenging?
• Why, and how can you
begin preparing for it now?
• Under supervision
– Lead by example
– Understand CTM leadership
– Lead small groups to
complete tasks or detail to
• Maintain individual
resiliency; apply CTM
principles to grow smallunit resiliency
• Refine personal career plan
and develop a leadership
Next Lesson
• Drill & Ceremony Confidence-building
– Under the control of a class leader, form up in
your company area and march to your company’s
spot for parades on Summerall Field
– Be in position on Summerall Field NLT 1100
– A NCO will meet you there, give you a quick D & C
orientation, and then you’ll each take turns
marching the unit around
– The objective is confidence-building rather than D
& C precision