Summer Reading Assignment APv2


Advanced Placement Language and Composition

Required Summer Reading –Mrs. Rienick


You will be turning in the assignment listed below and taking a comprehension test on the novel.

The Required Novel: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck

This text is available for checkout at the Media Center. If you would like to purchase this text, I strongly encourage you to do so. It will allow you to annotate as you read.


Aside from the test on the novel, you will need to complete one Dialectical Journal (DJ) entry per chapter of each novel. See “Requirements” for directions on how to complete these DJ’s. Since there are 30 chapters in The Grapes of Wrath, you will be completing 30 DJ entries in all.


QUOTE: Select a passage in each chapter you want to write about. The passage should be a

minimum of 35 words. Provide the passage as a direct quote, that is, write it verbatim. After the passage, record the author and page number in parenthesis.

Example: (Steinbeck 179)

RESPONSE: Your response to the chosen passage should demonstrate your depth of reading and ability to make pertinent connections. You may write about personal experiences, discuss foreshadowing or flashback to other incidents in the story, for example. Your response should be a

minimum of 50 words.

If you are struggling, use the ideas below: a.

Give reasons for a character’s behavior. b.

Describe a difficult situation the character is in and consider how you would behave in the same situation. c.

Examine the values of a character you like or dislike. d.

Comment on the relevance of a passage to the present. e.

Comment on the relevance of a passage to its historical context. f.

Discuss an insight you have gained form the work. g.

Reflect on whether the characters’ actions parallel anything in your own life. h.

Write a question about a puzzling part of the book and speculate about a possible explanation. i.

Comment on the language or development of a particular passage. j.

Compare/Contrast one of the characters to another character, either from the same book or another work of literature.

SUMMARY: After the quote and response, write a brief summary of what is going on in the novel when this passage occurs. This should be no more than 100 words.


Your journal must be typed in MLA format. Be sure to include the author and page number after each direct quote. After each quote, response, and summary be sure to

include the EXACT word count. In order to save paper, you may continue one DJ after another. In other words, you do not need to do one DJ per page.

Example for ONE DJ: h

Quote: "De way you talkin' you'd think de folks in dis town didn't do nothin' in de bed 'cept praise de Lawd."(Hurtson 3) 21 words

Response: The ladies of that neighborhood only talk about other people's problems and not of their own. That's why they were gossiping about Janie and how she was a bad example. Pheoby gets tired of listening to these nagging women and decides to leave. Before Pheoby leaves to go meet with Janie, she tells these ladies that she does not think that they just lie in bed praying to the Lord with their husbands. Pheoby says this to show that even the ladies who gossip are the exact same as the person that they are gossiping about. These ladies are not perfect and they do sinful things as well. Therefore this goes to prove, that one should not talk about others before one actually takes a look at one's self. In addition these ladies need to know to not judge a book by its cover. These ladies are not as perfect and as holy as they portray themselves to be. 159 words

Summary: Before Pheoby tells these women what she thinks, the ladies are all on a porch gossiping about Janie. As Janie heads toward these ladies, they all stop their gossiping and wave to greet her. However, what the women really wanted was for Janie to go talk to them and discuss about her life. Unfortunately for the women Janie keeps on walking and the ladies find that offensive and continue to gossip. 71 words

Getting Ready for AP Language and Composition: I have created a Haiku page where you can find this assignment in addition to concepts and skills that will be important for your success in AP Language and Composition. I suggest you visit this

page to be aware of what will be expected of you in this class.

NEW AP Language and Composition Website:

…or scan this QR code AT HOME (may be blocked at school):

If you have any questions, you may contact me by email at:


*Please sign and return the bottom portion of this paper to your English teacher, or

Mrs. Rienick (room 302) by June 6 th .

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Required Summer Assignment Agreement

I have read the directions for the Advanced Placement Language and Composition summer assignment and understand it is a required assignment for the class.

I understand the assignment is due THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL and that I will be expected to take an exam on the novel that day.

PRINT Student’s Name:___________________________

Student Signature:____________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________
