Major Works Data Sheet

Major Works Data Sheet
AP Exam Review Materials
Rationale and Procedure:
You’ve reviewed this open prompt with a passage map and through others’ sample
essays. One thing you might have noticed is how difficult it is to avoid summary,
use relevant details, remember quotes, and apply literary techniques.
You will be in the lab creating two data sheets.
Individually, you will complete a Major Works Data Sheet for your individual
contemporary choice novel.
Collectively, you will work with your passage map groups to complete a MWDS for you’re
the class novel you selected to work on your map (Hamlet, Wuthering Heights, or
Assign sections of the data sheet to group members.
For both data sheets:
Email a completed copies by due date
Provide one copy of each to
Documents will be uploaded to my website as review materials.
Please note: The last section on the data sheet titled “Themes / Topics of
discussion,” should connect to relevant literary devices and bookmark
themes/motifs that could be analyzed in a response.
*It is okay to use the internet to find information. The analysis and ideas, however, must be
original. Cite in MLA format anything you used as a resource.