What were the vows of Robin Hood and his merry men?

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Lesson 1
• Background:
– Legend: a story thought to hold some historical
truth that has been preserved through the ages by
tradition and popularity.
– Ballad: A narrative poem, often of folk origin,
intending to be sung.
• Genre: Historical Fiction
• Setting: England, Middle Ages, Sherwood Forest
near Nottingham Town, during the reign of Henry II
• Theme: Good v. Evil; Fight against oppression
Oppression: the act of unjustly or cruelly exercising power
Prologue & The Tinker
The Characters
• Who are the characters that are mentioned in
the first chapter?
– Robin Hood
– Maid Marian
– Little John
– Will Stutely
– The Sheriff of Nottinghamshire (or Nottingham)
– The Tinker, Wat o’ the Crabstaff
• Bright angel
• Farthing
• ¼ penny
• Shilling
• Mark
• Pound
Measures of Time
• Score : A group of 20 things
– “Four score and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth on this continent, a new nation,
conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created equal.”
• Fortnight: Fourteen days or 2 weeks
– Fort = “Fourteen”
Long bow
Ward- to deflect
Parry- to lunge forward;
to evade
Helpful Vocabulary
PratestNigh- near
Quoth- said
Eke- also, to get with great difficulty
Fain- happy, pleased, inclined, desirous
Butt- a large cask, a measure of liquid
capacity equal to 491 liters
• Wottest- to come to know
• Knave- a man of humble birth or
position; a boy servant; a tricky
deceitful fellow
• Lincoln Green-
Discussion Questions
• Why was Robin Hood outlawed?
• What was the name of the stranger that Robin
Hood met at the bridge?
• How did the stranger get his nickname?
• Answer the following questions using
complete sentences and by rephrasing the
question in your answer.
1. What were the vows of Robin Hood and his
merry men?
2. Describe how Robin Hood managed to obtain
the warrant from the Tinker.
3. Explain why the Tinker’s eventually decided to
join the merry men.
• This book is in the public domain. Here’s a link to a website
to download the book for free.
– http://www.gutenberg.org/files/10148/10148-h/10148-h.htm
• Here is a link to listen to this book on line.
– http://librivox.org/the-merry-adventures-of-robin-hood-by-howardpyle/
• This is a website that has illustrations for/from the book.
– http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/rh/rharmenu.htm#p
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Lesson 2
• Answer the following questions using
complete sentences and by rephrasing the
question in your answer.
1. What reason did Robin give for risking the lives
of his merry men by competing in the shooting
2. What is the Robin’s opinion of the church
according to the reading? How do you know?
3. 3. Give 2 examples of a simile found in pp.
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Lesson 3
• Answer the following questions using
complete sentences and by rephrasing the
question in your answer.
1. How did life at the sheriff’s house effect Little
2. What price did Little John pay for his decision at
the intersection between the Blue Boar Inn and
Fosse Way?
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Lesson 4
• Answer the following questions using
complete sentences and by rephrasing the
question in your answer.
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Lesson 5
Conflict & Resolution
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