rems student handbook 2012-2013

School Mascot: Pharaoh
School Colors: Red and Black
School Hours: 7:15 am – 3:15 pm
Important Phone Numbers
Attendance Office: (901) 416 - 9616
Main Office: (901) 416 - 4141
School Fax: (901) 416 - 4110
Rommie Vasser, Jr., Principal
Janice R. Brown, Asst. Principal
"Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color,
religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age. For more information, please contact the Office of
Equity Compliance at (901) 416-6670
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:
On behalf of the entire staff at Raleigh Egypt Middle School, we welcome you to the 2012 –2013
school year! It is our goal that all stakeholders will take ownership in providing the highest level of
instruction for the students at Raleigh Egypt Middle School. We believe TEACHING and LEARNING
should be evident at all times. As a result, instructional time is closely guarded. The following
information is provided to assist us in keeping teaching and learning as our number one priority.
We present this student handbook to you in order to keep you informed of the rules, policies, and
procedures in place at Raleigh Egypt Middle. Let us work together to ensure a successful school year
by following all the rules and procedures prescribed in this handbook. As always, if you have any
questions and/or concerns after reading this handbook, feel free to communicate with any member of
our staff.
We made great academic and social strides last year and look forward to continuing our quest toward
greatness. As we prepare to begin this school year, let us remember our three pillars: to be respectful,
to be disciplined, and to be nurturing. If we all govern ourselves according to these pillars, we will
transform Raleigh Egypt Middle into a great school. I look forward with great anticipation to the
accomplishments and achievements we will make during this school year!
Rommie Vasser, Jr.
REMS Mission, Vision, & Motto
Title I Information
Parent Resource Guide and Documentation
REMS Daily Class Schedule
Uniform Policy
School Rules and Regulations
 School Hours
 Metal Detection
 Dismissal
 Bus Riders
 Accidents and Illness
 Chronic Illnesses
 Medication
 Withdrawal of Students
 Parent Conferences
 Suspension Clearances
 Lunch Program
 Classroom Telephone
 Cell Phones
 Materials Delivered to Office for Students
 Announcements
 Parent Link
 School Volunteers
 Textbooks, Library Books, etc.
 Food Items
 Lockers
 Drills- Fire, Earthquake, Tornado
 Inclement Weather
 Field Trips
 Media Center
 Guidance Counselors
 School Visitors
 Electronic Devices and Other Items
Attendance Policy
 Absences – Excused and Unexcused
 Tardies
 Makeup Work
Student Discipline
 Major Behavior Infractions
Fight Free Incentives
Student Conduct
 Hallways
 Cafeteria
 Classroom
 Auditorium
 School Bus
Zero Tolerance – Gang Prevention, Intervention, & Enforcement
 Report Cards
Progress Reports
Makeup Work
Grading System
Honor Rolls
After School Practices
After School Tutoring and Intervention Programs
Attendance Policy
MCS Calendars – Academic
MCS Calendars- Attendance & Report Card Periods
Parent-Student Handbook
The mission of Raleigh Egypt Middle School, in partnership with our
community, is to ensure each student is empowered with the
knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challenges of our everchanging society.
We envision a nurturing environment in which our students are being
respectful and disciplined at all times. These three pillars: being
nurturing, being respectful, and being disciplined will ensure that all
students are able to learn thereby becoming successful, productive
I am an intelligent and assertive student.
My destiny is in my hands.
I will overcome all obstacles which stand in my way.
The decisions I make today will affect the rest of my life.
I will have respect for myself and others.
I will also set a good example for my peers.
Education is my ticket to success.
If I say it can be done, I will achieve my goals.
I am a Raleigh Egypt Middle School Student.
Credo del centro de Raleigh Egipto
Soy un estudiante inteligente y asertivo.
Mi destino está en mis manos.
Superaré todos los obstáculos que estén parados de mi manera.
Las decisiones que tomo afectarán hoy el resto de mi vida.
Tendré respecto por me y otros.
También fijaré un buen ejemplo para mis pares.
La educación es mi boleto al éxito.
Si digo puede ser hecho, yo alcanzará mis metas.
SOY un estudiante de la escuela media de Raleigh Egpyt!
2012-2013 Daily Transition Schedule (rev. 082712)
6th Grade
7th Grade
Regular Day
HR/ 2nd Period
3rd Period
5th period
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
7:30 a.m.-8:25 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.
10:30 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12:10 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
1:10 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.
2:10 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
HR/ 2nd Period
3rd Period
4th Period
6 period
7th Period
8th Period
7:30 a.m.-8:25 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.
10:30 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12:10 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
1:10 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.
2:10 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
7:30 a.m. – 8:25 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
11:10 a.m. -12:05 p.m.
12:10 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
1:10 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.
2:10 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
HR/ 2nd Period
7:30 a.m.- 8:25 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
11:10 a.m. -12:05 p.m.
12:10 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
1:10 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.
2:10 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
8th Grade
HR/ 2nd Period
7:30 a.m.- 8:25 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
10:10 a.m. – 11:05 a.m.
11:10 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
12:10 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
1:10 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.
2:10 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
HR/ 2nd Period
7:30 a.m.- 8:25 a.m.
8:30 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
10:10 a.m. – 11:05 a.m.
11:10 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
12:10 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
1:10 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.
2:10 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
8th 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
7th 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
6th 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
8th - A. Brown, Barker, Rosenthall
7th – Hardy, A. Barker, A. Brown
6th – Lias, A. Brown, A. Barker
Office closed 12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Suspensions cleared 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
All Memphis City School students are REQUIRED to wear UNIFORMS!!!!
Tops (shirts, blouses) must be white, with collars and sleeves.
 Acceptable styles include Polo or golf-style shirts, Oxford or button-down dress shirts, white
blouses with Peter Pan collars.
 Long sleeve and short sleeve versions (of the above mentioned style) are both acceptable.
 Sleeveless tops are NOT acceptable.
 Any undershirt worn must be solid black, gray or white. A colored shirt worn underneath or over polo shirt
is NOT acceptable.
***Special Note: Collared shirts containing the Raleigh-Egypt Middle School logo may also be worn. These shirts
must be purchased from the school.
Bottoms (pants, walking shorts, skirts and jumpers) must be black, khaki tan or navy
 Acceptable pant styles include full-length dress pants, boot-cut or straight-legged pants, cargo pants, straight-legged
Capri pants, cropped pants and knee-length walking shorts.
 Skirts or jumpers must also be at the knee or longer.
 Jeans, tight fitting or baggy pants are NOT acceptable.
 Pants must be fitted at the waist and BELTS worn daily!!!!!
 Tights worn underneath bottoms must be the uniform colors: black, navy blue, white or khaki color.
 Belts: must be black or brown.
Shoes should not have heels higher than an inch and a half.
 Athletic or tennis shoes, as well as boots, are acceptable.
 If sandals are worn, they must have a heel strap.
 House shoes/slippers are NOT acceptable.
 Visible socks should be white, black, khaki, or navy.
 Earrings should be gold or silver (no colors!)
 Hair bows, ribbons, and other hair accessories should be white, khaki, navy, or black (no other colors!)
Hair styles (both boys and girls) cannot be disruptive to the educational environment. In addition there can be no
signs or symbols cut into the hair and/or scalp that might imply gang affiliation (example: stars).
Outerwear (jackets and coats) cannot be worn in the building.
 Light jackets designed for cooler weather must comply with the uniform colors.
 Jackets and sweaters worn inside the building must be the following SOLID colors: White, Khaki, Black or Navy
Blue (No exceptions)
Clothing should not have any visible logos. These guidelines apply to ALL students.
The Uniform Policy will be strictly enforced. Failure to wear the correct uniform daily willl result
in the following consequences:
1st Offense – Warning/Call home to Parent to bring proper uniform attire – Student will be placed in ISS if
no parent is reached.
2nd Offense – ISS (2 days)
3rd Offense or more – Out of School Suspension for insubordination/ continuing to engage in Level 2 violation
(1-3 days)
SCHOOL HOURS: School hours are from 7:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. Students are to be in
their classrooms no later than 7:30. A tardy slip from the attendance office is required after
7:45 a.m. Students who come to the attendance office at 8:00 a.m. or later to check in
must be accompanied by an adult. Only bus riders should arrive at the school prior to 7:00
a.m. and no students should still be on campus after 3:45 p.m. unless they are with a teacher
or sponsor. No other adult supervision is provided at these times. Please be aware that the
safety of your child is at risk each time he/she is left unsupervised before and after school.
We strongly urge parents to make arrangements for timely transportation of their child(ren).
ARRIVAL : Classrooms are open at 7:15 a.m. and school begins at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast is served in homeroom at 7:30 a.m.
ALL students are to report to the gym each morning by 7:15 a.m. and wait for their homeroom teacher to escort them to class.
Students entering campus after their class has been dismissed from the gym may proceed directly to homeroom.
Metal detection is conducted daily. Homeroom teachers escort their classes from the gym through the metal detectors
each morning. Any items confiscated during the search will only be returned to a parent. Random searches may be
conducted by administration at any time.
Students will be dismissed each day at 3:15 p.m. Students should be completely off campus by 3:45 p.m. unless
accompanied by a teacher for a specific activity. There is no adult supervision of students after this time unless they are at a
specified tutoring or practice.
Please schedule doctor and dental appointments outside of school hours. If this is not possible, please do not check the
student out before 11:15 a.m. This keeps your child from losing credit for a day’s attendance. Parents must come to the
attendance office to check the student out. Please note: In order to maximize instruction, we ask that you avoid checking
students out after 2:30 p.m. each day.
For safety reasons, no students will be released to adults who are not listed on the student data
sheet. Any adult coming to check a child out MUST SHOW PROPER IDENTIFICATION.
All students identified as bus riders by the district will receive a preprinted bus pass at the beginning of the school year.
Students must show the bus pass to the driver every time they board the bus. Students who do not have a bus pass issued by
the district will not be allowed to board the bus. No Exceptions!! Although replacement bus passes will be printed by the
school periodically at a cost of $1.00, loss of bus pass may result in loss of ridership privilege. All behavior infractions on
the bus or at the bus stop will result in disciplinary action, including loss of bus ridership. Remember: riding the bus is a
privilege, not a requirement.
ACCIDENTS AND ILLNESS: If a student is injured or becomes ill at school, we will make him/her comfortable and then
call parents immediately. If the parent cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact the emergency number listed on the
registration form. Be sure to update any changes in numbers on the form as the year progresses. Please remember that
seriously ill students cannot remain at school.
CHRONIC ILLNESSES: The Office needs to know of chronic illnesses such as asthma, rheumatic fever, diabetes,
allergies, etc. We need definite written instruction on file should an emergency arise. Parents, please make sure homeroom
teachers also have a written note on file explaining any chronic illness your child may have.
MEDICATION: If your child receives medication at school, all medication must be brought to the Office by the parent (not
the child), with the written directions from the physician, which indicate the frequency and dosage of the prescribed
medication. The medicine must be in the original container prepared by the pharmacist. At the time the medication is
brought to school, a written authorization must be filled out and signed by the parent before the medication can be taken.
Medication can only be dispensed through the Office. Students may not have the medication in their possession during
the school day.
WITHDRAWAL OF STUDENTS: If a student moves out of Raleigh-Egypt Middle’s district and must withdraw from
school, please call or come by the school a few days before the withdrawal. All withdrawals require at least 24 hours notice.
PARENT CONFERENCES: Conferences are encouraged and welcomed by the faculty. Please call the school and leave
a message for a teacher or school counselor to schedule conferences. Teachers will not be interrupted during class
time for phone calls or unscheduled conferences. Two specific times have been designated as parent/teacher conferences
dates. Parents are encouraged to meet with their child’s teachers on one of these dates. Appointments must be made by the
parent to conduct other school conferences during the teacher’s planning period.
Suspensions will be cleared each day in the attendance office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.. The
attendance office will be closed each day from 12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. for lunch.
LUNCH PROGRAM: Eligibility for free or reduced lunches will be determined as quickly as possible. An application
must be on file to determine eligibility. Free lunches will be served the first ten (10) days of school to those students who
were eligible during the previous school year. After ten (10) days your child will no longer be served unless you have
completed a new application and that application has been approved.
CLASSROOM TELEPHONE : Telephones in the school office are for school business only and are not available for
personal use except in the case of an emergency. Students will not be called from classes to answer the telephone. To do so
would interrupt class and interfere with all students’ learning. Only emergency messages will be delivered.
CELL PHONES: Per MCS board policy cell phones are strictly prohibited on campus. Students cannot
have them before, during or after school. If the phone is seen anywhere on campus grounds it will be
confiscated for 72 hours and a parent will have to pick it up from an administrator after 3:30 p.m. on the
third day. MCS and Raleigh-Egypt Middle hold no liability for any cell phone lost or stolen at the school.
MATERIALS DELIVERED TO THE OFFICE FOR STUDENTS: When students arrange to have something delivered
to the Office from home, it is their responsibility to pick it up. When students forget their lunch, lunch money, and/or articles
of clothing, they should check in the Office. The office personnel will not interrupt classes to inform students of these
deliveries. Students will not be allowed to receive food from any restaurant establishment or deliveries of balloons, flowers,
etc. Although we realize that birthdays are important, please do not bring any celebratory items (cakes, balloons, etc.)
to the school for your child to share with classmates due to the potential for disruption of classroom instruction.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Public address announcements will be made during the homeroom period and at the end of the day
to provide for maximum instructional time during the school day.
PARENTLINK: Parentlink is an automated calling system that will communicate pertinent school and individual student
information to parents. The following are examples of what type of information to expect: progress report dates, student
absences, report card dates, school-wide announcements, etc. To ensure that all messages from Parentlink are received, all
parents/guardians must make certain that their contact information is up-to-date and accurate. Accurate and up-to-date
information is imperative in for the Parentlink system to fully benefit parents/guardians of MCS students.
SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS: Parents who are interested in becoming school volunteers should call the school and ask for the
parent counselor, Ms. Lias, or leave your name and telephone number to be contacted concerning your area of interest.
Parental involvement is always welcomed and appreciated.
TEXTBOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, ETC.: Students are responsible for all textbooks and library books issued during the
school year. Books will be issued after parents/guardians sign the textbook rules form. Students will be responsible for
signing for the textbook when it is issued and once it is returned. Parents must pay for all lost or damaged books. Textbooks
should be covered to protect them from damage during the school year. Textbooks are very costly and students will be
responsible for paying the cost to replace them.
FOOD ITEMS: In order to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of our building, no food items, of any kind are allowed
outside the cafeteria. This includes candy, gum, and slushes. If these items are seen in classrooms or the halls, they will be
taken and discarded. Students who bring food out of the cafeteria will face progressive discipline steps beginning with ISS.
LOCKERS: Each homeroom teacher is assigned lockers for students to place their personal belongings. Students are not
allowed to walk through the building with backpacks or wearing heavy outerwear. Lockers are school property and may be
opened by authorized personnel at any time. Designated students are permitted to enter their lockers at these times only:
arrival, lunchtime, and dismissal.
PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION: The P.T.A. encourages families to help their children, their school and their
community by becoming a member of the P.T.A. Membership Dues are $5.00 per family.
FIRE, TORNADO AND EARTHQUAKE DRILLS: Drills are necessary for the safety of the students, staff, and faculty.
Everyone should know the specific directions for reaching a point of safety from wherever he/she may be in the building.
Specific information for drills is posted in each room.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: Parents and students should have a plan in case of early dismissal due to inclement weather.
Students will be dismissed from school in their usual manner. Please listen for alerts from the local media regarding school
closing on days when threatening weather exists.
FIELD TRIPS: Students attending field trips sponsored by the school must submit a signed permission slip before
participating in the activity. Telephone calls for field trip permission on the day of the trip will not be accepted.
MEDIA CENTER: The school library is available for student study and research. A variety of audio-visual equipment is
available for classroom use and is stored in the library. Books are checked out for two weeks, except for reference books,
which are used on an overnight basis. Encyclopedias are not allowed to leave the school. Fines are charged for overdue
books at the rate of five cents a day. Lost library books must be paid for or report cards will be held. Students are
required to have a library pass to enter the library.
GUIDANCE: The Guidance Department is available to students for help with academic or personal problems. Students who
want an appointment should contact the Guidance Department and fill out a referral form. Parents may request a conference
by either sending a note or calling the office and making an appointment with the school counselor.
SCHOOL VISITORS: All visitors and parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. PLEASE STOP BY THE
ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND OTHER ITEMS: Some things are best left at home because they have the potential for
disrupting the learning environment. Ipods, CD Players, radios, video games, baseball caps, cards, games, do-rags,
wristbands, headbands, and bandanas are all NOT ALLOWED on school grounds. If they are brought to school, they will
be confiscated, labeled and a parent will have to come to the school and pick them up. Possession of any of these items may
result in disciplinary action. MCS and Raleigh-Egypt Middle hold no liability for any of these items which become lost or
stolen at the school.
Make-Up Work
Students shall be permitted the opportunity to make up all work and classroom tests (or their equivalent) missed as a result of
an excused or unexcused absence. Work and tests should be made up as soon as possible after the student returns to school.
The principal can grant exceptions due to special circumstances. If a student fails to make up the work and tests upon being
provided the opportunity, the deficiencies shall be averaged with the other grades.
One of the most important lessons that education teaches is discipline. When discipline does not appear, it undermines the
whole educational structure. Discipline is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness and efficiency. It is
the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each student to
operate as a responsible citizen.
Memphis City Schools establishes the policies governing student conduct. The administration and faculty of Raleigh Egypt
Middle uphold these policies. Please refer to your copy of the MCS Student Code of Conduct provided during registration
for types of infractions and progressive consequences including but not limited to detention, in-school suspension, parent
conferences, out of school suspensions and expulsion.
Definitions of Major Behaviors
If a student chooses to engage in a “Major Behavior” activity, he/she is choosing to be suspended. It is at the discretion of the school to
assign anywhere from a one-day to a ten-day suspension and/or recommend expulsion based on the student’s progressive behavior history.
At least two students mutually engaged in serious physical contact (hitting, punching, kicking,
scratching, hair pulling, hitting with an object).
This includes possession of any visual representation of gang symbols (on notebooks,
Gang Related Incidents
backpacks, in hair, on clothing, etc.), giving gang signs on campus, any type of gang initiation
(10 second fights, theft, etc.).
Harassment /Discrimination/Bullying
Assault/Physical Aggression
Property Damage (school)
Property Damage (others)
Student/Faculty Threat
Repeated checking, name calling, or other actions, as well as activities or statements intended
to be offensive of one’s religion, race, culture, color, and disability, including sexual
One student making serious physical contact upon another (hitting, punching, kicking,
scratching, hair pulling, hitting with object).
Could include: alcohol, tobacco, drugs, tobacco or drug paraphernalia (i.e. lighter, papers,
Deliberately impairing the usefulness of school property. (Different from Vandalism).
Deliberately impairing the usefulness of another student’s or staff member’s property.
Student delivers message (verbal, written, drawn, or gestured) toward another that conveys an
act of intended injury or harm (serious or non-serious).
Possession of, having passed on or the removing of someone else’s property.
Participating in an activity that results in substantial destruction or disfigurement of property.
Could include: arson, forgery, bomb threats, false alarms, extortion, computer use violation,
cursing a teacher, leaving campus, gambling, etc.
We are a FIGHT FREE school!!!
Fight free data will be tracked and reported daily over the intercom. Data will be compiled and
shared by gender, grade and by team. Fight Free Data Boards are updated daily to reflect new
Possible incentives for remaining fight free each 9 weeks are:
45 days fight free
40 days fight free
30 days fight free
20 days fight free
Activity (Popcorn & Movie, Gym, Pizza, Dance, etc.)
Fight Free Wristband
“Sit Where You Like Friday” in Cafeteria
Homework Pass, Food Coupon (McDonald’s, Wendy’s, etc.)
End of Year Incentives:
170 or more days fight free
150 – 169 days fight free
130-149 days fight free
School-wide Fight Free Picnic Celebration
School-wide Field Trip
School-wide Dance
****Incentives might change from those stated above or as new ones are added. *****
In the Hallways:
1. Remove head coverings inside the building.
2. Walk to and from your classes in a quiet, orderly line.
Avoid loud talking, whistling, yelling, singing, etc.
Keep your hands to yourself.
Stay to the right when you are in the halls. Keep moving to avoid blocking traffic.
Use the designated entrance and exit doors when you enter or leave the building.
Use only your assigned locker. Keep it clean, neat and secured.
You must have a hall pass to be in the halls between classes. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
In the Cafeteria:
1. Proceed quickly and quietly to the cafeteria; students will walk in a straight line, escorted by their teacher.
2. Students will report to assigned seating section and quietly wait to be called to the serving line.
3. Remember that classes are in progress during your lunch period.
4. Stay in your place in line.
5. After leaving line students will sit in assigned areas, follow directions of monitors. REMAIN SEATED.
6. Clean your eating area – table and floor. Place all cans, paper, unwanted food, etc. in the trash cans.
7. Maintain normal conversation levels. Loud talking will result in quiet lunch.
8. Remain in the cafeteria during lunch.
9. Respect the cafeteria staff at all times.
In the Classroom:
1. Enter the room quietly and be in your seat when the bell rings.
2. Bring the necessary study materials so that you will be ready to participate.
3. Be attentive to directions and instructions given by the teacher.
4. Keep all food or drink outside the classroom.
5. If you have been absent, it is your responsibility to make up assignments and tests.
6. Hand in work on time.
7. Show respect for all school property by not marking in books or on desks, walls, or chalkboards.
8. Be respectful and courteous to fellow students, teachers, staff members and visitors.
In the Auditorium or Gym:
Students escorted by their teachers in a straight line.
1. Follow your teacher’s directions or administrators at all times.
2. Sit in your assigned homeroom section. Remain quiet and pay attention to the person on stage.
3. Listen intently and be respectful to the person speaking.
4. Booing, shouting, standing up, stomping, or talking will not be tolerated.
5. Show appreciation for anyone speaking or performing. Clap after the person completes his or her presentation.
6. After the assembly, remain seated until instructed to move by your teacher or administrator.
On the School Bus:
1. Cooperate with the driver.
2. Profane or inappropriate language is not permitted.
3. Talk softly to your seatmate when engaged in conversation.
4. Do not throw objects on the bus.
5. Keep your hands to yourself at all times.
6. Stay seated at all times.
7. Keep lunch items inside your backpack.
8. Keep hands, arms, or heads inside the bus.
Consequences for misconduct on the bus (as indicated on bus notice):
1st – Conference with administrator or designee
2nd – Overnight issued for Parent Conference
3rd – Three day suspension from bus route
4th or more – ISS, OSS, or possible removal from route
IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Students who violate school rules may be assigned to in-school suspension as an alternative
to suspension. When assigned to in-school suspension, students will follow a set of strict guidelines. Any violation of these
rules will possibly result in a home suspension. Students may only be assigned to ISS by an administrator. Students are
expected to cooperate and complete all of the day’s class assignments in ISS. Misbehavior in ISS will result in an out of
school suspension.
It is the policy of Memphis City Schools to be in compliance with state and federal laws that protect students and school
personnel. Thus, a minimum of a one (1) calendar year expulsion shall be issued for the following actions or conduct:
1) Possession of a firearm or explosive
2) Possession of an illegal drug or unauthorized prescription drugs
3) Battery against school personnel
Gang Prevention, Intervention, and Enforcement (#6.3102)
The policy prohibits gang-related activities at school, school activities, and school-sponsored events. It elevates gangrelated activity for elementary students from a Level 3 violation to a Level 4 violation (i.e., 3-5 day suspension); and
elevates gang-related activity for middle and high school students from a Level 3 violation to a Level 5 violation (i.e.,
expulsion). The policy also mandates gang prevention counseling prior to returning to school for students disciplined for
gang-related activity. Finally, the policy states that the district will seek to form partnerships with law enforcement
personnel and community organizations to eliminate gang activity in communities and in schools.
Any type of activity that is/ or appears to be gang related will NOT BE TOLERATED. Raleigh Egypt
Middle will exercise a Zero-Tolerance Policy toward any gang related activity.
REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be issued to students at the close of each nine -week grading period. Report
cards will contain both academic and conduct grades. Attendance will also be reported on the report cards.
PROGRESS REPORTS: Progress Reports are distributed to students in the 4th week of each nine-week period
(see calendar). Notices should be signed by the parent or guardian and returned to the homeroom teacher.
Homework is an important supportive activity designed to promote academic achievement, reinforce or apply a skill
previously taught, and to extend activities into the home. Raleigh–Egypt Middle encourages meaningful homework
assignments. Homework will be given on a periodic basis throughout the school year.
MAKE-UP WORK is given only for any absences. Students missing class for excused reasons are expected to make up
work that they missed. It is the responsibility of students to inquire about missed work.
NINE WEEK EXAMS: At the end of each nine week period, students will take nine week exams as an assessment to
determine if they mastered the entire coursework over the nine week period. Request to take exams early will not be
approved. More often than not, the school year is extended due to inclement weather. Please do not schedule vacation or
other events within the first week after the projected closing of school.
GRADING SYSTEM: Memphis City Schools’ system for determining academic grades is as follows:
Low Average
Below 70
Need Improvement
HONOR ROLL: The Honor Roll is determined from the student’s report card and is set by Board of Education policy.
Middle School Honors:
Principal’s List – The numerical equivalent of A’s in all courses. Conduct – E or S
Distinguished Honor Roll – Grade point average of 3.6 – 3.9 with no grade below 75. Conduct – E or S
Honor Roll – Grade point average of at least 3.0 but less than 3.6 with no grade below 75. Conduct E or S
Citizenship Honors – all E’s in conduct.
Raleigh-Egypt Middle School offers a variety of extracurricular activities that will enhance any student’s physical growth, as
well as their sociological growth. These activities include:
-track& field/cross country
 Students must be passing all of their core (science, language arts, math, and social studies) classes to participate in
extracurricular activities. All students participating in athletics will be required to maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better
and attend after school tutoring or face removal from the activity. Students receiving at least two or more home
suspensions will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular activities.
Students participating in after-school activities should report to their designated meeting area immediately at 3:15. While
practicing or meeting, all students should remain with their coach or sponsor during the duration and should leave campus
immediately afterwards. All coaches/sponsors will remain with his or her students until the last student leaves campus.
After-school tutoring and intervention will be offered. Please contact the school coordinator for a schedule of all after school
tutoring programs offered.
Student’s Name: _____________________
Homeroom Teacher: ___________________
Please complete (initial and sign) and return this page to your homeroom teacher.
____ I have read and understand the contents of this handbook. I agree to abide by all policies of
Memphis City Schools and all expectations specific to Raleigh-Egypt Middle School.
_____I understand the benefits and responsibilities outlined in the Raleigh Egypt Middle School
Student and Parent Handbook.
_____ I understand that I am responsible for the textbooks issued to my child.
_____ I understand that my student, ____________________, will be held accountable for the
behavior and consequences outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook during school, on the bus,
and at all after-school sponsored activities regardless of time or location.
Print Name Here
Print Name Here
Parent Signature
Student Signature