Possible Volunteer Opportunity for students interested in psychology

ATTENTION: Possible Volunteer Opportunity for students
interested in psychology
An interest list of students who want to participate in training
2015-Spring 2016 is being developed by Dr. Moore (Psychology
Department Chair)
Ms. Kindra Edmonson, M.S., M.F.T.I., is looking for students interested in
working with CSUSB psychology interns to conduct Strengths Based Training
Workshops Spring 2016.
Strengths Workshops usually meet for an hour a week for 5-6 weeks. Students
will be working with a CSUSB psychology intern to run the workshops. Students
must be able to participate in Strengths Based Training workshops in Fall
2015 where Kindra will provide extensive training.
Ms. Edmonson is interested in interviewing students in the summer before the
Fall 2015 semester begins to determine which students and how many
students would be good candidates for this opportunity. Volunteers will
receive intensive strengths based training from Kindra in the fall and students
will then work in pairs with CSUSB psychology interns to conduct the
workshops in Spring 2016.
Dr. Moore will maintain a list of students interested in volunteering for
this program. Ms. Edmonson or Dr. Moore will contact you before the
Fall 2015 to set up interviews for this program.
If you are interested in being on the contact list and are willing to be
contacted during the summer for this program, you can email Dr.
Moore at smoore@valleycollege.edu or you can email Ms. Edmonson
at kedmonso@sbccd.cc.ca.us