Senate called to order at 3:40 Gabe motions to approve the minutes

Senate called to order at 3:40
Gabe motions to approve the minutes, seconded
Introductions of the Senate members
Officer Reports:
Zach (Comms)
- Emails: tell if not on the list, if you want clubs to be publicized through Facebook or
emails contact
Lenna (Student Initiatives)
- Student Initiatives Committee – email
Olivia (Clubs)
- Reregistration
- New Clubs
Travis: (Secretary)
- Attendance policy
Gabe (Finance)
- Finance Committee Sunday 8PM
- Deadline: Friday at 5 PM
Carly (Programming)
- 90’s Dance Friday
- Pizza and spinart Saturday
- Survey, cutoff by next Friday for the raffle for $15 Starbucks giftcard and SGA mug
- Working with clubs: if interested in programming an event, email
Carol (Treasurer)
- Checks by 9 PM Tuesdays to have them cut by Friday
- Refresher Treasurer Training to be announced at next senate
- Update everyone about current finances once report from controller
Mohsin (Social Justice)
- Social Justice Committee recruiting, application due Saturday
- First meeting Sunday
- Email Mohsin if interested
- $16000 remaining, some to spend on Baltimore City Forum, some to spend on projects
Dashell (President)
- Speakers:
o 2/13 New Dean, Leadershape
o 2/20 Sandy on Internship Policy
Attendance Policy (Travis)
- Powerpoint available online
- Carol: Can you represent 3 clubs?
o No
- Sick on Wednesday morning
o I may not check my email beforehand which is why I would like them before, can
retroactively excuse
- Javier: Changing SGA Rep?
o Olivia: Contact me and it will be worked out from there
Travis: Please use name before speaking to assist with minutes
Club Reregistration (Olivia)
- Survey available right now
- Need to have all the constitutions on file
- If not on the list for re-registration and not on file, can’t reregister and if you come to
petition for funds we can’t give you the money
- Mohsin: How do you get to website?
o => documents => forms => Club Re-Registration
- Andrea: Club charter?
o Different form
Finance Committee Changes (Gabe)
- If you do not re-register, you will not get money
- Finance Committee will be empowered to fully approve petitions $500 or less without
requiring Executive Board to approve
- Petitioners no longer have to appear before Executive Board for petitions $1500 or less
- Executive Board will still retain oversight over petitions over $1500, will still be able to
see and discuss them if desired
- Kiki: What would a time sensitive position be?
o Something planned for a long time that was already done last month and sudden
expense came up on Monday. Could come before Senate if it was an emergency.
Also if Finance Committee doesn’t meet
- SGA At-Large Reps will be expected to serve on some committees including Finance
- Options to change the prices:
o $1000 and $3000
o $300 and $1000
- David: Up on the website?
o Will be included in new Constitution
- Zach: Proposed amendment that you have to vote on
- Dashell: More power to Finance Committee, also relieve stress of having to go over
every petition twice for Gabe and Carol and on Exec Board as a whole. Eliminate a
meeting petitioners have to attend. Original proposal had a $500 small minimum and a
$3000 large minimum, was changed in Exec Board
- Andrea: How much time in advance to petition?
o Two weeks, if anything comes up/is wrong we can deal with it beforehand.
Deadline for each Finance Committee meeting is 5 the Friday before
- Kat: Is this verbatim?
o Not quite, language will be polished up, this is mostly the jist
o Dashell: The rest is tying up the constitutional ends
- Ben: Support for the petition, most of petitions are not that large and could be passed by
o Allow exec to focus on something more important than finances
- Zach motions to approve at the $500 and $1500 levels, seconded
- Motion passes 43-0-1
Web Update (Zach)
- Like SGA Facebook page!
- => SGA website!
- Most of the Exec Board members have bios and images
- Committee lists are now available
- Once re-registration has happened more or less, lists of clubs will be up with information
- Minutes will be up in the documents and forms section
- Other useful forms
- Contact link
- Facebook pass-through
o Useful way for events to be advertised, useful way to find other clubs and club
o ACE Dog
- Christina: Are only clubs able to write on Facebook?
o No, individuals can write as long as it is related to club or campus-relevant events
Internship Policy Update (Dashell)
- Working over break and over past few days to get some answers on the Internship Policy
- Survey to get more info from students and letter with more details on the policy to be
- Would like to have Sandy in the forum for that Senate meeting (2/20)
- Hold off any questions or comments on the policy until Sandy is present
o May also have Mark Roy, Provost present and other members of administration
- Missy: Tuesday, the Q is explaining the Internship Policy in more detail
o Also an article about SGA and what SGA has done
What would you like to see at Senate? (Dashell)
- ACE Puppy
- Tom Phizacklea or Alex Antkowiak who manages the college’s budget
Zach: Lujern Cornish: Crossroads and Ruth Ward
Andrew: Tech department about the security smart phone app
David: More administrators at higher level to help build dialogue
Michael O’Leary on the admissions
Rachel: Goucher offering Goucher degree to incarcerated, peer tutors for prison students,
should bring Amy Rosa and Barbara Roswell
o Zach: Petitioning through a committee, looking to give a degree but they aren’t
actually receiving it yet
Billy: Wendy Litzke to talk about Innovation Grants
o Also Green Fund
o Green Fund Update
 College Council met and talked about Green Fund, Sarah Peyser talked
about it
 New fee, $25 next year to go into GSAC account to allow students to
petition for Green Fund money
 Should generate $33000? Something around that
 Student and Staff-driven petitions
Annie: Roshelle Kades and Cynthia Terry for Green Dot and Peer Listeners
Annie: Take Back the Night
Zach: Candace and the new director of Financial Aid
Carol: Tour of Julia Rogers
o Lenna + Zach: Linda Barone, head of FMS
Annie: New dean of students
o Already coming
Kiki: Norm – someone to talk about how to keep track of meals and how much flex you
o Switched meal plan and augmented it to benefit the students after emails btwn
Norm, Calvin and I
o Still trying to work out switch from Blackboard to new system, should be worked
out soon
o If you have thoughts on how the New Meal Plan is working, please email Dashell
Sam: Swiping a meal says $6.25 at dining halls, is the cost of swiping with flex for a
meal the same or different?
Ben: Pearlstone and Alice’s machines no longer say how much you have left?
o Yes, being dealt with
Carol: Pride and Prejudice and effects on campus
Saul: Someone from OIS to talk about what people are doing abroad
Kiki: Aisha Rivers
Lindsay Johnson
Stacy: Cas
Carly: Roshelle revising the workgroup
o Travis: on work group, can ask about presenting
- Zach: Janet Shope on Kids Positive key chains, getting them at graduation
Remarks from the Floor
- Annie: Planning for Take Back the Night, if interested in planning it or getting involved
please email Roshelle Kades
- Stacy: OSE has event planning walk-in hours Friday 12-1, if you have questions no
appointment necessary just stop in
- Dashell: Exec Board is also available to help
- Zach: Exec Board enjoys helping you and announcing events, but emailing several hours
before an event or sending emails to SGA or personal email account means that they
probably won’t be sent out because only checks for the
campus announcements emails
- Olivia: If sending club stuff, please send to, also will be
around to answer questions about club stuff laters
- Zach: Please send things early, also have to check scheduler to have room reserved, so
please reserve the room so that Zach doesn’t have to send out emails to confirm
- Gabe: Many of us have phone numbers floating around, please use these for texts/phone
calls at respectable hours (9 to 9)
- Dashell: CDO - Career Fair at Towson, stop by and pick up a brochure
- Zach: 100 Nights to Graduation, 5 to 6 in the Forum
- Saul: Alexander W. Crockett, Chris Nobriga, and I are trying to increase interaction
outside of Goucher, trying to have a stronger relationship with Towson, UMBC, Hopkins,
o Dashell: If any info on off-campus events, let us know
o Dashell: If you know of any community organizations that you would like to have
come speak, please let us know
- Kat: People from the Baltimore Community come to the Latino Center on Saturdays, can
volunteer. Also Athenaeum this Saturday, programming starts, Francis Ramos
- Eric: GEAR is organizing transportation down to DC for Climate Rally, Pinkard Room
tomorrow at 9:30 for info session
- Kat: Judicial Board Applications due Feb 14
- Ben: HvZ looking for new moderators to help plan for the next semester, can talk to Ben
or Zoe to learn about this. New game also March-Aprilish
- Christina: SGA is a great group of people, dreaded the politics of it before, would like to
see SGA move forward beyond the politics and try to be understanding and efficient over
o General Agreement from Senate
o Dashell: Respect each other and our views/opinions, everyone in Senate has a lot
of power on campus, if we can utilize it we can make Goucher a much more
effective institution, much more student-oriented. Compared to other schools, we
[students] have a lot of power on campus
o Dashell: If any opinions on how these meetings are run, let Dashell know
Jonathan: Event proposal for TED Talks, Super Bowl ad featuring a Towson University
student suffering from scoliosis (Matthew Jeffers), planning to ask him to give a talk
Olivia motions to adjourn, seconded
Motion passes by aye vote at 4:40