
Honors Modern Hawaiian History of Hawaii
Quarterly Exam Definitions
Question 1:
The first missionaries to arrive in Hawaii were
known under what name & acronym?
Question 5:
Once the missionaries arrived, they immediately
sought to convert what Native Hawaiian group?
Question 6:
Which Kamehameha enacted the Constitution for
the Hawaiian Kingdom?
Question 8:
Possible Answer (C.) Creates a feudalistic system in
Question 9:
Circle all that apply for the establishment of a
Constitutional Monarchy.
Acronym: a word formed from the first letters of
each one of the words in a phrase
Convert: To change (something) into a different
form or so that it can be used in a different way.
To change to a different system, method or
Enact: To perform something, scene or play. To
make (a bill or other legislation) officially become
part of the law
Constitution: the system of beliefs and laws by
which a country, state or organization is governed
Feudalistic: a social system that existed in Europe
during the Middle Ages in which people worked
and fought for higher ranking citizens who let them
live and farm land in return.
Rephrased: Circle all the possible answers that
would describe the Constitutional Monarchy of
Legislature: a group of people with the power to
make or change laws.
Total Executive Power: responsible for making
sure laws are carried out and for managing the
affairs of a nation.
Judicial System: a part of the government that
relates to courts of law, judges, supreme courts,
Checks & Balances: A way to minimize the power
of each government system. No one organization
(legislature, executive, judicial) has total power
within the government
Church Land & Base Entitlements: Land that is
provided for the church and is based on the titles of
Question 13:
Possible Answer (b.) Subsidized lands to the
Plantation Owners in Hawaii.
Question 17:
Possible Answer (c.) That the Hawaiian Island
chain was regarded as a prime estate for sugar.
Question 18:
Possible Answer (d.) It disenfranchised the Native
Hawaiian people and made the King a mere
puppet figure.
Question 21:
What organization dethroned the Queen?
Question 25:
President Cleveland deemed that the Overthrow of
the Hawaiian Kingdom was illegal, he
Question 26:
Upon hearing about Annexation to the US, Native
Hawaiian groups rallied in political organizations
and gathered petition signatures.
Paragraph Statement Question 1
Explain how the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 evolved
into the Bayonet Constitution. How did this
foreshadow the downfall of the Hawaiian
Parliamentary System: group of people who are
responsible for making laws (legislative)
Subsidize: to help someone or something pay for
costs of business.
Estate: Large pieces or tracts of land that someone
Disenfranchised: To prevent (a person or group of
people) from having the right to vote
Dethrone: To take away the power and authority
of (a king or queen)
To Deem: To think of (someone or something) in a
particular way
Rallied (to rally): To arouse for action
Petition: A written document that many people
sign to show that they want a person or
organization to do or change something
Evolve: To change or develop slowly often into a
better, more complex, or more advanced state
Foreshadow: to give a suggestion of something
that has not yet happened. To foretell of an event
that will happen in the future.