Newsletter - Concordia Christian Academy

Concordia Christian
Academy Quarterly
Newsletter- 3 rd Quarter
1812 Rains St.
Jonesboro, AR 72401
CCA Knights
Concordia Christian Academy
has now officially become the
Knights. In the Middle Ages
knights were highly honored
and very loyal. Knights were to
hold these virtues to the
highest importance:
Fear of God
As we have chosen this mascot
for our school, it is our greatest
hope, that we can instill these
virtues in our students and that
they, as a result, can go out
into the community and share
these virtues with others. Go
Calendar of Events:
Jan 21st: 100th Day of School
Jan 24th-30th: National
Lutheran Schools Week
Jan 24th: Students sing at
Pilgrim at 10:30
Jan 26th: Art Show from 4-6
Jan 27th: 100 Acts of Kindness
Field Trip
Feb 3rd: Library Field Trip/ LIFE
Night/ Family Night
Feb 5th: Early dismissal at 1:30
Feb 9th: Math Night from 5:306:30
Feb 10th: Progress Reports go
Feb 12th/14th: No School
Feb 20th: Parents Night out
from 3-8
Mar 2nd: Library Field Trip/
LIFE Night/ Family Night
Mar 4th: Early dismissal at 1:30
Mar 11th: End of 3rd Quarter
Mar 14th-18th: IOWA Testing
STAR Hours
Thank you for all of your help
with volunteering this year.
Please continue to keep track
of your STAR Hours on your
recording sheet. Contact the
office if you need another
sheet. Congratulations to
these families who have
already completed their 30
hours of volunteering!
Nate and Cade Elam
Max Clements
Matt Smith
Benji and Miranda Grannan
Taylor Clark
Jonah Hall
Owen Dobson
Sutton Cook
Ashlyn and Julianna Cottrell
Sunnye Jo Boyster
Reina Foster
Georgie and AJ Zirbel
Boe and Jonas Nomland
Scrip Cards
With the Valentines Day quickly
approaching, now is a great time
to buy gift cards for others or for
your own personal shopping! A
percentage of each gift card you
buy will go directly to Concordia!
Following is a list of gift cards
available. You can also make
requests and we can purchase
those gift cards for you. Visit for a full list of
cards available. Orders can be
placed with Mrs. Christy in the
office. Someone will be selling
Scrip cards in the car line on
Friday afternoons.
Scrip Cards
8- Carson Thorn
21-Adele Johnson
26-Collin Thorn
-Barnes & Noble
-Dominos Pizza
-Best Buy
-Old Navy
2-Lucy Pugh
12-Allison Sterling
14-Sunnye Jo Boyster
21-Kamron Cruce
-Buffalo Wild Wings
-Home Depot
4-Mrs. Hampton
5-Jalynn Hook
19-Benji Grannan
23-Mrs. Yearta
30-Reina Foster
30-Jayla Sneed
National Lutheran Schools Week
January 24th-January 30th
is National Lutheran Schools Week! This is a
special week where Lutheran Schools across the United States celebrate the
blessing of attending a Lutheran School. We have many fun opportunities
planned throughout the week. The theme for the week is “Life Together in
Christ”. Following is a list of events that will take place each day.
Sunday, January 24th: Students will be singing in church at 10:30 at Pilgrim. The members of Pilgrim are
very supportive of our school and this gives us a great opportunity to celebrate with them.
Monday, January 25th: Pray Day
o Dress up Day: Wear your Favorite Bible Verse
o Students will make cards for area Nursing home residents and Public Safety Officers
Tuesday, January 26th: Learn Day
o Dress up Day: Crazy Hair Day
o Teachers will swap classrooms for a ½ hour
o Art Show from 4-6
Wednesday, January 27th: Reach Out Day
o Dress up Day: Wear Your CCA Shirt
o Go out into the community for our 100 Acts of Kindness Field Trip
Thursday, January 28th: Serve Day
o Dress up Day: Dress up as a person who provides a service (ex: fireman, police officer, mechanic,
o Students will make coupon books of things they can do to serve others
Friday, January 29th: Play Day
o Dress up Day: Mismatch Day
o Students will eat lunch together (Burger King will provide the lunch) and enjoy an afternoon of
Sunday, January 31st: A small group will be singing at Zion Lutheran Church in Waldenburg. You are
invited to join us for this service at 8 am.
Box Tops
We have already collected $327.80 in Box Tops. Each class is keeping track of how many Box Tops they have
earned. So far, Preschool is in the lead with over 800 Box Tops this year. Way to go! Keep saving Box Tops.
In a few short months we have raised over $300 on Shoparoo. Shoparoo is a quick and easy way to
earn money for our school by taking pictures of your receipts. Download the app “Shoparoo” and use
the referral code “STREW110”. Invite your friends and family to help as well!
Parents’ Day Out
On Saturday, February 20th, we will be having another “Parents’ Day Out” fundraiser. Parents may drop their
children off at CCA for an afternoon/ evening of crafts, cooking projects, and fun activities. The event lasts from
3-8 pm and the cost is $25 per child or a total of $50 per family. We also invite parents to volunteer to help. This
is a great way to earn STAR Hours.
Math Night
Tuesday, February 9th, we will be having a special Math Night
from 5:30-6:30. We invite
all students and families to join us for a special night of math fun! This will give parents a
chance to see how math is being taught in their child’s classroom. Refreshments will also be
We have a yearbook committee hard at work on our yearbook for this year. Yearbooks can be purchased by
visiting Our passcode is: 1014042482232479. Yearbook Ads are due by February
15th. Contact the office if you would like to purchase an Ad.
Scholarship Fund
We are excited to announce that we have received a special grant from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod as a
result of the “Big City Mission: Tools for Schools” project. We have chosen to use this grant to start a special
Scholarship fund for students in our school/ community who would like to send their children to CCA but are
unable to cover the cost. We will start awarding these scholarships for the 2016-2017 school year. The grant was
awarded in the amount of $2,223. Our goal is to match this amount through donations from members in our
community. If you or someone you know would like to make a donation to the scholarship fund, please contact
the office. We look forward to working with you to share God’s love with those in our community.
Adult Confirmation Class
This past Sunday, Pilgrim Lutheran Church welcomed 5 new members through Adult Confirmation. If you are
interested in learning more about the Basic Lutheran Teachings of the Lutheran Church, Pastor Shewmaker will
be starting another class at the end of this month. Please contact Pastor Shewmaker at (870)897-4443 for more
If you are looking for a quiet place to come and pray, Mike Cottrell will be opening the church from 5-6
pm on Sunday evenings for a time of prayer.
LIFE Night/ Youth Group at Pilgrim
LIFE Night will be held every Wednesday Night this year from 4-5. We will have two LIFE Night age
groups: K-4th and youth group for 5th-10th grade. The first Wednesday of every month we will have a
special Family Night from 5-6. We hope you and your families can join us!
F.U.E.L Youth Group Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
This year we have begun to build our youth group for 5th-10th grade. One exciting opportunity that
some of our youth get to experience is the 2016 National Youth Gathering. This July, approximately
30,000 youth from all over the country will gather in New Orleans and spend 5 days in worship and
fellowship together. As a way to raise funds, the youth group will be hosting a spaghetti dinner
fundraiser on February 6th at 6 pm in the cafeteria. Adult tickets are $10 and child tickets are $5 for
children 10 & under. If you are interested in purchasing tickets, please see Miss White, Ashlyn Cottrell,
Zach Duerr, or Allison Sterling. Thank you for your support.
Join us for Church
We would love to have you join us for church at Pilgrim or Zion:
Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Jonesboro: Sunday School at 9:15 and Church at 10:30
Zion Lutheran Church in Waldenburg: Church at 8:00
Spirit Gear
We have the following spirit gear available for purchase in the office:
CCA cups: $5
CCA car decals: $5
CCA key chains: $3 each or 2 for $5