Developing Training Needs Analysis

Successful organisations always have provided timely training to their staff.
The definition of a training needs analysis is “an analysis of training, learning and
development needs of staff, volunteers and trustees in an organisation” (Skill third
sector, 2011). A training needs analysis can be a questionnaire which is completed
by individuals within an organization. Questionnaires can be useful in obtaining a big
picture of what a large number of employees think and feel, while they have had an
opportunity to participate in the need analysis process. The key advantage of a
questionnaire is that help considers the skills, knowledge and behaviours that your
staffs need, and also how to develop them effectively.
Another definition of a training needs analysis is “a process of series activities that
can conducted to identify problem or other issues in the workplace, and to determine
whether training is an appropriate response.” (Directory journal, 2011). A training
analysis usually is the first important step taken to cause a change because it can
specifically to define the gap between current competencies and the desired
competencies that the company expects.
The GAP analysis is the core basis for developing the training needs analysis. It is
an essential tool that most businesses use and what it does is it compares the actual
performance to the potential performance of the business. It is important that
businesses make use of its utilities effectively and maximise the use of its resources.
It is as easy as asking two simple questions: “Where are we now?” and “Where do
we want to be?”
Basically the first thing that needs to be done is to outline the objectives of your
company. The space that divides the two questions mentioned earlier is the socalled gap, and it needs to be closed. To do this you will need strategies, plans and
tactical approaches to implement in order to close the gap.
Developing Training Needs Analysis
Based on the data and information gathered, the students have come up with the
following recommendations:
1. A variety of strategies be used to conduct a training needs analysis in the
SIMWEN environment. Trainers should make use of different approaches
such as interviews, survey questionnaires, interactive discussions, and
2. Conduct a regular assessment of training needs for employees.
3. Re-evaluate the goals and processes that the company undertakes to ensure
that employees (SIMWEN students) are meeting their full potential in regards
to the work that they do.
Identifying Training Needs
1. Are we committed to providing
training and developing the
knowledge and skills of our
2. Is there an induction process in place
for new staff?
3. Are the managers competent in
supporting the learning and
development of their staff?
4. Is there a training strategy for
development of staff?
5. Do we have a training budget?
6. Is there an appraisal system in place
for employees?
7. Do we evaluate our training?
8. Do we have a system to support
employees in identifying their learning
9. Do we have up to date job
descriptions for all employees?
10. Do we want to work towards good
practise standards in managing and
developing our people?
S.W.O.T. Analysis
1. Skill third sector, 2011, What is training needs analysis, Retrieved: 12th
May 2011, from:
2. Directory journal, 2011, How to conduct a training needs analysis,
Retrieved: 12th May 2011, from:
3. The Marketing Teacher, 2011, The GAP Analysis, Retrieved: 19th May
2011, from: