Nervous System - Fleming County Schools

1. Read the following numbers 4, 9, 11, 15, 12 to yourself.
Remember these numbers.
2. Write the sum of 12 and 5.
3. Write the name of your favorite movie.
4. Sing a line of your favorite song. You may do this quietly or
5. Stand up and read the following words out loud, “Halloween
is coming up soon.”
6. Without looking, write the numbers down from number one.
7. Stand up and do 10 jumping jacks.
8. Sit down.
9. Think about what all of these activities have in common.
Write down your guess.
10. Put your head down and rest for a moment.
LT #1 I can describe how the
nervous system controls behaviors.
Message Center
Transmits information throughout your
Controls and coordinates your body’s
Helps you sense and respond to changes in
your environment
Your nervous system has three main parts,
what are they?
Brain, the spinal cord, and nerves
The brain and spinal cord are the “control
centers” of our body.
It is through the spinal cord that messages are sent
to many areas of the body, but before the spinal
cord can send out the messages it must receive its
direction from the brain.
The nerves located in your brain and spinal cord are
ALL parts of the brain and spinal cord make up
the CNS.
 Thoughts/Thinking
 Voluntary movement
 Memory
 Language/Speech
 Five Senses
 Problem Solving
Cerebrum cont.
 Has two halves or hemispheres
▪ Left hemisphere: language and logical
▪ Right hemisphere: activities that require
imagination and creativity. Involved in
recognizing patterns, such as individual
Think of one thing you have learned about
the nervous system so far.
Share the one thing with a partner.
As partners think of one other thing you
would like to learn about the brain.
You have just used the part of your brain
called cerebrum.
Name two actions that you just performed.
 Balance
 Posture
 Coordination
 It can be injured if you fall
backwards, or are hit from
 Injury or damage to the
cerebellum can cause you to
lose control of your arms,
legs, and other moving parts
of your body.
Stand up and balance on one foot.
Your ability to balance on one foot is
controlled by the cerebellum.
With both feet on the floor, stand up straight.
Now slump over.
The cerebellum controls your posture.
Brain Stem/Medulla
 Controls vital and
continual processes such
as breathing, heartbeat,
and digestion.
 At the base of your brain.
 Controls the most
important functions the
body needs to keep you
Take a deep breath in and let it out.
Feel your heartbeat using either your wrist or
Stand up and run in place for one minute.
What happened to your breathing and
Your brain stem (or medulla) controls your
breathing and heartbeat.
Feel the back of your neck. Find the bump. This
is where the brain stem connects to the spinal
A bundle of nerves that goes from the brain
stem down the center of your back.
A very important part of the body because it
carries all the message from the brain to all
the different parts of your body.
Any damage to this part of the body would
mean that your brain will not be able to control
some of the parts of your body.
Connects with other nerves
outside the CNS.
Connects nerves to the rest of
the body so that the brain can
communicate with the body.
Controls reflexes, responses of
the nervous system that are
directed by the spinal cord,
instead of the brain.
In adult men, the average spinal cord is 45 cm
long and in adult women, it is 43 cm long. It
weighs approximately 35 grams.
Girls cut a piece of yarn that is 43 cm long.
Boys cut a piece of yarn that is 45 cm long.
1. Read to yourself the following words: cat, red, brain, horse,
blue. Remember these words.
2. Write the difference of 24 and 8.
3. Write the name of your favorite musician/band.
4. Sing a line of your favorite Christmas carol. You may do this
quietly or loudly.
5. Stand up and read the following words out loud, “It’s my
money and I need it now!”
6. Without looking, write the words down from number one.
7. Stand up and do 15 arm curls.
8. Sit down.
9. Write down what all of these activities have in common.
10. Put your head down and rest for a moment.
Is an involuntary or automatic, action that
your body does in response to something —
without you even having to think about it.
Pulling your hand away from a hot object is an
example of a reflex action.
When you touch something hot, nerve cells in
your hand send a message that tells your
muscles to yank your hand away.
The brain does not become aware of what
happened until a split-second later.
When your body reacts to something that a nerve
feels without thinking about it.
If you had to wait for the message to get to your
brain before your hand reacted, you would be
severely burned.
Have you ever noticed how you often say “ouch”
after you have taken your hand away?
That’s because the message reaches your brain
usually a spilt second after you have reacted by
taking your hand away and your brain realizes that
your body felt pain and you react by saying “ouch”.
Dim the lights in a room.
After a few minutes, look at the eyes of another
person and note the size of the pupil (the black
center spot in the middle of the eye).
Turn the room lights back on.
Check the size of the pupils again.
The pupils should now be smaller. This is the
pupillary response: it "automatically" keeps out
excessive light that may damage the eye.
Reflexes are used to protect the body
All the nerves that are not located in the brain
and spinal cord.
Every part of your body depends on directions
from your brain to tell it what or how to do
Your nerves are what carry these messages from
the brain to all parts of your body.
Nerve cells, or neurons, are very specialized
A nerve is a bundle of tiny messenger cells.
Typical neuron has a central cell body that
contains cytoplasm and a nucleus.
Branching away from this cell body is a long
arm known as an axon.
Nerve impulses travel from the axon of one
nerve cell to the dendrites of another cell.
Raise your hands.
When you do this, the brain sends a signal or
message out that travels through spinal cord to
nerves in their arms and hands telling the nerves
that it is time for the hand to be raised.
How fast do you think messages travel in the
nervous system?
About 200 mph. Travel so quick so we don’t even
realize that it is happening.
Nerves help the brain with the five senses
Information about your environment is taken into your
body through sense organs.
Each organ has special cells, called sensory cells, that
respond to certain types of stimuli in your surroundings.
Information taken in by sensory cells is then transmitted
to your brain.
Your brain interprets these signals, making you aware
of your surroundings.
Stimuli – is any change in the environment that affects the
activity/behavior of an organism
Study Jams Video and Quiz
Animated Nervous System Video
Reading and Questions
Brain Tour
Part of the Body
Back of hand
How many
centimeters apart
do you think the
points on the
paper clip will be
when you partner
starts to feel two
How many
centimeters apart
were the paper
clips points when
you actually
measured them?
Under table write: Give a conclusion as to
what parts of your body are more
sensitive to touch and why?
 Go over directions.
 With a partner do the activity.
 Some parts of the body, such as fingers,
have more nerves and will therefore feel
more than other parts.
1. Write down the following words: brain, spinal
cord, and nerves. Remember these words.
2. Stand up and read the following words out loud,
“Learning Target #1 quiz is Wednesday.”
3. Without looking, say the words you wrote down
for number one.
4. Stand up and run in place for 30 seconds. Then sit
5. Think about what all of these activities have in