Foundations of Planning

Strategic Management
Dr. Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo,M.Ec.
Strategic management
“An eight-step process encompassing
strategic planning, implementation
and evaluation”.
Identify the
Organization’s Opportunities
Analyze the
Current mission,
Objective and
Analyze the
Analyze the
Identify the
And threats
Current mission,
Objective and
Analyze the
Identify the
sthrengths &
Strategic Management Process
1. Identify Organization’s Current mission,
Objective and strategies
Every organization need a mission that
defines its purposes and answers the
question: “ What is our reason for being in
Defining the organization's mission forces
management to identify the scope of its
products or services carefully.
A mission is formal statement as to the
purpose of the venture. It defines the nature
of the venture, what it aims to achieve and
how it aims to achieve it.
2. Analyzing the External
 External environment is a primary
constraint on a manager’s action. It is a
crucial step in the strategy process. Why
 Because an organization’s environment ,
to a large degree, defines management’s
available options.
 A successful strategy will be one that
aligns well the environment
3. Identifying Opportunities and Threats
 After analyzing the environment, management
needs to assess what it has learned in terms of
opportunities that the organization can exploit and
threats it faces.
 Opportunities are positive external environmental
factors. Threats are negative external
environmental factors .
 Keep in mind that the same environment can
present opportunities to one organization and pose
threats to another in the same industry because of
their different management of resources.
What an organization considers an opportunity or
threat depend on the resources it control.
4. Analyzing the organization’s resources
Management has to recognize that every
organization, no matter how large or powerful, is
constrained in some way by the resources and skills
it has available.
What skills and abilities do the organization’s
employee have?
What is the organization cash flow?
How do consumers perceive the organization and
the quality of its products or services?
5. Identifying strengths and weaknesses
Strengths: activities the firm does well or
resources it control.
Weaknesses: activities the firm does not do
well or resources it needs but does not
Distinctive competence: the exceptional or
unique skills and resources that determine
the organization’s competitive weapons.
SWOT analysis
The merging of step 3 and 5 results in an
assessment of the organization's internal
resources and abilities; and opportunities
and threats in its external environment.
This is frequently called SWOT analysis,
that is analysis of an organization’s
strengths and weaknesses, and its
environmental opportunities and threats.
6. Formulating strategies
 The formulation of the strategy follows the decision making
((Decision making process is a set of eight steps that include
identifying a problem, identifying decision criteria, allocating weights to
criteria, development of alternatives, analyzing of alternatives, selecting
the alternative, implementing the alternative, evaluation decision
 Management needs to develop and evaluate strategic
alternatives and then select that are compatible and that
allow the organization to best capitalize on its strengths
and environmental opportunities.
 Step 6 is complete when management has developed a
set of strategies that will give the organization competitive
7. Implementing strategies
No matter how effectively a
company has planned its strategies,
it can not succeed if the strategies
are not implemented properly.
Top management leadership is a
necessary ingredient in a successful
8. Evaluating results
The final step in the strategic
management process is evaluating results.
How effective have our strategies been?
What adjustments, if any, are necessary?
 The strategic adjustments are developed
after assessing the results of previous
strategies and determining that changes
were needed.
Strategi Dalam Perencanaan
1. Perencanaan Sedikit Demi Sedikit:
(Camel head in the fent) atau tindakan
infiltrasi. Bila keseluruhan mungkin ditolak,
lalu digunakan cara menawarkan sedikit
atau sebagian kecil saja sehingga bagian itu
dapat disetujui. Kemudian diteruskan
sebagian lagi, sebagian lagi sampai
akhirnya semua dapat dilaksanakan.
Strategi Dalam Perencanaan
2. Menebarkan Bibit di Tanah Subur
(Sowing seeds on fertile ground) :
menggunakan sebagian anggota
kelompok yang respektif terhadap
rencana yang ditawarkan, mereka diberi
penjelasan, diajak untuk mengerti,
dijawab semua pertanyaannya, dijelaskan
keuntungannya dan sebagainya.
Akhirnya melalui mereka maka
keseluruhan kelompok bisa menerima.
Strategi Dalam Perencanaan
3. Penyerangan Secara Terkonsentrasi
(Mass – concentrated offensive) : melaksanakan
aksi total secara menyeluruh yang dianggap perlu
agar rencana secara cepat dapat dilaksanakan.
4. Kacaukan Isu yang Bersangkutan
(Confuse the issue) : diusahakan agar
mengalihkan perhatian kelompok dengan jalan
mengajukan pertanyaan atau menekan cara-cara
yang tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali
dengan persolan yang sedang dibicarakan.
Strategi Dalam Perencanaan
 5. Gunakan Taktik Keras Hanya Bila Perlu
(Use strong tactics only when necessary) :
sebaiknya tidak menggunakan lebih banyak
energi dan motivasi, simpan untuk cadangan
dan digunakan pada situasi-situasi tertentu.
6. Lepaskan Tanggung Jawab
(Pass the buck) : tanggung jawab atau
kesalahan dilimpahkan pada pihak lain.
Rencana yang dibuat memungkinkan untuk
pihak lain melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang
Strategi Dalam Perencanaan
7. Waktu Merupakan Alat Penyembuh yang
(Time is great healer) : dengan berlangsungnya
waktu banyak tindakan-tindakan yang
terlaksana dengan sendiri. Oleh karena itu,
untuk problem-problem tertentu waktu
merupakan pemecah terbaik.
 8. Laksanakan Tindakan Pada Saat yang tepat
(strike while the iron is hot) : terapkan rencana
dengan segera bila terlihat gejala bahwa orang
tidak menentang.
Strategi Dalam Perencanaan
9. Hasil Pemikiran Beberapa Orang Lebih
Baik dari Hasil Pemikiran Sekarang
(Two heads are better than one) : perlu
ada teman dan perlu menerapkan
tindakan-tindakan secara bergabung.
10. Lakukan Tindakan Memecah-Belah
(Devide and rule, devide et impera) :
pimpinan berusaha memecah belah
anggota sehingga dia tetap kuasa, ini
akan efektif. Namun demikian kerja sama
bisa terhambat dan kepemimpinan
dinamis juga akan terhambat.