Huck Finn

Huck Finn
chapters 8-11
Sequencing by groups QUIZ
Put the events in chronological order with
your partner.
 When you are done, raise your hand for
me to come check your work
 When you’ve been given a check, post the
sequencing chart at the front of the room
and complete the free write on the
 To WIN all group members must be sitting
quietly and working on the free write.
 Questions?
“Do any of us truly know others as well as we insist? Do we
even truly know ourselves? How many times have we done
something, said something we were ashamed of later, and
we wonder in secret, “how could I have done that? Said
that? Whatever got into me?” When all the time it wasn’t
what got into us, but what was already there, deep inside the
soul, lodged like a root from a giant oak tree just waiting for
the right season to sprout.” –Linda Chaikin
Think of a time when you did something out of
character—describe the incident.
Do you agree with the statement that it is impossible to
truly know yourself?
In what ways do we, as individuals, try to know
What do teenagers do to try to “find themselves”?
Jim as the Father Figure
Separates Huck from society—How so?
Jim won’t let Huck look at the face of the
dead man—solidifies his standing as father
 Who
could the dead man be?
 Who would have to die for Jim’s place to be
Jim’s intelligence:
 Realizes
he is wealthy now: owns himself and he
is worth…
Spiders in chapter one—what happens?
 Hairball in chapter 4—what’s the deal?
 How
does it show Jim’s intelligence?
Snake skin in chapter 10—
 Practical
joke turned wrong—how so?
Whoooooooo are you? Who—
who? Huck’s search for his
At this point, Huck has removed himself from
 Jim
thinks Huck is a ghost
 Huck has faked his own death so in a sense he
has officially killed his old self.
Huck does not know who he is. The
adventure of Huck Finn is the discovery of
New Identities
Huck begins to take on new identities, but he
can’t keep them straight.
Interview with Mrs. Loftis
 He
can’t establish gender or name
Sarah Williams
Mary Williams
Sarah Mary Williams
George Peters
Does Huck know who he is?
Huck’s Resolutions
Further separation from society
 He
decides not to turn Jim in.
 He decides he and Jim are a team.
“They’re after us!”