Grand Canyon Parent Meeting


Student chosen for the Grand Canyon trip: ______________________________________

Grand Canyon information meeting…

First of all… you have been chosen as one of the students attending the Grand Canyon trip for

2011-2012 school year! 

Upcoming Parent/Student meeting: October 19th (Wednesday) at 6:30 pm

Place: Burlington High School library.

Who needs to be there: At least ONE parent/guardian! If the student cannot attend

it is not as big of a deal but I would prefer the student does


If you cannot make it: please call me (763-0200 ext. 1014) or email me and we will

need to set up a time for us to meet (within the same week as

the Tuesday meeting).

What you need to bring:

1. 350.00 dollar deposit. If you pay by check (which is preferred) please write your STUDENTS

name in the memo section of the check and write your check to Burlington High School. If you

need to pay with cash please put the cash in an envelope with your students name on the outside

of the envelope.

2. Your student needs to bring their driver’s license so that I can record the exact spelling of their

name for flight information. If your student cannot attend please bring their driver’s license or the

spelling on their license to the meeting.

3. Contact information – we did record your email address and phone number submitted on the

form but please bring additional phone numbers with you in case I need to get a hold of you.

Things to note:

1. By turning in the sign up form, attending the meeting and giving your deposit your student is

expected to have committed to this trip. Students will not be able to back out unless a medical

condition comes up that hinders the students ability to still attend.

2. Once the 350.00 dollar deposit is paid you have committed your student to attending this trip.

3. There will be follow up meetings before the trip to discuss insurance, the packing list,

expectations, flight information, hotel information, etc.

4. Fundraising opportunities will be available and handing out on October 18 th .

If you have decided NOT to attend please contact me ASAP… I always figure out/take a certain number of students so that hotel rooms make sense, etc. For this trip one person does affect the whole group!

I am extremely excited to take all of the students to the Grand Canyon this year! This will be my fourth trip with students and I truly value the experience 

Contact Information again… 763-0200 ext. 1014 or
