8/24 - Fort Bend ISD

Please Pick up a warm up sheet and a syllabus. Then take a
seat and answer the following question on your warm up:
What are the class rules?
How do I log onto the online textbook?
 Be Prompt: Be in class before the tardy bell rings, turn in all
assignments the day they are due, and complete teacher
requests in a timely manner.
Be Prepared: Calendar important dates, bring all necessary
materials to class, and come ready to learn each day.
Be Productive: Follow directions, stay on task, do not cause
disruptions, and try your best.
Be Polite: Respect yourself, your classmates, your teachers,
and your school. Use good manners and act professionally.
Be Positive: Use uplifting words and tones when speaking,
don’t complain, have confidence and hope.
 1.
 2.
 3.
 4.
 5.
Be on time – in your seat before the bell rings
Raise your hand and wait quietly
Work from bell to bell
Keep cell phone turned off and put away
Follow instructions
 Tardies:
 Students must be in their assigned seats when the final
bell rings or they will be counted tardy.
 School ID:
 Students who do not have an ID on a lanyard around
their neck and visible will automatically receive a
lunch detention.
 If you miss a day it is YOUR responsibility to make it
 Make-up Work:
 Make-up work will be handled according to school
policy. If you are absent the day before a previously
scheduled test, you will be responsible for taking the
test on the day of your return.
 From 2:30 – 3:00
 You must come prepared with questions to ask,
otherwise you will need to leave.
 Students will be expected to keep their phone turned
off and in a purse or backpack during the entirety of
class. Refusal to comply with this will result in the loss
of phone, a contact home, a write up, or a detention for
refusal to comply with teacher and disrupting the
learning environment.
 Each quarter, every student will be provided 3 hall
passes to use if they need to leave class for any reason.
After using these 3 hall passes the student will not be
allowed to leave the classroom without the penalty of a
lunch detention. Any unused passes will be redeemed
for extra credit on a test score at the end of the quarter.
 Tomorrow the class will have an opportunity to earn a
fourth bathroom pass
 Students will complete a warm up the first 5 minutes
of each class day. These warm ups will be collected
every 2 weeks for a daily grade. No late grades will be
given for missing warm ups.
 You will have homework most nights. The assignments
are designed to reinforce lessons learned during the
day. Repetition is very important in mathematics.
 Homework will be 5-10 problems out of the book.
These will occasionally be taken for a grade. The
problems will be very similar to those on the upcoming
quizzes. We will take quizzes frequently.
 You are responsible for bringing the following to class daily:
Spiral Notebook
Highlighters (two or three colors)
Agenda/ Planner\
 Binder with dividers labeled as below
Major Grades
Daily Grades
 An online textbook and workbook can be accessed
from my website.
 User ID: FBISD+(last 6 digits of student ID)
 Password: Last 6 digits of student ID
 I will not answer your question
 Think up two things that are true about you
 For example:
 I am going to have a baby!
 My husband and I love Dr. Who!
 Then think of one thing that is NOT true
 For example:
 I think spiders are the best
 Read and sign syllabus with parent
 This is due on Friday
 If you do not bring this to me then you will be ineligible
for extra credit
 If you disagree with a portion of the syllabus you need to
e-mail me and we will set up a parent student teacher
meeting to discuss.
 The syllabus is a contract. So read it before signing it.