Syllabus Bath County High School Teacher: Mrs. Withers Dear

Bath County High School
Teacher: Mrs. Withers
passed Integrated Science III chemistry
portion to take this class or have a Math
MAP score of 250. Topics we will be
studying include; the scientific method,
scientific measurement, structure and
properties of matter, chemical reactions,
atomic structure, ionic and covalent
bonding, Lewis electron structures etc.
Performance-based tasks and labs will
be tested.
Course Content:
Dear Parents and Students,
First of all, let me begin by
saying welcome. I cannot express to you
the excitement I have about the
upcoming semester. I look forward to
meeting and getting to know you
personally as well as academically. I
want you to know that I am available to
discuss any of your needs or concerns as
your childs education is the most
important thing to me. I believe that
every child has the potential to be a
successful student and failure is not an
option. You can reach me during
planning 8:45-9:30 am and after school.
You can also email me at and I
will get back to you as soon as possible.
Course Description:
This course is designed to
familiarize students with the
introductory material in which students
will have the background for college
chemistry. You must have successfully
The content listed below will be covered
during the course of the school year.
The timeline for the first semester is
outlined below in a week by week
format. Some adjustments may be made
to this timeline due to unforeseen
circumstances (i.e. inclement weather).
Introduction to Chemistry and Matter
 Week 1-2:, What is chemistry,
Branches of Chemistry,
Scientific Method
 Week 3: Classifying matter,
Describing matter,
 Week 4: Review and Test,
Science Fair Topic Turned in
with outline.
Atomic Structure
 Week 4-5: Scientific
Measurement, Precision,
Accuracy, Scientific Notation.
 Week 6: Test, Atomic structure,
Atomic Timeline, Models of the
 Week 7-8: Test, Electron
Configuration, and the Periodic
Table (Organizing the periodic
table & Chemical Periodicity)
Week 9-10: Ionic, Covalent and
Metallic Bonding
 Week 12-13: Test, Chemical
Names and Formulas
Chemical Reactions and
 Week 14-15: Chemical
Quantities and Reactions
Grading Policy:
The grading policy for chemistry will be as follows:
Tests: 40%
Quizzes: 20%
Labs: 30%
Participation: 10%
Materials Required
1. Textbooks- Each student will be provided
with a textbook and is responsible for
bringing them to class. If a student forgets
their book they get one free pass after that
they will receive a break detention.
2. Three Ring Binder3. Composition book’s for laboratory
4. Project Materials: Materials for projects
will be your responsibility to obtain. Most
materials for projects will be items that you
have at home and will not be an extra
expense to you.
Make-Up Work:
Students will be provided with make-up work
missed due to an excused absence. Remember to
follow these guidelines when turning in make-up
a) There will be a shelf, which will contain
make-up work your class. Please take any
work that you to make-up.
b) Tests missed must be made up immediately
after returning to school, unless the test was
not announced while you were in class or
you missed more than two (2) days of class
in a row that included review day. Tests
must be made up within three days of
returning to school.
Assignments/tests/quizzes missed due to
unexcused absences cannot be made up!
 Week 16-17: Test, Stoichiometry
End of Course Assessment:
 Week 18: Review and End of
Course Assessment
Classroom Rules, Expectations, and
1. Come to class prepared to work- this
means books, binder, pencil and
paper each day. Failure to be
prepared after you one free pass will
cost you a day of break detention.
2. Make certain you sharpen your
pencil, put all homework in the
homework basket and be in your
assigned seat before the bell rings.
Failure to be in your seat when the
bell rings will be handled per school
3. Once in your seat, begin working on
the bell ringer/quiz/reflection; this
means do not wander around the
room or go talk to your friend etc.
Bell ringers will be discussed after
4 minutes.
4. If you are not in, your seat and
working when the bell rings… you
are tardy AND will be assigned break
detentions based on the student
5. If you are late to class due to being in
the office, nurse’s station, counselor’s
office, etc…,
certain you
come back
to class
with a
note with date and time or you will be
sent back to get it.
6. If you turn in an assignment without
your name on the paper (preferably in
the top right hand corner- unless told
otherwise) you will receive a zero on
the assignment consider yourself
7. If it is possible to show work, work
must be shown to receive credit. (i.e.
any assignment that involves using a
PERMITTED!!! Whether you are
commenting or asking/answering a
question please raise your hand and
wait to be called upon.
CLASS while I am talking or another
person is talking.
10. My desk/cart is my personal area.
Please do not touch or “borrow”
anything on or in my desk/cart
without permission. I do not go
through your backpacks- so please
leave my desk alone. You
will lose break for not
following this rule.
11. Sleeping/laying one’s
head down in class is
not allowed- unless you
have a note from the
nurse stating that you are
allowed to do so. Students who lay
their head down will be asked to
stand in the back of the room. After
the third time that a student is caught
with their head down during a
quarter, they will be sent to the
principal’s office for further
disciplinary action.
12. If you were absent, talk to me
before/after class, before/after school,
during morning/evening break, or
during announcements on the day
you return, do not interrupt class to
ask what you missed!!!
13. If I or another staff member
catches you cheating your
paper and the paper of the
person letting you cheat
will be taken and you both
will receive zeroes for the
assignment and three days of
break detention.
14. I DO NOT allow food or drinks in
my class. If I see you eating or
drinking in the classroom/lab, you
will lose break.
15. You are not to touch the lab
equipment for this class or my other
classes without permission if I catch
you, you will lose break.
16. Group Work & Lab Partners- I
will assign you to a group to do group
work and a lab partner to work with
in the lab. Please do not ask if you
can work with another person.
17. Class Dismissal- The bell does NOT
dismiss the class- I do. When the bell
rings I will finish anything that is
necessary and then I will
announce that class is
dismissed and you may leave.
18. Bathroom Pass- YOU
Break Detentions for Minor
Refer to the Discipline Procedure on the
Minor Disruptions Include but are NOT Limited
 Talking while someone else is speaking
 Getting on the floor without permission
 Touching others belongings without
 Not raising one’s hand to speak
 Answering/Asking a question without being
called upon
 Not being in your assigned seat/lab station
during class
 Whispering to another classmate while I am
 Making disruptive comments about what I
have said.
If you feel that you were unduly assigned break
detention, I will gladly discuss it with you after
IF the disruption happens to be more than a few, the
class will be held accountable.
1st offense- class will be written on the board as a
2nd offense- if there is further disruption, a check
mark will be placed on the board and the class will
remain one minute after class.
3rd offense- if there is still further disruption, a
second check mark will be placed on the board and
the class will remain two minutes after class.
4th offense- the entire class will join me for
afternoon break detention.
Extra Credit
Extra credit will only be offered to those students
who have all their assignments turned in. This
means that that they have no zeros.
August 11, 2010
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I have asked your child to bring home his/her copy of the course syllabus for you and
your child to review. Your child has been asked to sign and date this letter and have you
sign and date this letter stating that they and you have read and understood the course
syllabus. Returning the back page of this syllabus with signatures and dates will be their
first homework assignment (worth 10 points). I did this to ensure that everyone knows
what content we will be covering as well as the policies, rules, and procedures that I will
be enforcing in my class. Students will need: Pencils, loose-leaf paper or a notebook,
and a three ring binder. Project materials will be announced as the occasion arises- I will
give students ample time to acquire these items.
If there are any questions regarding any of the information in the syllabus/materials list or
if you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to email me at anytime and I will
get back to you as soon as I possibly can.
Mrs. Withers
I have read and understood the contents of the Chemistry I syllabus:
Student’s name (please print)
Student’s signature