Newsletter October15

Newsletter October 2015
Welcome to our winter newsletter.
It is that time of the year….. Halloween, Firework night and CHRISTMAS!!
The children have been enjoying lots of harvest activities this term. The older children visited the church Harvest
Festival and showed the wheatsheafs they had made while the younger children got mucky in our harvest small
world tray with real soil in the fields! The introduction of our book of the term has been very successful, with many
of the children reciting the story of Going on a Bear Hunt at home. We will continue next term with The snowman
and the Snowdog which was chosen by one of the children to get us in the Christmas spirit!!!
Our trip to Batemans was great fun with the gardener producing a tractor, digger and ride on mower for the children
to sit on and also they found lots of worms in the compost heap! We visited the mill and read the story of the Little
Red Hen to link in with our theme of Harvest and bread making.
Buzzy Bees Policies and procedures are being reviewed at the moment and we value your input and views. If you
would like to put anything forward please speak to Sharon or Hannah. Policies can be found on our website or on the
welcome table and you all should have a summary which was given to you when your child started with us. There is
also an attachment of a policy for you read at your leisure. We will include a different one with each newsletter.
You may be aware that recently there was an incident reported on the News where a young child choked to death
on a whole grape. The Department of Health recommend that grapes should be cut in half length ways to avoid
As you may have seen there are some posters explaining the school admissions process. If your child is starting
school in September 2016 you need to apply for your child’s place by the 15th January 2016. If you have any
questions please speak to your keyperson. A poster with all of the Open Days for local Primary schools is displayed
on the hall door.
During our recent parent meetings you were given some questionnaires to complete. We would be grateful if you
could compete these and return them to us as soon as possible. The questionnaires are extremely important to help
us to improve our practice by giving you and your children a chance to tell us how we’re doing. We evaluate the
questionnaires which highlight any areas for improvement.
We are offering ‘Christmas Shopping’ sessions again this year. If you would like your child/children to do an extra
session to help you with the Christmas rush please book in advance with Sharon or Hannah. The cost of an extra
session is £17. Please note that some session may not be available due to staffing levels but we will do our best!
Themed afternoons - Mondays - Multi-skills, Wednesdays – French, Thursdays – Nature, Fridays – Cookery.
If you would like to book your child in for any of these afternoons please speak to Hannah or Sharon.
As you know we have been running toddler group and this will restart on the 3rd November 1.30pm – 2.45pm. Please
support this if you can.
If your child stays for lunch please ensure that they have a drink in their lunchbox.
Some children are coming in without appropriate clothing to wear outside. They must have warm clothes (it can get
chilly when the doors to outside are open for free flow play), wellies, a coat and spare clothes or waterproofs.
Management Team Sharon Berry and Hannah Parker-Read 01435 883422
Please ensure your children arrive and
are collected on time. Late arrivals and
collections, even just 5 minutes, are disruptive to both staff and children. Some children can become upset if they
are the last ones left. Buzzy Bees reserves the right to charge for late collections as staff may have to stay on to
ensure adult to child ratios are
adhered to. If you know you are going to be late for unavoidable reasons please let us know as soon as possible so
that we can make arrangements and reassure your child/children that you are on your way. You can check our
procedures for late collection in our Uncollected Child Policy found on the welcome table or on our website.
If there are any changes to your details such as change of address, telephone numbers or emergency contacts you
must inform us as soon as possible so we can update your file. It is important we have the correct details in case of
any incidents in which we need to contact you urgently.
Dates for your Diary
Half Term Monday 26th October – Friday 30th October
Tuesday 3rd November – Toddler Group starts 1.30pm – 2.45pm
Friday 6th November - Bonfire Fancy Dress Party 5pm – 6.30pm. £3.00 per ticket, payment in advance. Please see
Hannah or Sharon
Monday 9th November – Rising 5’s School visit 10.30 am
Friday 13th November 9am – 11am – Burwash Buzzy Bee’s Children in Need Bake Off and Coffee Morning £2.00 per
entry – Cakes will be judge by the staff and children 
Monday 16th November 6pm – 9pm - Burwash Buzzy Bee’s Christmas Shopping Evening
Friday 27th November Stay and play Open Morning 9.00am – 10.30 am
Wednesday 16th December – Last day of term
Thursday 17th December 9.30am - Children’s Christmas Jumper Carol Concert, including a visit from a special
Sharon, Hannah, Sam, Kath and Ally 
Management Team Sharon Berry and Hannah Parker-Read 01435 883422
Management Team Sharon Berry and Hannah Parker-Read 01435 883422