02212012-74729 25.6k

Institutional Professional Development Committee
Friday, February 17, 1 p.m.
Members Present:
 Hannah McWilliams
 Karin Brown
 Karen Owens
 Chaney Coleman
 Brandy Shell
 Stacy Dale
Members Absent:
Joan Sterling
Hannah informed the group on what the expectations of the committee was going to be. The
committee came up with the following ideas:
 three or four motivational speakers a year
 crisis management for faculty and staff
 Faculty support
 Leadership
 Microsoft word and excel in depth
Karin is going to get with Deltha Shell about possible contacts and Steve Piscitelli.
Hannah is going to see about possible CPR training (just for knowledge) and Fred Pryor seminar.
Chaney is checking on webinars and Microsoft ideas
Brandy is seeing about getmotivated.com
Our next meeting will be March 16 at 1 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 1:20