2024-09-29T18:55:23+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>A welldeveloped circulatory system and complete digestive trac</p>, <p>Coelom </p>, <p>Somites</p>, <p>Setae</p>, <p>movement, anchorage, deter predators</p>, <p>Polychaeta and Clitellata</p>, <p>Parapodium </p>, <p>Polychaeta</p>, <p>Sandworm, Bispira, Chloea </p>, <p>Clitellum </p>, <p>Class Clitellata</p>, <p>Oligochaeta (earthworms) and Hirudinae (Leeches)</p>, <p>Annuli </p>, <p>34 segments</p>, <p>only appears during breeding season), like oligochaetes</p>, <p>Phylum Mollusca</p>, <p>Visceral mass</p>, <p>Mantle </p>, <p>Muscular foot, visceral mass, mantle</p>, <p>Class Aplacophora</p>, <p>Neomenia </p>, <p>Class Monoplacophora</p>, <p>Neoplina </p>, <p>Polyplacophora </p>, <p>Radula </p>, <p>Ctenidia </p> flashcards
zool lab 5

zool lab 5

  • A welldeveloped circulatory system and complete digestive trac

    characteristic feature of higher metazoans

  • Coelom

    body cavity between intestinal wall and body wall

  • Somites

    Bodies composed of series of ring-like segments

  • Setae

    Many annelids have chitinous bristles or hair-like structures called

  • movement, anchorage, deter predators

    uses of setae

  • Polychaeta and Clitellata

    class of Annelida

  • Parapodium

    function as gills and aid in locomotion.

  • Polychaeta

    has many setae

  • Sandworm, Bispira, Chloea

    examples of Polychaeta

  • Clitellum

    pronounced cylindrical glandular regions of the body

  • Class Clitellata

    has permanent gonads

  • Oligochaeta (earthworms) and Hirudinae (Leeches)

    subclass of Clitellata

  • Annuli

    Secondary subdivisions found in segment in SC Hirudinae

  • 34 segments

    number of segments of Leeches

  • only appears during breeding season), like oligochaetes

    clitellum of Hirudinae

  • Phylum Mollusca

    Eucoelomate • Well-developed circulatory system and a complete muscular digestive tract • Soft-bodied animals that are usually protected with hard shells made up of calcium carbonate • Internal shells or none at all • Triploblastic, non-segmented, usually dioecious • includes snails and slugs, oysters and clams, and octopuses and squids.

  • Visceral mass

    containing digestive, circulatory, respiratory and reproductive organs.

  • Mantle

    houses the gills and in some secretes a protective shell over the visceral mass

  • Muscular foot, visceral mass, mantle

    3 body plans that Mollusc have

  • Class Aplacophora

    Solenogasters • Worm-like • Live in deep ocean bottoms • Poorly developed head • Lacks mantle, foot, and shell

  • Neomenia

    example of class Aplacophora

  • Class Monoplacophora

    Single cap-like shell • Broad flat foot • Dioecious

  • Neoplina

    example of class Monoplacophora

  • Polyplacophora

    “Chitons” • Elongated with dorso-ventrally flattened body • Head with armor-like eight-plated shell

  • Radula

    to scrape algae off rocks

  • Ctenidia

    gills for breathing