2024-09-29T09:24:44+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Somatic, Reproduction</p>, <p>Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes</p>, <p>Epithelial tissue</p>, <p>Squamous</p>, <p>Cuboidal</p>, <p>Columnar</p>, <p>Simple</p>, <p>Stratified</p>, <p>Pseudostratified</p>, <p>Connective tissue</p>, <p>Matrix</p>, <p>Loose connective tissue</p>, <p>Aerolar</p>, <p>Adipose</p>, <p>Reticular</p>, <p>Regular elastic dense connective tissue</p>, <p>Irregular elastic dense connective tissue</p>, <p>regular elastic dense connective tissue</p>, <p>Irregular elastic dense connective tissue</p>, <p>Hyaline</p>, <p>FIbrocartilage</p>, <p>Elastic</p>, <p>Compact bone</p>, <p>Cancellous bone </p>, <p>Lypmh</p>, <p>Muscle tissue</p>, <p>myocytes</p>, <p>cardiac muscle</p>, <p>smooth muscle tissue</p>, <p>skeletal muscle tissue</p>, <p>Soma</p>, <p>Dendrites</p>, <p>Axon </p>, <p>oligodendrocytes</p>, <p>astrocytes </p>, <p>glial cells</p>, <p>Zona pellucida</p>, <p>Corona radiata</p> flashcards
zool lab 2

zool lab 2

  • Somatic, Reproduction

    Classification of Cells based on Functions

  • Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes

    Classification of Cells based on Structure

  • Epithelial tissue

    Tightly packed sheets of cells

    covers all the body surfaces exposed to the outside world and lines the outside part of the organs

  • Squamous

    flat shape of cell

  • Cuboidal

    cube shape of cell

  • Columnar

    long and thin shape of cell

  • Simple

    one layered

  • Stratified

    two layers

  • Pseudostratified

    single layer but looks like many due to the difference in length

  • Connective tissue

    are composed of closely packed cells with little or no extra cellular space between

  • Matrix

    connective tissues are disperesed in a ground substance that is often crisscrossed by protein fibers

  • Loose connective tissue

    used for lipid storage and for organ support and insulation

  • Aerolar

    is located in muscle fibers, blood, lymph vessels, and body cavity

  • Adipose

    can be found in kidneys, back of the eye, adipose (fat), neck and clavicular regions of the body

  • Reticular

    is located in lymphatic tissue, spleen and liver

  • Regular elastic dense connective tissue

    ▪ can be found in ligaments and tendons

  • Irregular elastic dense connective tissue

    is located in the dermis of the skin

  • regular elastic dense connective tissue

    contains collagen fibers that allows the ligament to return to its original length after stretching

  • Irregular elastic dense connective tissue

    Gives arterial walls the strength and ability to regain original shape

  • Hyaline

    is located in the rib cage and nose and covers bones where they meet to from moveable joints

  • FIbrocartilage

    is found in knee joints and intervertebral discs

  • Elastic

    can be found in the external ear that gives rigid support and elasticity

  • Compact bone

    provides protection to internal organs and supports the body

  • Cancellous bone

    is located interior of some bones and at the end of long bones

  • Lypmh

    delivers molecules to the blood that could not directly enter the bloodstream

  • Muscle tissue

    are the most common tissue in the bodies of higher animals

    are composed of elongated cells called muscle fibers

    are characterized by properties that allow movement

    are excitable (respond to a stimulus) and contractile (can shorten and generate a pulling force)

    can move voluntarily or involuntarily

  • myocytes

    sub unit of muscle tissue

  • cardiac muscle



    branched and uninucleated

  • smooth muscle tissue

    non-striated, spindle-shaped,


    covering wall of internal organs

  • skeletal muscle tissue

    striated, tubular,

    and multinucleated

  • Soma

    – chemical processing, production of neurotransmitters

  • Dendrites

    extensions of the soma, receives electrical impulses

  • Axon

    sends electrical impulses to the neighboring neurons

  • oligodendrocytes

    insulates the axon

  • astrocytes

    Regulate the chemical environment of the neuron

  • glial cells

    Nourishes, insulates, and replenishes neurons

  • Zona pellucida

    helps the sperm to enter the egg

  • Corona radiata

    supply proteins to the cell